We purchased a brand new copy of the 18th edition of Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable on eBay recently for $9.63 (plus shipping) and are trying to squeeze our money’s worth from the book.
This morning as we were leafing through the book, we found a bunch of interesting acronyms that we reproduce below for your education and edification (the addition of INDIA is, of course, thanks to SI):
BOLTOP – Better on lips than on paper (of a kiss)
BURMA – Be undressed ready, my angel
EGYPT – Eager to grab your pretty tits
HOLLAND – Hope our love lasts and never dies
INDIA – I now dig Indian aunties
ITALY – I trust and love you
NORWICH – (K)nickers off ready when I come home
SWALK – Sealed with a loving kiss
Source: Brewer’s and SI
Needless to say, EGYPT is our favorite country and no, not for the pyramids or the Sphinx.
N.B.: If only the comments section were open, you schmucks would have jumped in readily with your cuntribution oops contribution. Wouldn’t you?
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