Life’s greatest comfort is being able to look over your shoulder and see people worse off, waiting in line behind you.
– Buster ‘Rant’ Casey, cited by Echo Lawrence in Chuck Palahniuk’s Rant – An Oral Biography of Buster Casey, P.13
Indeed, indeed.
If we’ve learned anything at all in our sojourn on Planet Earth, it’s that 99.9999% of humans derive immense pleasure in the miseries of their fellow humans (and often non-humans too).
What the Nazi motha*ckas a.k.a. Germans would call Schadenfreude.
Must be hardwired in our DNA, this glee at others’ misfortunes.
We’ve just embarked upon Rant, published in 2007 to glowing reviews.
After reading about 20-pages, we can say that the narration style is very unusual.
Almost weird. But welcome weird.
The story is told by different people in short paragraphs, some of which are just a sentence long.
The cheap desi SOBs that we’re, Rant came to our doorstep in pristine condition via for a mere $4.50.
We may (or may not) do a longer writeup on the 319-page book at a later date.
For me Buster Posey is more interesting than Buster Casey.
He slammed HRs to win me last week’s fantasy matchup. Responds:
Ah, baseball.
Here we’re struggling with iTunes and the Inception music.
What a difference in sound quality between home theater and playing music on PC via iTunes.
oh, you have hooked up the new PC to your entertainment system? did you review it.. i don’t remember seeing it. Responds:
Yes, hooked it up but not reviewed yet. There were some browser issues. Did a system restore, reinstalled the updates a couple of weeks back and just kept it back in the home theater next to the Roku box. Haven’t played with it for a while.
Will get back to it in about four or five days after we complete some other chores.
Off topic: Trying a bastardized version of Bloody Mary for the first time with Gin (instead of Vodka) and V8 Spicy Hot Vegetable Juice. Not bad.
I think Amrikan climate demands some alcohol intake(or some good food and exercise). But Aren’t you drinking in excess (or that you say you do)?. Responds:
Since when we have kneeled before the Gods of Moderation. Excess seems to be our credo.