Given their hideous quality, we’ve always viewed the release of every Bollywood film with mucho fear, as an apocalyptic event if you will.
Well, maybe somebody invaded our mind and poked into our thoughts a la the Inception.
You see, the other day Manan Singh Katohora, a U.S.-based Hindi film director and producer, sent us an e-mail asking for part-funding for his upcoming Hindi movie.
Touting it as the first Bollywood post-apocalyptic film, Katohora wrote in the e-mail that Pralay (working title of the film) would be filmed in Washington D.C.
It seems the movie is inspired by the so-called Mayan calendar myth of the end of the world in 2012.
Given the propensity of Indian film producers and directors to find easy ‘inspiration’ in Hollywood films, we hope Pralay is not ‘inspired’ by the Viggo Mortensen movie The Road.
The total budget of Pralay has been pegged at $300,000 and Katohora throws the bait of a Bollywood celebrity being attached to the project.
No clue as to who that Bollywood celebrity could be.
The minimum investment in Pralay is $10,000, which is equivalent to one block or 2.5% of the film. There are 30 blocks in all and 26 blocks were available at the beginning of this year.
Katohora mentions in the e-mail that the movie will be dubbed into Tamil, Telugu and Bengali languages to enhance revenue prospects.
By the way, Katohora has been involved in a bunch of movies either as director, producer or writer – 9 Eleven, Come to My Window, Extrospection, When Kiran Met Karen, Arya, Amy et al.
Should you want to know more about Katohora, you can check his IMDB profile here.
You’d get 2.5% of the casting couch too? Will you be able to review his earlier movies? Responds:
Oh, we want 100% of the casting couch. No settling for
anythingoops anyone less.Yes, we’ll check some of Manan’s earlier movies in the near future.
the mayan calendar link is not working (the link should start with http://) please change. Responds:
1. Did I miss something or have you left the ten thousand dollar question(figuratively and literally) unanswered? Which is…are you gonna p(l)ay a part or not? Or are you, as you have mentioned in the first response, going to check on his earlier films and only then come to a decision in this regard?
2.How are the “Whore chronicles” coming along? Hoping to read them soon.
3. Do check out both Siruthai and Aadukalam. Knowing that you are die-hard Vijay rasigan
I know you”ll catch Kaavalan for sure so don’t have to remind you on that.
By the way, here’s aadukalam trailer.
Siruthai trailer gives me that bad feeling of a dubbed telugu padam. I will wait for your verdict on the film. Responds:
You write: Did I miss something or have you left the ten thousand dollar question(figuratively and literally) unanswered? Which is…are you gonna p(l)ay a part or not?
Hell, no.
We thought our flippant tone made it clear. Maybe, not flippant enough.
Other writings coming along well.
3. Would you like to review the new Tamil movies?
If yes, which ones?
Most Important – Has to be soon. This time, we’ll send the money by International money Order to avoid your Paypal issues.