I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.
– Winston Churchill quoted in Churchill’s Secret War by Madhushree Mukerjee, p.78
Folks, we’re halfway through Mukerjee’s book. And all we can say is that among all the sick f*cks in the world, the British are the sickest for what they did to India.
We’ll do a full review of the above book in a separate post.
And now prince Charles is building a model village for 15000 poor Indians on the outskirts of Kolkata with all the modern facilities. Time to payback for what they had shamelessly looted from us.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Even if the Brits build a million ‘model villages’ in India it would still pale in comparison to what the swines looted from us over roughly 200 years.
And then, there are the tens of millions of Indians who died in multiple famines caused by callous British policies.
There was an interesting analysis done by an eminent historian about how the Industrial Revolution was funded by the loot of the Asian nations. Looks like what goes around comes around or something like that.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: There was an interesting analysis done by an eminent historian about how the Industrial Revolution was funded by the loot of the Asian nations.
Mukerjee’s book also makes this point. p.47
Well said, but sikker [deleted] like antonio maino aka sonia and raul aka rahul gandhis are worse than Brits.
That bloody twit, raul has the audacity to say to an American official that that saffron terror is a bigger threat than Islamic terror in India.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The major religions of the world including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism (look at Sinhalas) with the exception of Hinduism have a strong terror element. That’s because Hindus for the most part are anorchous fellas.
No, the problem is much deeper. Whenever someone bravely stands up against the muslims (and in a dysfunctional democracy like India, that inevitably entails violence), self-styled secularists make a huge uproar as if the muslims are innocent babes and the hindus were the first to provoke. In one word, the hindus ARE A DIVIDED LOT, owing much to the caste system which was further aggravated by the divide-and-rule policies of the british
Take yourself for instance. You call Modi a hindu butcher. Even though allegations against him are yet to be proven.
Leaving that aside, have you thought for a moment about the impossibility of hitting back constitutionally against the muslims for what the train burning in Godhra. Any legal case would have taken eons to settle by which time all the accused would have died. If indeed he is found to be culpable, I would firmly support what he did, because it served the larger interest of letting the muslims know that they can’t take the pacifist attitude of most hindus for granted.
The same goes for young leaders like Varun Gandhi. After all, what crime did he commit? He said that “If anybody raises a hand against the hindus, I will cut off that hand”.
Now, if everybody keeps quiet, you call them ‘anorchous’, balless and whatnot, and if somebody does stand up courageously, why do you vilify him?
If “impartial” observers such as yourself stop this double-standards acknowledging the larger need to fight the muslims, it would be a step in the right direction.
P.S.: An you don’t need to worry about muslims hyper-breeding in India. Because most Indians(especially the poorer lot) hyper-breed, irrespective of religion. So anything but anorchous.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Now, if everybody keeps quiet, you call them ‘anorchous’, balless and whatnot, and if somebody does stand up courageously, why do you vilify him?
Standing up ‘courageously’ a la Narendra Modi is more like sitting down a la Nero while your police minions play passive bystanders to the savage butchery of Muslims by Hindu mobs. This unleashing of Hindu violence was done under the aegis and tacit complicity of the administration.
If India is 85% Hindu, it’s safe to say our police leadership and bureaucracy is overwhelmingly Hindu. What has this anorchous elite done and for that matter what have the anorchous masses done (except the brave Naxalites in some pockets) to demand what is rightfully theirs.
Every day, Pakistan whips us in Kashmir, Mumbai or some other part of the country and yet the effete p*ssies (both the Hindu power elite and the Hindu masses) bitch and moan but do nothing.
2. You write: In one word, the hindus ARE A DIVIDED LOT, owing much to the caste system which was further aggravated by the divide-and-rule policies of the british
Caste system has lost much of its sting and the divide et impera of the British is but a 65-year-old memory now. While they were regrettably important factors at one time, it’s hard to argue for their potency in today’s India.
3. You write: I would firmly support what he did, because it served the larger interest of letting the muslims know that they can’t take the pacifist attitude of most hindus for granted….If “impartial” observers such as yourself stop this double-standards acknowledging the larger need to fight the muslims, it would be a step in the right direction.
A lot of Muslims in India are condemned to live in dirty ghettos breeding ceaselessly amidst abject poverty and eternal suspicion of their motives despite their forbears having opted for (a mostly) secular India over an Islamic Pakistan. Inevitably enough, they fall prey to the siren song of radicalism.
Unless, the lot of the Indian Muslim improves, it’s hard to see how this cycle of violence can break.
4. You write: No, the problem is much deeper.
Queen Anne is dead.
“the Hindu quintessence is highly self-centered, hedonistic, debauched and corrupt with attachment to no ideal or overarching goal but self-indulgence.”
Funny, this is an almost perfect description of….yourself. Guess atheists, too, according to your “considered” opinion, will meet a rather grim end.
You were born here, India fed and nourished you, yet not only do you care two hoots about your country or countrymen and prefer to shamelessly peddle your brains to a foreign nation but you also callously bite the hand that fed you. You could have come back to India and tried to do your bit to improve the lot of our people but oh no!!! Not for you are the giving-back-to-your-country work. Far easier and definitely much more enjoyable to you is the occasional round of India(or hindu) bashing AKA sermonizing and passing “wise” judgments from your safe perch abroad.
“Caste system has lost much of its sting and the divide et impera of the British is but a 65-year-old memory now. While they were regrettably important factors at one time, it’s hard to argue for their potency in today’s India”
Just shows how little you know of the state of the nation. 65 years of caste-based reservation and incentives and continuing caste discrimination (untouchability is still widely prevalent and dalit girls are even today being raped and murdered, there is a huge news story going on, but you wouldn’t know sitting where you are) have ensured that caste divisions are, if anything, getting evermore entrenched in the society.
“eternal suspicion of their motives despite their forbears having opted for (a mostly) secular India over an Islamic Pakistan’
Who cares about their grandfather or great-grandfathers? Some of the current lot are becoming terrorists and again, if you knew even 1% about present-day India and kept up with the news, you’d know that most India-based terrorists like Indian Mujahideen, are highly educated and were brain-washed in madrasas or other Islamic organizations teaching basic Islam(which, inherently, promotes terrorism).
Your argument has no basis in reality.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. When one has no arguments to fall back on, one lazily retorts to ad hominem attacks on the person than on the argument made by the person.
In a 255-word comment (above), there are 20 instances of ‘you’ or ‘your. Our arguments are not about ‘us’ or even ‘your’ but alas, that point eludes the commenter in his blind rage to hit out.
2. You write: dalit girls are even today being raped and murdered….
Why Dalits, just about anyone with a slit including Buffaloes (no kidding) is at risk in India at the hands of any dickhead who can get a raise out of his dick.
Incredible India 54: Lungis Lust for She Buffaloes
Tourists Beware – India, a Major Rape Destination
3. You write: if you knew even 1% about present-day India and kept up with the news, you’d know that most India-based terrorists like Indian Mujahideen, are highly educated and were brain-washed in madrasas or other Islamic organizations teaching basic Islam
Just wondering. Say, was Nathuram Godse, the ultimate Indian terrorist, a Muslim? Just checking.
By the way, the Hindu (newspaper, we mean) had this interesting story Swami Aseemanand’s confession reveals Hindutva terror activities
By the way, is Swami Aseemananda a Shia Muslim or Sunni Muslim? Please do enlighten us.
As you write above, we do not even know 1% about present-day India and do not keep up with the news. So, please do keep us au courant with developments.
4. You write: you wouldn’t know sitting where you are) have ensured that caste divisions are, if anything, getting evermore entrenched in the society…..
To argue that caste divisions are, if anything, getting evermore entrenched in the society is either blissful naivete or, worse, a stubborn refusal to acknowledge the truth in a nation where people now eat, work, screw, marry and play with people of other castes with numbing, boring, monotonous regularity.
Even the Hindu Shaitans (who else, but the Brahmins) have come round to the view that the Good ol’ days are gone forever, gleefully chompiing on Beef and finding nirvana in the arms of a Salma, Shabana or Susan, and accepted the fait accompli.
“one lazily retorts to ad hominem attacks ”
Merely pointing out the obvious discrepancies between what you preach and cite as your fellow Indians’ bane and what you yourself practice. I did not, as you are so wont to do against errant commenters, “blindly hit out in rage” and hurl choice abuses questioning your intelligence or belittle other parts of your anatomy. But then, if you already play the victim and show the white flag, how am I to blame?
“By the way, is Swami Aseemananda a Shia Muslim or Sunni Muslim?”
SI dear fellow, from “considered” pronouncements on the lack of a terror element in Hinduism just a few hours back to equally “considered” pronouncements on Hindutva terror, your 360 degree U-turn is the height of irony.
So when it suits you, you will cite terrorism as a sign of manhood, when it doesn’t you’ll use it to damn a community/nation.
Coming to your point on Hindutva terror, I have always said that Hindus, when they feel that a grave injustice has been committed against them, are quite capable of giving as good as they get, through whatever means they feel necessary, violent or otherwise.
As for Aseemanand not being muslim, you conveniently ignored the fact that my reply was in the context of muslims becoming terrorists not because of their economic plight or alleged “hounding” by the police but because Islam, fundamentally, preaches intolerance and violence.
Every muslim, oppressed or not, is therefore, a potential terrorist and a threat to civilization.
Whereas Hindutva terrorism was born out of a reaction against the spineless approach of that Italian-led Indian government in tackling Islamic terrorism and the general let’s-lick-the-muslims-feet attitude of Congress, Islamic terrorism is far more serious, as it draws inspiration from Islam itself.
“people now eat, work, screw, marry and play with people of other castes with numbing, boring, monotonous regularity.”
1.Dunno about brahmins in USA, but I know quite a few in India. None of them (other than a Bengali brahmin who only avoids beef, but then I assume you know that this has been the case with bengali brahmins for a long time) eat even eggs, far less chicken, mutton and beef. There may be a few who do, but they would decidedly be in the minority.
Hell, that’s how many of us find out if a person is a Brahmin. We ask him/her whether he/she is a vegetarian.
2.Work and play, yes, but here is where the discrimination kicks in. Anywhere in India you go, sooner rather than later, you’ll inevitably be asked about your caste. The passing of decades has not lessened the divisions, only OCCASIONALLY camouflaged them and given them a more subtle touch. From seemingly innocuous questions like “What’s your surname?” in North India to outright demands asking “Are you a SC?” in south India, I have seen it all, fella, and I continue to see it. Worse, after knowing your caste, your superior officer (depending on his/her caste) either favours you with promotions or damns you with memos.
3. Marry, NO. Inter-caste marriages are far less common than you think and at the BARE MINIMUM, frowned upon. Many a time, the couples have to run for their lives. Here’s a sample of the murderous consequences:
Forget castes, even such meaningless things like gotras can spell doom as this link will show you:
And these are the NORM, not the exceptions.
Quoting from the link given below, only 10% of marriages in India are inter-caste, and the percentage will be still lower if you consider the humonguous middle-class.
Discrimination against dalits continues, in both overt and covert forms:
These are but a small sample of the keenly festering wounds and divides within the hindu community.
Despite such deep infighting, if there still exist leaders like Modi who can take on the congress’ muslim-appeasement policy and yet draw praise from Muslim leaders(see link below), it is testament to the vision and resolve of atleast the few hindus who are united.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Every muslim, oppressed or not, is therefore, a potential terrorist and a threat to civilization.
From damning every Muslim as a potential terrorist to the concentration camp for Muslims is but a short road to traverse.
Even if the effete defense is that Islam preaches intolerance.
That an excessive diet of Tamil movies can turn one into a spouting geyser of nonsense is adequately proven by your above incendiary bigoted babble.
2. Incidents of violence over inter-caste marriages highlighted by the media are an aberration not the norm that the commenter would have us believe.
The media, by its very nature in highlighting the unusual, shines a bright light on such incidents misleading us into the belief that an exception is the norm.
3. That the hold of castes has considerably weakened in modern India is a fact highlighted by several academics who make a living researching such issues.
For instance, Ramachandra Guha writes in India after Gandhi that ‘given the resilience of social institutions in general, and the ancient and sanctified history of this one in particular, it was remarkable that the caste system changed as much as it did.’ p.386
And mind you where Ram Guha wrote that sentence, he was only talking of the early years after independence.
To perpetrate the fiction that caste still lords over the Indian populace with its wolfish canines sinking deep into the fragile necks of the bovine masses in a vice-like grip is a display of either pitiful ignorance or wanton mischief to justify malicious ends or behavior.
4. We merely asked for Swami Aseemananda’s Shia Muslim or Sunni Muslim origins since you’d prefer to impose victimhood on Hindus even if the reality biting your derriere is on occasion a Swamy not a Mullah.
5. You write: I did not, as you are so wont to do against errant commenters, “blindly hit out in rage” and hurl choice abuses questioning your intelligence or belittle other parts of your anatomy
It’s true (as you insinuate) that we’ve a fondness for the word dickhead to describe feeble attempts at defending the indefensible.
Unfortunately for you, the dictionary happens to agree with us that dickhead is a perfectly acceptable synonym for idiot. That dickhead shares part of its name with a hanging male appendage that is the Elysian Fields for billions of women (and dare we say some men too) is but mere coincidence and for which we cannot accept culpability.
6. You write: Dunno about brahmins in USA,…
The few Brahmins we know here are beef-chomping, beer-swilling, priapically-lusting creatures.
7. Bottom line, you fail to rebut our point that the Hindu quintessence is highly self-centered, hedonistic, debauched and corrupt with attachment to no ideal or overarching goal but self-indulgence and largely culpable for the dysfunctional state of the nation.
Discussion on this topic is now closed.
We’ve given you enough opportunity to make your points. And indeed you have.
Readers can pore over your comments, our responses, consider their own analysis and reach a conclusion whether Hindus in general are indeed a pussified, corrupt lot.
We’re moving on to other topics.
“Discussion on this topic is now closed.”
If you say so…
Before moving on, one small point unrelated to this hindu-muslim debate.
You said: “That an excessive diet of Tamil movies”
I’ve seen only one tamil film post-Endhiran and that’s easan which was quite decent.
Whereas you’ve seen three diwali releases and then the horrorshow Manmadhan Ambu. Not to mention you’ve seen garbage Sura, Vettaikaran, Thirupaachi, Kuruvi, Aegan and Sivakasi( some of the above by DVD too!!!). All of which, I might add, I gave a wide berth.
Apart from that, both the films I’ve recommended, Aayirathil Oruvan and 7G rainbow colony you yourself have admitted as either must-watch or decent.
Why resort to such cheap tricks knowing that you are only shooting yourself in the foot?
If watching tamil films regularly is a sure-fire way of becoming a “spouting geyser of nonsense”, you are, if anything, “spouting” much more fiercely than me.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Did no one ever tell you that we must have the last word.
2. You write: Whereas you’ve seen three diwali releases and then the horrorshow Manmadhan Ambu. Not to mention you’ve seen garbage Sura, Vettaikaran, Thirupaachi, Kuruvi, Aegan and Sivakasi( some of the above by DVD too!!!). All of which, I might add, I gave a wide berth.
We sacrificed ourselves on the altar of agony and spread the word around about those atrocious movies so that tender souls like yourself may be spared the torture. And here you are boasting of not seeing those vile trash.
Well, no ever accused Indians of showing gratitude for favors. As they say in our adopted homeland Amreeka, no good deed ever goes unpunished.
BTW, some wise soul must have told you by now that we must have the last word. Right?
“Incidents of violence over inter-caste marriages highlighted by the media are an aberration not the norm that the commenter would have us believe. ”
Shows how little u know.
Man, your living in the US where you can only read about some of the things happening here and we people live right here in “Incredible India” and trust me, violence over inter caste marriages is not an aberration as you think. In fact, it is the other way round. There are numerous incidents of violence over inter-caste/religion marriages. In some cases, the couple is forcefully separated. Murder is rare in the cities but very common in the rural areas.
Discrimination is everywhere. Be it gender discrimination or case/religion. Majority of Indians are stil living in the victorian age, retarded. We may have advanced in technology and other stuff but when it comes to religion and caste, we are still way back. That’s the saddest part. I believe that is also the reason why we are still in the line of developing nations.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
True, we’ve been away from India for far too long but none of our extended circle of friends and family members mention these incidents.
If they were as frequent as Racer & you would have us believe, it’s likely we’d have heard more of it.
But our network is
mostlyentirely comprised of city-slickers and so we concede the possibility that not everything that happens in the rural hinterlands make it to the mainstream media and such incidents may be more prevalent in the rural and small semi-urban towns.SI – I think your views on Brahmins and caste dymanics specifically mentioned in this post are detached from reality or maybe based on limited exposure.
1. It is undeniable that inter-caste marriages and relationships are more common now than a few decades ago. It is also un-deniable that media exaggerates reports on these caste related violence/deaths but the number of incidents alone cannot be a true indicator because one never hears much about passive resistance, domestic disturbances/violence etc. in everyday news. I suspect that caste is not a factor only in very liberal families – which are very rare in India. The vast majority still frown upon inter caste relationships and practices of other castes if it is different or in contrary to their own. Then, there are those who are outwardly open but very actually quite conservative.
2. Vast majority of “Brahmins” (whatever it means in today’s context) are still vegetarians. Of course, with the dilution (or moderation) of a typical “brahmin”, some have expanded their horizons on what to eat. A overwhelming majority are vegetarians or eggitarians irrespective of where they live. Some occasionally indulge in chicken and consider that adventurous
and a small % eat anything… not that there is anything wrong with that!
3. Are hindus pussified? very little evidence to say that that are not! Indians as a community in general were always a bunch of pussies otherwise we would not get attacked, raided, raped, and pillaged so many time right through history by so many different communities – French, Portuguese, Brits, Mughals, Mongolians etc. and let us not go into the bullshit view that Hindus are generally tolerant or non-violent… we are not and we never were. I believe that the rise of Buddhism and Jainism contributed to the increased “tolerance” (and probably vegetarianism too) which in my opinion is suppressed violence which shows its face once in a while now (Godhra etc.). Even Hindu religious texts are centered around War, Betrayal, and Heroism. It doesn’t talk peace.. maybe philosophy.
3. This news item may quality for your Incredible India section. The Chief Minister of an an Indian State will not allow the hoisting of the Indian National Flag on India’s Republic day
Didn’t expect to make such a big post!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: The Chief Minister of an an Indian State will not allow the hoisting of the Indian National Flag on India’s Republic day
Read the above Rediff piece.
The Rediff piece notes that;
As if the latter (not allowing separatists march) is a sufficient alibi for not allowing flag-hoisting.
Total nonsense. You can’t equate a separatists march and flag-hoisting by Indians on the same plane.
That Omar wateva fella is unqualified to be Tahsildar of a small Taluk let alone Chief Minister of a sensitive, border state like Jammu & Kashmir.
The J&K govt should be dismissed under Article 356 of the Indian Constitution and the state should be administered directly by the center for some time.
BTW, in the U.S. even flag-burning is not illegal.
2. You write: Are hindus pussified? very little evidence to say that that are not! Indians as a community in general were always a bunch of pussies otherwise we would not get attacked, raided, raped, and pillaged so many time right through history by so many different communities – French, Portuguese, Brits, Mughals, Mongolians etc.
Say that again. Say that 10 times. Say that 10 million times.
3. You write: Vast majority of “Brahmins” (whatever it means in today’s context) are still vegetarians….
Brahmins can occasionally be iconoclasts, swinging completely to the other extreme more so than rebels from other castes.
“A lot of Muslims in India are condemned to live in dirty ghettos breeding ceaselessly amidst abject poverty and eternal suspicion of their motives despite their forbears having opted for (a mostly) secular India over an Islamic Pakistan. Inevitably enough, they fall prey to the siren song of radicalism. “
Really…………….. so do a lot of Hindus and Christians. For a moment, I thought I was reading the words of an Indian Politician, instead of an SI blog post.
Brother, if the muslims weren’t able to come up even despite so much reservation given to them, the problem lies elsewhere.
India is the only country to give so much importance to minorities something the USA can never do and NEVER SHOULD DO.
Here, the majority is taken for granted in every way. People, especially the media and politicians, take every opportunity to maim the majority, Hindus. And that to, we form more than 80% of the population.
Let’s look at a few things that India does to save minorities:
We have quotas for minorities, especially those belonging to backward and most backward castes.
Sometimes, institutions are forced to admit lesser talented students solely due to the quota system.
India faced a brain exodus to USA in the 1980s, 90s, and 2000s because the government failed to recognize and support talented Indian students due to the stupid quota system.
India is the only non-muslim country, and infact one of the very few countries, to give subsidy to Haj piligrims while Hindu piligrims have no such benefits.
Name any one other country where minorities enjoy better priviliges? Are you gonna say USA?
I beg to differ from your opinion on muslims in India. I have many muslim friends who say they are happy to be an Indian rather than being a Pakistani. Some of the Indian muslims, especially Tamil muslims, have learned to live along with the community, peacefully, without much complaints.
Yes, there are still some muslims languishing in poverty, but it is more due to their stupid belief in political parties like the Congress!
The bottomline is that if 30+ year of providing plumb quotas and other rights to minorities does not bring them up, nothing well.
IT AIN’T OUR FAULT. For heaven’s sake, leave the majority alone, we are alienated in our own country. Instigating us is not good…………
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: India is the only country to give so much importance to minorities something the USA can never do and NEVER SHOULD DO.
Oh No. we do reservations here too. Only, we call it affirmative action. Obama and Michelle would never have made it to Columbia/Harvard and Princeton respectively but for affirmative action.
2. Haj Pilgrimage assistance ought to be halted forthwith. Tomorrow, Hindus will want to go on a Kashi Yatra, Christians will insist on a visit to the Vatican ad nauseum.
3. You write: Yes, there are still some muslims languishing in poverty, but it is more due to their stupid belief in political parties like the Congress!
Belief in Congress is not the culprit but Indian Muslims’ depressed condition has roots in low levels of education, poverty, ignorance and lack of ladders (opportunities) to climb out of the ghettos.
What i find funny in India is that in almost all the indian talk shows and all, most hindus whether anchors or public seem to rejoice in criticizing hinduism in the name of secularism
And u call them anorchous??
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We’re not rejoicing nor are we mourning. Just stating a fact as we see it.
It’s just that most Hindus (roughly 85% of India’s population) are anorchous. The state of the nation attests to that.
At their current rate of hyper-breeding and given their relentless determination in annihilating their enemies, it won’t be too long before Muslims rule the world.
Some time in the next century, most men will be rubbing their dicks on a piece of stone every time they pee, most men will sport a beard and and most men will have more than one wife.
And your great-great grandchildren will be chanting: La ilaha illa allah.