All You Want to Know About Online Porn

2 Responses to "All You Want to Know About Online Porn"

  1. முனிAndy   June 2, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    This article was right up my intellectual alley.. (assimilated the whole article in a matter of seconds)
    #9 was my favorite – Those Mormon bastards!! 😀 Responds:

    You write: #9 was my favorite – Those Mormon bastards!!

    Our thoughts exactly. 😉

    You probably know that polygamy was prevalent in the Utah area until a few decades back.

  2. shiva84   June 3, 2010 at 12:27 am

    I heard utah is one of the reddest states in usa. How come these god fearing republicans do all this stuff ?

    Offtopic : Does Rush Limbaugh really have huge fan following in america ? Responds:

    1. Republicans, for the most part, are scum. Often what they espouse and profess to believe in and what they practice are two different things.

    Republicans fall on a spectrum, with the Right-wing Christian, abortion-hating nuts (think our desi Bobby Jindal of Louisiana) on one end and the whacko free-market, business-loving, Reagan-adoring, tax-hating, all-government-is-evil weirdos on the other end. The middle is filled with Red-necks, aging-White grandmas and grandpas, racists and a whole cast of morons who can’t find their dicks even with a human atlas.

    Think of the Tea Party folks as the maddest elements of the Republicans.

    2. Rush Limbaugh is quite popular, albeit mostly with the nut-cases a.k.a. Republicans. We used to occasionally stumble upon Rush in the past when switching channels while on long drives on the highway.

    He has a good voice, tailored for Radio. That’s the best we can say about him. 😉

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