Hurt Locker has won the Best Picture at the 82nd Annual Academy Awards tonight.
What the f*ck are the morons at the Motion Picture Academy smoking that better films like Avatar, District 9, Up in the Air or Inglourious Basterds should get the middle finger!
Here are the other movies that were also in the running for the ultimate honor at the Oscar ceremony tonight:
Avatar (2009): James Cameron, Jon Landau
The Blind Side (2009): Gil Netter, Andrew A. Kosove, Broderick Johnson
District 9 (2009): Peter Jackson, Carolynne Cunningham
An Education (2009): Finola Dwyer, Amanda Posey
Inglourious Basterds (2009): Lawrence Bender
Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009): Lee Daniels, Sarah Siegel-Magness, Gary Magness
A Serious Man (2009): Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Up (2009): Jonas Rivera
Up in the Air (2009/I): Daniel Dubiecki, Ivan Reitman, Jason Reitman
I concur with you.
What the f-ing deuce!
Did the morons really watch the other movies?
District 9 and Inglorious Basterds had more movie content in the first 5 minutes than Sh1t Locker had in its entire length.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We’re in mourning and pouring ourselves a large one.
Thankfully i havent watched any of those except Up [ in 3D], which was nothing short of amazing.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Up was OK but no patch on Avatar in terms of visual appeal.
Your analysis of the Oscars is incisive. You might want to do a post on how the Oscars have become a sham awards ceremony and are no better than the Filmfare or other desi ceremonies in terms of dishing out awards to undeserving characters.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
If we were not otherwise preoccupied, we’d have done another piece on it.
As we wrote earlier, the Hollywood liberals love anti-War films (particularly if the (unjustified) Wars are started by an unpopular Republican fella like George W.Bush). Plus the green-eyed monster wreaking havoc over Cameron’s commercial success.
A serious man is a well made black comedy, and way better than HL.
IB deserved it, well atleast, the best screenplay, but shocked that HL bagged that too.
Avatar? No way, visually stunning, but clichéd and predictable.. Glad that it didn’t win the best movie award.
Anyways who takes these awards seriously.. I’ve lost trust in Oscars since I knew that Rocky won over Taxi driver (How the f**k?) and a mediocre movie like SM won all the major accolades last year.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We’ll watch A Serious Man. Added to our Netflix queue.
this article should explain………but you will run it down…….you guys are self centred self serving chutiyas…….okay freedom of press ..etc… etc…
however this chutiya does enjoy reading your anti establishment prolific editorials….hollywood or bollywood…..bash bash…..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Read the piece in your above link.
Has some merit, particularly the Ex Factor – In other words the fact that Kathryn once sat on the same toilet seat as James Cameron in her salad days as his wife played no small part in her victory. Weird indeed.
Thank you, Stalin.
(Since most of you schmucks wouldn’t know your schlong from your cojones, here’s a
titbittidbit for y’all. Stalin once said something similar, i.e. about using the same toilet, to Lenin’s widow when he thought she was getting too cocky. A very interesting character, our Stalin!)up in the air should have got the best picture.It was beautiful.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We loved the movie too.
Did it release in your city or did you watch it on DVD?
Hey SI, would you consider hiring me as a regular columnist on your blog? If you are interested, tell me and we can sort out the modalities. Hope you consider my offer in earnest.
BTW, I have started work on The whither tamil cinema article. You can expect it around the end of this week.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We’ll think about it.
But Tamil movie reviews alone would be boring shit.
What else can you write on?
SI contrary to what some deluded souls may think does not stand for South India!
become a spycam reporter! Karunanidhi, ND Tiwari, Thackeray and don’t forget Dr. JJ with Sasikala??!!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
JJ looked quite sexy when young.
Alas, the ravages of age have robbed her of her youthful charms.
“What else can you write on?”
Hmm……Let’s see. I can cover books(both newly published and old favourites). I can also cover computer games(though I think you will be finding it a wee more expensive to cover my costs despite those being much lower in India). I can also review websites (interesting unfamiliar ones), and of course, the odd news event like you mentioned about the telugu guy’s alleged antics in the plane. Consider me as your chennai news source, I’ll report any interesting local headlines and stuff.
Anything else you think I can try? Feel free to ask.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Consider me as your chennai news source,
A lot of the SI blog readers come from North America and (most likely) don’t give a flying f*ck about Madraspatnam. And not all of our readers hail from South India.
We’ll put our thinking cap on and see what we can come up with in terms of topics.
“A lot of the SI blog readers come from North America and (most likely) don’t give a flying f*ck about Madraspatnam. And not all of our readers hail from South India.”
Really? Then how do you explain this?
[Link Deleted]
Check under “audience” tab.
“We’ll put our thinking cap on and see what we can come up with in terms of topics.”
Is that a tentative yes?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Nobody gives a rat’s ass for Alexa.
2. Neither a tentative Yes nor a definitive No.
As we said earlier, we’ve got to think of topics that will fly. And figuring out interesting topics ain’t no easy task.
“Neither a tentative Yes nor a definitive No.”
Hoping that you come out with a positive offer soon.:)
off-topic: What happened to the DevD review you promised?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We’ll do DevD soon. Sorry for the delay.
fakeiplplayer has released a book just before the start of IPL3.. not sure if he got the book idea before or after he started that blog.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Will check it out today.
Bizee with White Russian.
SI Said: “What the f*ck are the morons at the Motion Picture Academy smoking that better films like Avatar, District 9, Up in the Air or Inglourious Basterds should get the middle finger!”
I see someone is very upset, huh? Did you feel the same way when VASTLY BETTER FLICKS like “Milk”, “Frost/Nixon”, “The Reader”, and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” were overlooked for C0CK-BOYLE’s crap-fest called “Shitjumping Millionaire.”
That said, I knew Hurt Locker would win cos I know Oscars are shit much like the Grammy awards. When will you guys learn?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: I see someone is very upset, huh? Did you feel the same way when VASTLY BETTER FLICKS like “Milk”, “Frost/Nixon”, “The Reader”, and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” were overlooked for C0CK-BOYLE’s crap-fest called “Shitjumping Millionaire.”
This C0CK-BOYLE slur deserves a strong response.
We promise to buy the Slumdog Millionaire DVD.
Take that, you philistine!
We’ll have to accept that academy awards is losing its sheen. I was very very disappointed when Inglourious Basterds didnti win it. Look at the below article
Sudhish kamath is one of the very few reviewers who calls spade a spade
1. just watched Donnie Brasco which has ur favourite starts ALpacino-Johnny depp. Incredible movie based on the story of two men who grow to love each other, within the framework of a teacher-student relationship. The chemistry between pacino was depp was incredible. and dialogues like “If I say you’re a friend of mine, that means you’re connected’ and “if I say you’re a friend of ours, that means you’re a made guy. If I introduce you, I’m responsible for you. Anything wrong with you, I go down.” stay in our memory quite long. It is loosely based on the real-life events of Joseph D. Pistone, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent. Overall i feel it’s a must-watch, a good gangster film with strong emotional under currents. Sadly, it is underrated I would highly recommend you to watch the movie and
check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ql0g2xL760&feature=PlayList&p=560BA8F176D7B80D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=56 and the subsequent links for the real documentary on the incident.
2. Now a days, we don’t need a vivek or a bhramanandam to tickle our funny bones
the happenings in pariament over the past few years makes us laugh our ass out. First it was BJP over the liberhan reports where they kept shouting and sloganeering for over 1 hour till Chidambaram finished reading his report. Hardly a word could be heard over the report
and the latest watch the link when the proceedings of parliament over women’s bill was distrupted by bunch of clowns who call them selves MPs
Incredible India isn’t it?????
3. With the IPL dhamaka rolling, these are busy days and with the fake ipl player set to begin a fresh innings now these days are very hectic with lots of IPL and fake IPL player blog and a little bit of work in the office…. and ofcourse i can’t miss SI.
Wonder if you have a chance to see IPL . FYI, Live streaming of all the matches is available on youtube.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Watched Donnie Brasco about three years back. Very nice…the last scenes involving Al Pacino were very moving.
2. As for drugs, we think its use ought to be legalized and thus the entire supply chain decriminalized. It’ll break the Drug Mafia in South America, in the lawless Pak-Afghan region and South East Asia.
3. Watched the Parliamentary videos in your above links.
The Parliamentary ruckus in India is hardly new. These are animals without a leash.
It’s worse in the state Legislative Assemblies, particularly Tamil Nadu with legislators throwing microphones, engaging in assaulting opponents and tugging at their rivals’ dhotis et al.
4. Haven’t had a chance to watch IPL…been busy with a few other things.
Yo, sent you the piece on Tamil cinema by mail. Tell me if you’ve received it.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Reading it. Thanks.