Watching Willow Madness Inauguration

SI Live Blogging ICC 2011 World Cup Inauguration:

God, couldn’t they have found a better place than that basket case Bangladesh for the opening ceremony?

* 7:15AM ET (5:45PM IST) The 2011 ICC World Cup inaugural ceremony is underway at Bonga Bandhu Stadium in Dhaka.

We’re live streaming it on our desktop PC now via ($129) through an Ethernet connection from a Comcast broadband connection.

Live Blogging the inauguration:

* Bangladesh National Anthem plays – one of the ugliest sounds we’ve heard.

* Dazzling lights.

* Bangladesh Prime Minister Hasina Wajed is present.

* Pop song with heavy beats with Bangladesh, Bangladesh lyrics.

* A sexy girl in black dress is dancing. 😉

* Dancers in shiny silver dress on the ground.

Not a bad show from a nation of beggars who owe their freedom to India.

* 2011 World Cup mascot Stumpy in a Cycle Richshaw on ground.

* Captains arrive in Cycle Rickshaws.

Cycle Rickshaws – a nice touch!

* Pak Chutia is here 🙁

Some Buffering issues. ‘Reconnecting to stream’ 🙁

Ah, there are two other Streaming Sources  – Shifted to Source 2.

Working now.

* 14 captains lined up together get a full round of applause.

* Our own Sonu Nigam singing:

This is your moment tonight,
Let’s go for glory
Let’s go for the glory
Inspiring the world
As we rise….
Let’s go for glory

Fireworks in the sky.

* HIV Ad. Protect yourself.

* Welcome Address by Bangladesh Cricket Association chief Mustafa Kamal.

We greet you with our warm embrace….endless love and respect…Hysteric (sic) moment. Blah, blah, blah.

Chutia is speaking in Bengali Shoko, bogo ami shoto shoto shoo…Bangaladesh Cricket Board amra shomoi amra
Amra, amra amra cricket Amra
Amra Shitting (sic) Capacity
Joi Bangala, Joi Bangala

* Bangladesh Minister of Youth & Sports speaking:
Under guidance of Great Minister Sheikh Hasina ….
Ministers, Departments, Agencies

Chutia struggling to speak English. Is he crying? 😉

Khudafiz…Joi Bangla

* Bangladesh Ceremonies Committee Chief speaking

Dis is a Great honor…historical event in history of cuntry…. (sic)
My prayer is we hold it sexcessfully (sic)

* ICC Chief Sharad Pawar on stage
Bangaladesh Sundar desh
(Who believes that shit?)
Dis is historical day …
World Cup matches will be played in 3 cuntries (sic) in 17 shitties (sic)…
Gratitude to Hon. Manmohan Singh…

Bangladesh Zindabad

* Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina speaking:

Bismillah Ur Rehman….
Bongo, ami, amar mohon bhasa
Bengali blah blah blah
Mujib Ur Rehman….
Bangladeshay habon ayojon bosho vishwo
Ami Shokol Shogol
I waelcome (sic)….ICC…Bangladesh
My thanks….sexcessfully (sic)….
coopration (sic) I hope you will be anjoyable memorable

I hereby declare the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Open.

Dazzling laser lights show, Lots of shining kites in the sky…fast-paced music in background.

* First Aerial Cricket Match on Side of Tall Building
Vertical pitch – Ha ha ha
Real Players here playing on side of building – 300-ft above ground
Final ball of Aerial Cricket – Blasted for a Six

* Yipee, Celebrating Magnificent India
Girls dancing with diyas (lamps) in their hand.
Dances from different parts of India including North East, Kashmir
Nakumukka Nakumukka Tamil dance Ha ha ha
Great. Great. 🙂
Punjabi dance…Rang de Basanti.

Great show by India. 🙂

* Sri Lanka Celebration
Three dancers/rappers on stage.

Nice tune.

Sri Lankan ship ‘cruising’ on the ground.

Oyster shell opens – Dusky beauty (Thank God, with clean-shaven armpits) emerges. More dancing.

Nice performance by Sri Lankan troupe.


* Bangladesh Celebration

Sabina Yasmin auntie singing and dancing on stage.

Red Lips. Inviting mouth! 😉

Hoping for a wardrobe malfunction. 😉

No luck. Her Saree is not slipping. 🙁

Folk singer Mumtaz Begum on stage, another fat well-fed Bangladesh auntie with a massive derriere.

Alas, no flesh show!

Catchy tune. Crowd dancing.

The Great Runa Laila on stage now in blacxk saree with white prints.

Does Bangladesh stock only fat & past their prime aunties?

Mast Kalandar….

Runa Laila exits.

Amar Sona Bangladesh (Our Golden Bangladesh) dance.

Who in their right mind would believe Bangladesh is golden?

Bangladesh is a shit-hole billion times worse than India.

Each time it rains, a million people die in that godforsaken country.

Some idiot Bangladeshi on TV is talking of the glory of Bangla language? Shouldn’t that be Bengali?

Old Black & White Video of Bangla Bandhu (Father of Nation) Mujib Ur Rehman on screen.

Colorful Shakla (waterlily) dance.

* 9.20 AM ET (7:50PM IST) Canadian Rock Star Bryan Adams on stage, guitar in hand, entertaining the crowd.

I knew it’s now or never…
It was the Summer of ’69.

* 9:37AM ET (8:07PM IST) Shifted from PC to Roku TV.

Great reception.

Almost as good as Netflix Instant Play films on Roku.

Bryan Adams singing:

18 till I die

* India’s Shankar-Ehsan-Loy performing official 2011 World Cup song.

Sexy number set against background of dazzling lights and fireworks.

Fabulous show!

Probably a million starving Bangladeshis could have been fed for one full year with the expense on the inaugural ceremony. 😉

* 9:46AM ET (8:16PM IST) Ends.

Adios, schmucks.

6 Responses to "Watching Willow Madness Inauguration"

  1. rakeshbaba   February 17, 2011 at 8:32 am

    wat do you think of including 20-20 cricket in world cups? Responds:

    Not a good idea.

    • rakeshbaba   February 17, 2011 at 8:32 am

      sorry olympics? Responds:

      Won’t fly.

  2. rama dasa   February 17, 2011 at 8:36 am

    mabe we should have GGW(girls gone wild) stop by Bangladesh next time???or mabe not as it will proboly cause a riot,better to pick vietnam where at least you can TRY to do something like that Responds:

    Good idea.

    Some buxom cheerleaders would be good for the mood. 😉

  3. Naveen   February 17, 2011 at 4:10 pm

    I wonder how the greedy pigs in BCCI let the opening ceremony go to some place else. In a way it avoided another multi-crore scam in India 😉 Responds

    On the whole, Bangladesh put up a decent show.

    Of course, the money spent on the extravaganza could have fed one million Bangladeshis for a full year. 😉

    We watched the last 15-minutes or so on TV (via Roku on wireless)….must say Live telecast quality was good on TV too. No buffering on TV. Had some buffering for few seconds on PC/Web (Comcast Ethernet connection) earlier.

  4. Naveen   February 17, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    “the money spent on the extravaganza could have fed one million Bangladeshis for a full year” – But they will also make 10 times more than what they spent isn’t it?

    If they put it to good use then they may feel the same million for a few years or maybe they could improve their standards so that illegal immigration from Bangla to India goes down. 🙂 Responds

    1. Henry Kissinger got it right when he said in 1971:

    The place is and always will be a basket case.

    In our lifetime nothing will change in Bangladesh, with each flood killing a zillion people.

    2. BTW, have you noticed that a lot of Bangladeshis are doing a UK in the U.S. – Meaning a lot of Indian restaurants these days in the U.S. are run by Bangladeshis 🙁 Just like in the U.K.

    Oh, Where have all the Indian Chutias Gone

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