Naagarahaavu – Tragedy Par Excellence
We plead guilty, folks.
At SI, we’ve focused our attention so far exclusively on Hindi, Tamil and English movies and the stray French, German, Chinese, Spanish or Italian movie.
One reason we’ve not included Kannada movies on SI hitherto is their non-availability (at least, not easily available) in the U.S.
So the other day we drove down to Virginia and picked up a whole bunch of Kannada movies featuring mostly Dr.Rajkumar a.k.a. Annavaru and Vishnuvardhan.
Nagarahaavu, Shankar Guru, Bangarada Manushya, Bandhana, Apthamitra, Jeevana Chaitra, Akasmika, Bhagyada Lakshmi Baramma and Operation Diamond Racket are among the movies we’ll be watching and writing about.
Unfortunately, many of the Kannada classics/hits like Eradu Kanasu, Sharapanjara, Gandhada Gudi, Gejje Pooje, Samskara, Ghattashraddha, Ranganayaki, Na Ninna Marayalare, Prema Loka et al are not easily available in the U.S. So they’ll have to wait for another day.
Just so the youngsters among our readers don’t feel left out, we’ve also purchased a few recent movies like Mungaru Male.
Santoshana (happy)?
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Naagarahaavu – Tragedy Par Excellence
santosha swamy ‘gaalipata’ also Responds:
Neevu helidhamele Ayithu (as you say). But we did not find Gaalipata in the Virginia store.
Nodonaa, baere elladharu siggatha antha (we’ll see if we can get it elsewhere).
BTW, do you know where we can find Kannada DVDs (we’d like to buy not rent) in NJ at reasonable prices?
No telugu / malayalam film festivals..?
Some of the best of movies are from Malayalam, I believe.. Responds:
Telugu, we may at some time.
Probably, Bengali too..
But you may not stop with that as far as Indian industries are concerned..! Responds:
Why not Bhojpuri?
We remember reading that Bhojpuri has/had a flourishing film industry.