Myrmidon, a synonym for hireling or loyal follower, comes to English from Greek.
The original myrmidons were followers of King Achilles (he of the Achilles heel) in the Trojan war.
Myrmidon is often used in a pejorative way to refer to a follower who obeys orders without asking any questions.
Example: The BJP’s myrmidons would think nothing of exterminating Muslims in India.
what a disagreeable word! it sounds like its old and has warts and spits everywhere. Responds:
At least, it doesn’t have a split personality.
Remember Sybil?
etymology: Tamil MyiruMadaiyan c. 1984 Responds:
MirugaMadaiyan. 985 AD
(A jester in Raja Raja Chola’s court?)
better that than being in a constant state of youism. Responds:
How do you do it?
do what?
yeah jay, how do you do that? Responds:
Offtopic 1: Looks like your idiot Senator is in the news again. Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) made him look like a jerk for the hiatus between what he advocated and what he did.
Offtopic 2: After our late-night Idli-fying, all’s well with the world.
I understood the part about idli.. but I don’t follow politics.. diligently following baseball scores from all over the nation..
if only Maddow were better looking, I may watch that show. watched it on now.. Blagojevich towers over this idiot. Responds:
Rachel Maddow is the Left’s version of Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity. Prefer Keith Olbermann to her any day.
From what we gather, she’s a lesbian. That, of course, is no bar against drooling over her.