Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was blowing the trumpet this morning that the social networking web site he founded has amassed 500 million users.
Well, that’s quite a milestone.
As Facebook has grown, we guess rivals like Google’s Orkut and Rupert Murdoch’s MySpace are becoming less relevant given that users want to gather at the social networking site that has the maximum number of their friends and family members.
By the way, that 500m number includes us as well although we don’t spend much time on it.
The main reason we’re not that much into Facebook or its rivals is that we’re in the evening of our lives and not craving new friends or looking to connect with old ones.
We guess Facebook (and others of its ilk) are wildly popular with the younger (<30-years) crowd who see it mostly as a forum for harmless clowning, banter, flirting, online sharing of photos et al.
And to think we grew up in a world where being connected (socially or otherwise) meant no more than a distance of 1 or 2 km and the telephone was something only a privileged few had.
Times have changed. And how!
Yeah.. I’m a part of that generation of users. But I find it saddening to see all my peers share all of their lives on facebook! Privacy is never given its due.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: Privacy is never given its due
Source: The Web Means the End of Forgetting, New York Times Magazine, July 24, 2010
from the same source: Library of Congress recently announced that it will be acquiring — and permanently storing — the entire archive of public Twitter posts since 2006.
permanently storing ??, have they gone mad?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yeah, saw that earlier today.
So if you called the many-wived Karunanidhi an idiot on Twitter you are doomed.
You do have a facebook account, don’t you.. clown! Nowadays every internet user (and his/her grandmother) is having a facebook account. It is phenomenal..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yes, and we did acknowledge that in the above post.
Repeated for your ADDled benefit: By the way, that 500m number includes us as well although we don’t spend much time on it.
The main reason we’re not that much into Facebook or its rivals is that we’re in the evening of our lives and not craving new friends or looking to connect with old ones.
I love facebook, but what I really hate is when some of our desi morons post every single detail of their day, including what they had for lunch, dinner, tea, snacks, who visited their house, whom did they visit, how many hrs they worked that day, if they are tired or not, et al…
I am like, come on, WTF do I have to do with all that details?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We thought much of Facebook was filled with such inanities.
BTW, we had noodles for lunch and getting ready for some Starbucks now. No, we’re not tired.
LOL!!!! and btw, I am at work right now, very tired!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Tired? Too bad.
You ought to learn the fine art of hardly working.
Hard work, any schmuck can do. Hardly working, on the other hand, is a feat that can be accomplished by only a select few.
Once upon a time we used to live not far from where you currently are.
Thnks SI for the clarification.
Andy, that was not my intention. Since almost all of my friends on FB are desis, I don’t have any other option but to call them desis.
And yes, I’ve seen on the “wall” of some of my desi friends who have non-desi friends, they also put all that kinda nonsense on FB…
Anyway, off topic SI to respond to your hard work comment,
You know our Corporate America. It’s just getting disgusting day by day. There are no rewards. Last yr, our company froze our pay raise by only 2%. That’s sick. I told my manager humorously “Ok, this raise will take care of my car gas for about 4 – 5 times!!!”
So now, I try my best to just relax as much as I can at workplace…Capitalism sucks!! I think the super-rich, alongwith their politician pimps, have destroyed the middle class America..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Capitalism sucks!! I think the super-rich, alongwith their politician pimps, have destroyed the middle class America..
Yes, unfortunately Amreeka has turned into a plutocracy within the shell of a democracy.
We doubt the country can ever recover from its current economic malaise.
Gone baby gone.
@MadAtBollywood – some of our desi morons ..
dude(/dudette).. that’s racist.. some my non-desi FB friends also do the same.. you can choose to “hide” their comments altogether.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
As we’ve said in the past, it ain’t racist when a Black man yells out at his Black buddy: – Hey, my Nigga motha*ucka when did you get outta the joint. That’s a show of affection not unlike when one desi hails his fellow desi: Are chutiya/gandu, kab aya?
i once used to detest facebook for being so silly… after i started, i got in touch with so many of my old friends and school teachers. i guess its a good platform as long as u use it for its intentional purpose.
posting pictures of u drunk on road, irrelevant status updates like bitching bosses, bad-mouthing ur employer… then u r surely asking for trouble.
this one incident happened to me… i once posted in twitter about how i put more hours in time sheet while working only half of its time. i was also posting stuff like how i downloaded music (illegally). i was an intern at that time. after my internship while i was looking for full time jobs, the HR from one of the company i applied e-mailed me saying that, he won’t even consider me for future hiring pointing the reason to be those couple of tweets from my account. he adviced me to delete those posts asap. that was like a tight slap on my face. hard lesson learned. now am double careful about what i post.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Once you post something on Twitter, Facebook et al it’s there forever.
Even if you delete the Facebook post/Tweet, someone’s stored it in some giant database.
You only have the illusion that your post/Tweet is deleted.