Jai ho, Karuppiah.
Oh boy, our Karuppiahs a.k.a Tamils are all over the place. No kidding.
Indian-American Venkatraman Ramakrishnan has won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on mapping the ribosomes at the atomic level.
Born in 1952 in the temple town of Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, India, Venkatraman got a Ph.D. in Physics in 1976 from Ohio University following a B.Sc from Baroda University in Gujarat.
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
(Pix: Nobel Foundation)
Venkatraman, who is currently working as Senior Scientist and Group Leader at Structural Studies Division, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, shares the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Thomas A. Steitz of Yale and Ada E. Yonath and Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Here’s what Venkatraman Ramakrishnan had to say today upon receiving the news about the prestigious honor:
I have to say that I am deeply indebted to all of the brilliant associates, students and post docs who worked in my lab as science is a highly collaborative enterprise….The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and the University of Utah supported this work and the collegiate atmosphere there made it all possible. The idea of supporting long term basic research like that at LMB does lead to breakthroughs, the ribosome is already starting to show its medical importance.
Tamil Pride
This is the third time a Tamil has won the Nobel Prize.
C.V.Raman was the first Tamil to win the Nobel (1930), becoming the first Asian and first non-White to get any Nobel Prize in the sciences (Source: Wiki).
Some five decades later, Raman’s nephew Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar won the Nobel in physics (1983).
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan’s Contact Info:
Structural Studies Division, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cambridge, CB2 0QH
United Kingdom.
Wonder, who’s next in line for the Nobel.
Watch this space.
Just wonderful. Kudos to Venkataraman! Of course, Tamils are everywhere.
“Yaadhum Oorey! Yaavarum Kelir!” [To us, all towns are same! All people are our kin!] – says PuraNaanooru.
Btw, is it true that the above saying is written at the entrance of Nasa?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Btw, is it true that the above saying is written at the entrance of Nasa?
No, but at Ellis Island and on the crown of Statue of Liberty.
Enjoy – Yadhoom Oorey.
Congrats to DR Venkatraman Ramachandran…Another Ramachandran, Prof G N Ramachandran did excellent work on collagen and molecular biophysics at Univ of Madras[Chennai](physics dept) and later at IISc Bangalore.
In fact this Venktaraman gave GNR endowment lecture too….
Prof G N Ramachandran was close to getting the Nobel but missed it…anyway Venkatraman Ramachandran of Cambridge univ has done us proud and has redeemed the promise of Prof GNR now.!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: Congrats to DR Venkatraman Ramachandran…Another Ramachandran, Prof G N Ramachandran did excellent work on collagen….anyway Venkatraman Ramachandran of …
Moron, you are not doing excellent work here.
The Nobel winner is Venkatraman Ramakrishnan not Ramachandran.
2. Thanks for the introduction to Gopalasamudram Narayana Iyer Ramachandran.
SI Writes: Moron, you are not doing excellent work here
Ouch, not nice..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
SI team-close your mouth…its full of ugly teeth and saliva! You want to appreciate INDIAN now…what made your proud to be Desi suddenly….NOBLE??!!!
Are you still an slave to the whites?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. We’ve always been proud of our desis, warts and all.
2. You write: Are you still an (sic) slave to the whites?
We’ll respond to this when you learn to construct a proper sentence.
Scoot, now.
while Tamils are winning Nobel prizes, Gujjus are running motels/gas stations and Gultis(Cygate/Sterling is apparently a gujju company .. hence more devious
http://www.sterling-system.com/contact-us) are running illegal sweatshops
just kidding.
I think I need to change my nick (much like Cygate – Sterling) now to avoid being profiled as a tamilist.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We think all those SAP shops run by Telugus are mere fronts for shady operations.
Out of sheer boredom, we called one of those SAP shops a few years back and the Telugu fella’s first question was our Visa status. He lost interest in us the moment we told him we were citizens. Go figure.
We don’t know about your part of the U.S. But here in the North-east, the Telugus have a pretty big arsenal of tricks.
Who do you think you are helen of troy
Sori naye appreciate from ur heart why Bloody Karuppaih then U must be referring to the [trash talk] like Boopalan Strynglad, Gora who feast on the bones thropwn by you
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Have you tried shock treatment?
Although its use has been stopped in treating mental illness, it might help in your case.
What is so harm in getting called as “Karuppiah”. Yes, I am a Karuppiah. Over 70 percent of tamils are Karuppiahs, by color, with a dark complexion. Brown is the original color of tamils.
I like black. You think, calling a person “Karuppiah” is a shame? That shows, how biased you are, towards colors. You think, being white is a great thing. You’ll proudly accept calling you “sevappaiya”? Then I think a nerve connection [we think many] in your brain is missing.
Man, the color of universe is dark (black). If you ever understand Universe is God, then Black is a godly color.
Btw, It is greatly surprising that you talk about Helen of Troy. Did you overhear someone crossing you speaking those words?
Chill out..!
Helo Mr.Einstein a.k.a Boopalan isnt Helen ur wife or sister so that no body should be talkin abt her
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Focus on the subject of the post.
Stop this silly fighting. Grates on everyone’s nerves.