The L.A. Times (our former favorite newspaper) had a moving story the other day on a 6-year-old schizophrenic girl Jani (full name: January Schofield).
After reading about Jani, do you schmucks still believe in God?
The L.A. Times (our former favorite newspaper) had a moving story the other day on a 6-year-old schizophrenic girl Jani (full name: January Schofield).
After reading about Jani, do you schmucks still believe in God?
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After reading that I really wanted to… Hmm too bad I am spoiled by rationality. Hey, what makes you get up in the morning? Seriously, whats the point of ALL this/meaning of life? I know the classic answer…
Whats yours? Responds:
1. You write: Seriously, whats the point of ALL this/meaning of life?
In our not-so-humble view, we are increasingly tending toward the view that life has absolutely no meaning. You live, you die.
2. You write: Hey, what makes you get up in the morning?
No higher, overarching make-a-difference, change-the-world goals…more of mundane stuff like:
Tue & Fri – Sound of Trash Truck
Mon – To take a leak (Since we got so drunk the previous night and accumulate a lot of liquids)
Sun – Need to go buy the Sunday NYT before it gets sold out (not a big problem these days with the recession & the price hike to $6)
Wed – who knows…most likely because it’s so hot since someone in this cheapo desi household has switched off the AC to save on utility bills
Sat – Prospect of lunch at an Indian restaurant
If any days are still left – See Monday
Another answer. Responds:
What the above link does not address is fear as an explaining variable for a lot of human actions.
“ has absolutely no meaning. You live, you die”
Ahh, an existential nihilist. I am honoured. Responds:
Sometimes, duty triumphs despair.
SI Said:”After reading about Jani, do you schmucks still believe in God?”
As a rationalist, I’ve to ask you this. What does a child’s schizophrenia have to do with the existence or non-existence of God? It’s like a religious person pointing to natural beauty (or in Ray Comfort’s case, the banana) and providing that as evidence for God.
Surely, there are other means of argument.
SI Said: “Wed – who knows…most likely because it’s so hot since someone in this cheapo desi household has switched off the AC to save on utility bills”
Or it could be that your roommate is feeling cold? I live in SW Virginia in the Blue River valley where the nights become as chilly as 68 F and I shut off the a/c to indeed save money. I call it being prudent, not cheap. Let’s admit it, if a non-desi guy were to do this he’d be hailed as a lone shining beacon for environmental awareness. Surprisingly though, most desis I know WASTE electricity by leaving lights, computers, a/c on even when not required.
I agree we are cheap, but there are far more legitimate instances that provide proof of our cheapo behavior. This instance of desi-bashing comes across as rather moronic. Responds:
1. You write: Or it could be that your roommate is feeling cold?…there are far more legitimate instances that provide proof of our cheapo behavior. This instance of desi-bashing comes across as rather moronic.
We most certainly know our housemates better than you do. So your justifying-drivel makes no sense.
2. Compared to where your live, it certainly seems hotter here (401 miles North-east of where you are). Quite humid too.
3. You write: As a rationalist, I’ve to ask you this. What does a child’s schizophrenia have to do with the existence or non-existence of God?
We were making that point as an illustration of the drivel inherent in the god punishes sinners argument that’s reigned for centuries in both hemispheres.
SI Said: “So your justifying-drivel makes no sense.”
It does. Your housemates’ actions don’t speak for all desis just like the desis I know who waste electricity doesn’t speak of all desis.
Like I said, it were a non-desi guy who was doing it in your home, you wouldn’t dare call him a cheapo and extol his financial acumen or environmental consciousness. Bash our own, praise the rest- now THAT’S typically desi Responds:
1. You write: Your housemates’ actions don’t speak for all desis
True but here’s what we wrote earlier: it’s so hot since someone in this cheapo desi household has switched off the AC to save on utility bills
‘this cheapo desi household‘ has only one meaning in the English language and that is our household given the context.
Whether you know desis who waste electricity or don’t know desis who dislike pavakkai (bittergourd) is beside the point and not germane to the discussion.
2. You write: it were a non-desi guy who was doing it in your home, you wouldn’t dare call him a cheapo and extol his financial acumen or environmental consciousness
We would call him a cheapo too because we’re ‘uniformly obnoxious.’
if the temp goes down to 68, why would the AC even matter? Wouldn’t the thermostat turn it off?.. Responds:
Maybe StrYngLad74 lives in that part of Appalachia where the central AC doesn’t come with a thermostat.