Up won the Best Animated Feature Oscar at the 82nd Academy Awards tonight.
By the way, we watched Up in June last year and didn’t think much of it.
Here’s what SearchIndia.com wrote in the review of Up (3D):
But more than the story itself what left us most disappointed was the 3D aspect of the movie.
When you wear those 3D glasses, you tend to expect a lot.
You know, some nice, clever little tricks that make you go Wow.
Alas, there is no Wow element in this movie.
Once we donned our 3D glasses our expectations rose into the stratosphere but as the widower Fredrickson’s house pulled by the balloons climbed high into the clouds and then drifted south, our pleasure in the movie too drifted south.
We don’t know about you but for $8.50 (matinee ticket prices for a 3D movie), we expect a lot more.
Now for the other animation films that were in the running:
Coraline (2009): Henry Selick
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009): Wes Anderson
The Princess and the Frog (2009): John Musker, Ron Clements
The Secret of Kells (2009): Tomm Moore
Up (2009): Pete Docter
Shit! Up won the Best Original screenplay award! Expected IB to win.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Not Up. Up won the Best Animated Feature Film of the Year award.
Hurt Locker won the award.
There goes your Insider review.
//There goes your Insider review.
So,you’ll never watch Insider ?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
It all depends on how accurate your predictions are for the 83rd Oscars.
//It all depends on how accurate your predictions are for the 83rd Oscars.//
No,I won’t care who wins the Oscars next year.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Who knows what surprises lie ahead of us.
Sorry.it’s Hurt Locker which won it,not UP.