Anamika Veeramani on Regis & Kelly

3 Responses to "Anamika Veeramani on Regis & Kelly"

  1. முனிAndy   June 8, 2010 at 8:52 am

    Her social awkwardness is amusing to watch (both here and in DC – she claimed that it was her “poker face”, it seems). Even Dr. Bailey doesn’t seem to be too comfortable here.. but then I shouldn’t be comparing these geniuses with Ripa and NPH. Have you watched any episodes of Doogie Howser? Responds:

    1. Generally, Indians are socially awkward in these settings. Kavya seemed slightly better.

    2. Ripa has always irritated the hell out of us. Don’t know how she found a place there. Regis is OK.

    3. Doogie Howser? No. Watch very little TV. Just read about it on Wiki. Looks interesting.

  2. 1984moviefan   June 9, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    the female ripa is really irritating Responds:

    Say that again. Say that a million times.

  3. முனிAndy   June 9, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    I saw her on Kimmel last night wearing a salwar.. she was much more relaxed(probably was given some prep talk). She even tried some comedy. Responds:

    Watching it now.

    Update: Rubbish.

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