If Julius Caesar had not spoken those famous words Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered) after his victory over king Pharnaces of Potus in 47 BC, we doubt Latin would enjoy the cachet it does today among the literati.
Here are a few fine Latin expressions culled from the book Veni, Vidi, Vici by Eugene Ehrlich (second edition, revised and updated by Margaret A.Brucia).
* Vulgus ignobile – Low-born rabble
Example of use:
Going by the nature of their comments, more than a few readers of this fine blog surely come from the vulgus ignobile.
* Paucis verbis – In few words
Example of use:
We’ve repeatedly exhorted our readers to make their comments paucis verbis but some of them are boringly verbose.
* Filius nullius – Bastard
Example of use:
Our favorite abusive term for the hackers seeking to pull down this fine blog is filius nullius.
* Malus animus – Evil intent
Example of use:
Given what we know of human nature, we’re hardly surprised that many people bear malus animus towards us.
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