Man & Moral Character – Lord Chesterfield

A man’s moral character is a more delicate thing than a woman’s reputation of chastity. A slip or two may possibly be forgiven her, and her character may be clarified by subsequent and continued good conduct: but a man’s moral character once tainted is irreparably destroyed.
– Lord Chesterfield in Letters to His Son, P.364

3 Responses to "Man & Moral Character – Lord Chesterfield"

  1. முனிAndy   June 20, 2010 at 12:35 pm

    This guy doesn’t seem to be too bright.. or he probably got burned doing stupid stuff. Don’t women get slapped with the “slut” title more easily when they are younger… and that probably makes them (grown women) smarter in the cheating business.. they don’t seem to get caught doing cocky (pun unintended)/stupid stuff as often as the grown men. Responds:

    1. You Write Above: This guy doesn’t seem to be too bright..

    Who? The father or the son?

    The son is forgotten.

    Chesterfield’s Letters to His Son are an enduring classic.

    2. You write: Don’t women get slapped with the “slut” title more easily when they are younger… and that probably makes them (grown women) smarter in the cheating business..

    WTF is cheating? In our current gin-soaked state, we have no idea what it is.

    All women are C*nts and men mere P*icks. Did anyone say this before? 😉

    3. BTW, we don’t have ESPN 3. Checked last night. Only ESPN 1, ESPN 2 and ESPN HD. So, can’t watch Asia Cup, Whatever that is. 😉

    4. Offtopic: Listening to Ennio Morricone’s Listen, Let’s Make Love (1967). Orgasmic.


    We’ve listened to it countless times on our Panasonic home theater and yet never to cease to be moved by it.


    • முனிAndy   June 21, 2010 at 1:21 pm is online.. not on TV.. did my comment get blacklisted again or did I forget to hit submit. Responds:

      Ah, online.

      We see it now –

      Maybe, we’ll stream it to the TV.

      You probably never hit submit because it never made it here.

  2. chennaiarun2007   June 21, 2010 at 11:29 am

    This letter reminded me about another great man Abraham Lincoln’s letter.But it is actually not to his son,but to the son’s teacher.

    Abraham Lincoln became the President of USA after a lot of failures in his earlier attempts. But he never gave up. He was actually a shoe-cobbler’s son (I think I am not wrong).

    Here is the link: Responds:

    Nice one. Our favorite Lines:

    Let him have the courage
    to be impatient…
    let him have the patience to be brave.

    We don’t recollect Abe Lincoln being a cobbler’s son. We thought his father was a farmer.

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