Movies We’ve Watched Lately – The Square, Missing Person, Bad Company, Vettaikaran

We’ve watched a bunch of movies lately (three on TV and one in the theater).

Here’s a short list with brief comments:

* The Square (English) – My, my, how quickly and continuously things spiral out of control for its principal protagonist Ray (David Roberts) in this Australian film of infidelity and crime.

Decent all-round acting and a fast-paced story keeps you engrossed to the flashing images on the screen.

But can someone tell us why David Roberts is forever wearing a frown? Or is it the tension that’s wearing him down?

* Missing Person (English) – We watched this one on Netflix Instant play.

An alcoholic private investigator in Chicago John Rossow (Michael Shannon) gets a job, at first, to tail a man on a train to Los Angeles and, then, to bring him to his wife in New York City.

The ending of this film, written and directed by Noah Buschel, will surprise you.

That Michael Shannon is a class actor is clearly evident from this nice film.

* Bad Company (English) – Watch Anthony Hopkins and Chris Rock in this crazy, quirky thriller-comedy featuring spies and a street-smart hustler.

Or is it a comic thriller? Wateva.

Since we love both Anthony ‘Hannibal’ Hopkins and Chris Rock, it’s no surprise we found the film endearing.

By the way, no marks for guessing which one’s the hustler

You can catch this one too on Netflix Instant Play.

* Vettaikaran (Tamil) – Well, this South Indian monsterpiece featuring that bozo Vijay deserves a full-length review!

22 Responses to "Movies We’ve Watched Lately – The Square, Missing Person, Bad Company, Vettaikaran"

  1. guruprasad.s   April 22, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    As they say, one step forward and two steps backward.
    Well, watching Vettaikaran is equivalent to two steps backward.
    You might have been eligible for what were once known as Red and White Bravery Awards, given to ordinary people for extraordinary deeds.
    Your left and right watching and reviewing of such movies as Vettaikaran indicates an extraordinary taste for adventure, and an equally extraordinary capacity to withstand pain.
    Indeed, as someone has said, genius is nothing but the extraordinary capacity to take pains.

    You need to forget the not-so-pleasant after-effects of Vettaikaran, and may I once again suggest that you watch, enjoy and if you feel like, review Golmaal (1979) ?

    I can also suggest Parinda, an Indian gangster movie made in 1989 by director by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, starring Nana Patekar and, well, does it really matter ?
    BTW, Parinda also has Jackie, Anil Kapoor, Anupam Kher and Madhuri Dixit.

    I remember watching Rupert Pupkin on HBO or some other TV channel and rather enjoyed the movie, esply his standup comedy show itself. Responds:

    1. You write above: I remember watching Rupert Pupkin on HBO or some other TV channel and rather enjoyed the movie, esply his standup comedy show itself.

    Yes, Robert De Niro did acquit himself well in that short stand-up comedy act scene. Aided, of course, by a funny script.

    2. You write: may I once again suggest that you watch, enjoy and if you feel like, review Golmaal (1979)

    We’ll get to Gol Maal (1979) soon and Parinda too. Nimma maele aanae (we swear on you). 😉

    • sganeshkumar1989   April 23, 2010 at 4:03 am

      Even I request you to watch and review Gol Maal(1979) 🙂 Responds:

      Will do.

  2. kd36939   April 22, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    we want vettaikaran review! we want vettaikaran review! we want vettaikaran review! we want vettaikaran review! Responds:


    We promise to review this monsterpiece soon!

    • shiva84   April 24, 2010 at 3:23 pm

      Eagerly waiting for vettaikaran review. Responds:


      We’ll have the Sivakasi review up today.

  3. kd36939   April 22, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    oh btw, u still haven’t watched stoning of soraya? Responds:

    Very soon. Dog Promise. 😉

  4. sganeshkumar1989   April 23, 2010 at 4:02 am

    Lol, lol, lol! Responds:

    And we watched Sivakasi earlier today. 🙁

    • sganeshkumar1989   April 23, 2010 at 4:53 am

      Hope,your brain is working fine now? 😛 Responds:

      Waiting for the reports of how the movie Darling has broken all records. 😉

    • The Mahatma   April 23, 2010 at 9:25 am

      What brand are these DVDs.. I have a hard time believing that you would have watched a half-decent quality DVD for Vettaikaran( and Anushka).. Ayngaran (best by miles) hasn’t released Vettaikaran yet.

      Sivakasi? :mrgreen: Responds:

      There are multiple DVD brands now. Sruthilayam, Ayngaran, Moserbaer, Adchaya, Bhavani, Shemaroo, Sri Balaji, Venus et al.

      Vettaikaran has been put out by Adchaya.

      • The Mahatma   April 23, 2010 at 3:29 pm

        I watched Renigunta on a Adchaya (Srilankan company(?) — they have a yahoo address for email — based in Germany, I think) DVD.. the quality was pretty bad..

        Listening to Raavan songs.. Ranjha Ranjha seems to be the best.. but ARR songs take a while to sink in. Responds:

        You write: Listening to Raavan songs..


        Looked on the two popular sites MusicIndia and Raga…couldn’t find them…maybe, because we’re completely ‘ginned’ up already.

        • The Mahatma   April 23, 2010 at 5:41 pm


          iTunes already has the Raavan album!

          We’ll see if any of the tracks are worth buying.

    • trishna147   April 24, 2010 at 12:57 pm

      Sivakasi comes as a masterpiece compared to vettaikaran, that shows much torturous Vettaikaran was. But then i watched Sivakasi like 4 years ago, so my expectations werent very high..

      Raavan/Ravanaa (?) songs are on btw..
      dont know when the Tamil/Telugu version are gonna release…

      i saw some stills of the film. Seems like Vikram’s got his senses back. im expecting a mind-blowing performance from him like his Anniyan/Pithamagan.
      Same goes to Surya’s Rakta Charitra. Im expecting another Nandha/Kaakha Kaakha type performance.

      hope these 2 tamil stars can make Tamil Nadu proud. i mean, their performances wont stoop as low as their Kanthaswamys and Aadhavans. Responds:

      1. Having purchased the Beera and Ranjha Ranjha tracks on iTunes, we’ve listened to both a few times already.

      We like Beera better.

      Given that little Darsheel Safary has better acting talent than Abhishek and Ash combined we’re tempering our enthusiasm about Raavan.

      2. We do not share RGV’s wild enthusiasm about Surya’s acting prowess (your first RGV link).

      Obviously, RGV has a vested interest in building up hype given that he is producing and directing the film.

      We’d take all RGV pronouncements about the film with a pinch ton of salt.

    • shiva84   April 24, 2010 at 3:21 pm

      Sivakasi and Vettaikaran in a single day. 🙁 Responds:

      We just received Madurey DVD in the mail.

      • trishna147   April 24, 2010 at 8:35 pm

        Out of any Vijay movies, you choose Madurey? Madurey’s sole saving grace was Vadivelu (watch out for the bar scene when he is with vijay – i found it hilarious)..but then he disappears in the 2nd half 🙁
        Why dont you watch his better movies like Kadhalukku Mariyadhe,Friends,Ghilli??

        and since you watched both Vettaikaran and Sivakasi, are you gonna review both of them, or just Vettaikaran? Will Madurey be reviewed as well? Responds:

        Yes, we’ll review Vettaikaran, Sivakasi and Madurey.

        • STG   April 25, 2010 at 10:29 pm

          will these be three different review post or one single post with all three reviews? btw does it makes any difference 😉


          Separate reviews, of course. 😉

          To deny Vettaikaran a separate review is pavam (a sin).

          • STG   April 25, 2010 at 11:06 pm

            wind up everything ASAP. the same monster is back with different name… Sura. Hitting theatres in another 5 days.


            poor Tamanna


            What a coincidence!

            We were just watching the trailer.

  5. logu   April 24, 2010 at 5:56 am

    yes as rightly pointed out by Mahatma Ranjha Ranjha is the pick of the album going by the first hearing…. Responds:

    We just purchased Ranjha Ranjha and Beera Beera from iTunes.

  6. STG   April 25, 2010 at 12:57 am

    Vettaikkaran review…from SI?

    Definitely a feast for my senses…my cruelity started drooling already.

    off topic: To all SI schmucks…


    I have taken two decision after watching Rettaisuzhi

    1. Never watch a film the same weekend of its release…atleast wait for a week for the reviews.

    2. Never scale any film based on the teams previous ventures (for S Pictures and Anjali of Angadi theru fame)

    Pathetic Shit, Stupid Shit, Total Trash, Total Garbage, Deserves none other than your middle finger, Vile Trash, Cooum Dump (SI: did i miss something?)

    I was skeptical when i was told tickets from the booking office for Saturday noon/matinee and even first show for this shit a.k.a Imayamum Sigaramum Rettaisuzhi (thats the name you see in Certificate issued).

    I decided to watch this film for just two reasons…

    S Pictures (Sankar’s production) which gained decent image among people who love offbeat films (Kaathal, Kalloori and Eeram to name a few)

    Anjali – After her stellar performance in Angadi Theru i expected a lot from this girl

    accompanying with legendary directors Bharathi raja and Balachandar in lead cast directed by Taamira (read some short stories from him/her).

    Everyone is a let down – not just to the ground level but down to Marina Trench

    These two directors look and act (really?) like clowns. Anjali looks very chubby in the intro song and eventually slims down. Most of the time she seems jump from the AT shooting in the break, and blink like a rabbit got under the torch light.

    When would Tamil directors stop this non-sense of portraying kids speaking/thinking like adults?. Even after Pasanga film which shows kids as kids, these bozos never seem to reform. The scene where the hero (another idiot caught accidentally in the movie with no idea) explains his love story to the kids is totally intolerable and horrible.

    With half-baked script, under-developed story, no-impact-on-audience screenplay, director looks pathetic. Except the really-funny scene where the little girl with spinning-wheel singing to gain the friendship of Balachander there is not a single moment to keep the audience engrossed.

    Did Sankar ever preview the film? Or was he too busy with his Endhiran that he release in haste?

    The guy next to me was literally mocking every scene and finally said “Burning sun outside (41 C) seems to be better than this garbage)”.

    Guys out there…never take the risk of watching this film. Stay away. Responds:

    We don’t think Rettaisuzhi made it to the East Coast.

    • STG   April 25, 2010 at 10:27 pm

      Then you are blessed and saved… 😉

      This movie is not even worth to enter the East Coast

      • STG   April 25, 2010 at 10:56 pm

        its not typo…i intentionally mentioned Beast coast, to explain that this movie is not worth to be screened even to the coast where beasts live… 🙁 Responds:


  7. The Mahatma   April 25, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    Tigopedia is back (more colorful than before) for good? I liked the gravatar and “reply” features in the Shaithan Sinha style. Responds:

    Tigopedia was just a temporary placeholder while we made some back-end changes.

    Tired…let’s go get some Chinese food now.

    • The Mahatma   April 25, 2010 at 7:51 pm

      whoa.. 😀 Tigopedia was short-lived. And I am not going to spamhole anymore. Responds:

      You write: And I am not going to spamhole anymore

      Maybe, because you’re traveling. 😉

  8. shiva84   April 26, 2010 at 5:14 am

    Offtopic Have you watched this video. Responds:

    This is a microcosm of Shining India. 😉

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