We know that India cannot have a free government. But she can have the next best thing: a firm and impartial despotism.
– Our favorite essayist Thomas Babington Macaulay (in a letter to the Scottish philosopher James Mill in 1833, a year before Macaulay arrived in Madras)
Source: New Yorker P.76, May 31, 2010
Quote of the Day – Macaulay
5 Responses to "Quote of the Day – Macaulay"
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Oh, we want a new breed of men before India can be cleansed of her disease.
– by the “Indian Nightingale” Sarojini Naidu
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Thanks. We were unaware of this one (or if we did, we’d forgotten it).
got the whole letter in which its found.. found it off the net searching the quote
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Very eloquent letter. Impressed.
off topic
Hi SI,
Some good news to cheer if you are a true patriotic Indian:
The success of Super-30 amazes not just me,but all Indians!!Already, a special show was telecast in Discovery Channel day before yesterday!!
The long standing myth that Biharis are pretty dull students has been broken by this institute.
Some really weird news:
I already know that Marodona is such a temperamental fool or a mad man as demonstrated by his past history.But this is clearly,the ne plus ultra of all madness!!
Sorry,forgot to tell the sad news!!
Your host country US was defeated in football warmups yesterday!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Read the story about the 14-year-old kid a few hours back.
Interesting! Didn’t realize home-schooling was making inroads in India too.
2. You write: Your host country US was defeated in football warmups yesterday!!
Our host country is preoccupied with the Louisiana oil slick for the last few weeks. We don’t think anyone is even tuned in to the football cup.
Hi Si,
Sorry for repaeating the same link.Here is the link about Super 30 which I mentioned earlier.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Just read the piece in your link.
Impressive feat.
Hi Si,
Got some good quotes of Swami Vivekananda.
1.”You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
2.”Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.”
Since I came to know that you are a rationalist/atheist, I am sorry to say that I cannot give you some more good quotes on religion.Most of his quotes are either on religion or based on religion,so I cannot help it.I do not wish to offend you by giving religious quotes.
I am a theist. Rather than calling myself a theist, I call myself a spiritual person as it is more convenient. I have no problems as such accepting your logical views on other religions, as long as you do not cross the line and make “blasphemous” statements.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: I have no problems as such accepting your logical views on other religions, as long as you do not cross the line and make “blasphemous” statements.
All religion is blasphemy. To the thinking man, that is.