Gosh, it’s been over eight months since we added some zing to your vocabulary.
Bet you fellas are all getting antsy over the long gap.
So without further ado let’s get you guys and gals started:
* Amomaxia – Sex in a parked car
The next time you are on a long drive from Bombay to Pune or Chennai to Bangalore and start feeling frisky, go right ahead and tell your squeeze in the passenger seat: Meenkashi, what say you for some quick amomaxia in the back seat?
* Acritition – Sex without orgasm
Is there a pain in the entire universe greater than acritition?
* Quatopygia – Erotic shaking of the buttocks while walking
Parvathi’s quatopygia was the cynosure of all male eyes as she walked down the corridor to her classroom.
* Zaftig: Attractively plump, well rounded figure
Wonder why Indian men of all ages have a weakness for zaftig babes.
* Voluptuary – An individual concerned primarily with luxury and gratification of sexual appetites
If anyone could lay claim to the label of voluptuary it was our Oddanchatram buddy Ramakrishnan.
Now, if you don’t crack your SAT exams or the Spelling Bee you have no one to blame but yourself.
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Danke you.. Quatopygia (and Amomaxia) sounds like a disease.. are you sure that is the right meaning?
Voluptuary probably has the same root as Voluptuous?
Acritition – couldn’t find it in the online dictionaries.. I guess women are much more acrititionous than men. God fixed most of the flaws in a woman and then created man.. avoiding the monthly leak was easily the best fix.
Rod L. Evans is his real name?.. or has he indulged in some wordplay? A used Gilded Tongue is available for 25c on Amazon, but alas, with 3.99 shipping.. I’ll just read it for free whenever you feel like posting new words.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Quatopygia (and Amomaxia) sounds like a disease.. are you sure that is the right meaning?
The meanings are correct.
Quatopygia: quatio (Latin) – to shake; pyge (Greek) – buttocks
Amomaxia: amo (latin) – to love; amaxa (Greek) – wagon
Source: The Gilded Tongue by Rod Evans.
2. You write: Rod L. Evans is his real name?.. or has he indulged in some wordplay?
We don’t think Rod Evans has engaged in word play or hand play.
If you remember, we recommended him last September to the desis dreaming of making a Kavya Shivashankar out of their schmuck brats.
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