The theme is nice; the lines are funny; the acting is solid.
Yes, we enjoyed this delicious comedy.
But we doubt I Love you, Man will fly with our desis. At least, not with the Bollywood or Kollywood craving crowd. Maybe, the movie might resonate with the ABCDs but not with most of our regular desi neanderthals stuck in the ice ages of Vadivelu, Rajpal Yadav, Johnny Lever or Brahmanandam.
I Love You, Man is the well-told story of a recently engaged Los Angeles real estate agent Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd), who suddenly discovers that unlike his fiancee Zoey (Rashida Jones), who has two close girlfriends with whom no secret is left unshared, he has no male friends at all.
No buddies to go out on golf-camps or weekend trips to Vegas or have a beer or play poker with.
Hey, things are so bad that Peter can’t even think of anyone to be the Best Man at his forthcoming wedding.
The problem, as Peter’s gay-brother explains one night at a family dinner, is Peter’s always been a girlfriend guy.
Peter’s clumsy attempts to find new male-friends invariably fail to yield the desired results and end up being quite funny. Either the new friends are gay or cranks like the fellow working at the gym!
Things begin to look pretty despondent for Peter until he comes across Sydney Fife (Jason Segel), a financial consultant with a dog named Anwar Sadat and a shared affinity for the Canadian rock band Rush.
They go out for dinner, share beer, discuss intimate details of their lives and jam together loudly in Sydney’s garage much to the irritation of the neighbors.
The two new friends get so close and spend so much time together that Peter’s fiancee Zoey starts to get really irritated.
Will Peter’s new friendship with Sydney completely sour his relationship with Zooey?
Talented Cast and Crew
Well suited for their roles, Paul Rudd and Jason Segel are both talented actors with an extensive repertoire of expressions.
As they bond together, they share a fine chemistry that’s a delight to watch, whether the two are on the Venice boardwalk, on Sydney’s scooter, eating fish tacos at the bar or just shooting the breeze in Sydney’s garage.
Comedies are a hard act to put together but I Love You, Man gets it right.
I Love You, Man is directed by John Hamburg. The screenplay is by Hamburg and Larry Levin based on the story by Levin.
Comedy in Indian Fims
Indian movies have not done well with the comedy genre (truth be said, Indian movies are mostly ugly in any genre).
Attempts at humor in Indian movies invariably end up being hopelessly amateurish (the Vadivelu kind in Tamil movies or Rajpal Yadav’s recent Bollywood movies) or disgustingly vulgar (again, the Vadivelu kind).
Hera Pheri (Paresh Rawal) is one of the few Indian comedies that we enjoyed in recent years.
It’s only when you watch comedies like I Love You, Man that you realize how far behind desi filmmakers are in this genre. recommends I Love You, Man. The movie is playing all across America in a theater near you.
[deleted because comment was in Tamil] Responds:
You must Write in English or provide an English translation (we prefer you stick to English although occasional use of Tamil words or phrases are fine).
If English is beyond your capabilities and you are still desperate for some Entertainment, try wanking your meat.
Of course, if you see I Love You, Man you might learn some interesting ‘sensitivity’ techniques from Jason Segel’s character Sydney who has a special masturbation chair in his home. No kidding.
(But please do take along someone who understands English.)
Venkat prabhu had confessed that he had stolen the story and screenplay of his last film from many hollywood movies, In the 100th day celebration of saroja. Responds:
What is your source?
Some links, please.
Today the 100th day celebrations was telecasted in kalaignar T.V. At 7.30 p.m. On the stage he said that before the crowd.
On the topic of plagiarism, are you familiar with this site:
It is exceptionally well-researched and the person who maintains it does a great job. It tries to track rip-offs in the music industry (Bollywood, Tollywood etc), catalogs them by the plagiarist a.k.a. composer, puts in the original song, highlights the differences, gives credit to the plagiarist where there is a significant variation and so on. Responds:
Interesting site. Thanks.
Glad that someone’s holding the feets of our ‘artistes’ to the fire.
Hey cheap crappy pshycopath are telling me that my english is crap…ok..first let us check your english
1. You must Write in English or provide an English translation: (Idiot, when you use “must” then you can not use “or” connector in the same sentence..makes sense!)
2. Of course, if you see I Love You, Man you might learn some interesting ’sensitivity’ techniques from Jason Segel’s character Sydney who has a special masturbation chair in his home. No kidding. (I don’t have to tell everyone that what is wrong in the above sentence. (Thought many mistakes (at least 6) in the above, let us point one simple. “in his home” is incorrect in the above context, actually it must read as “at his home”. Responds:
1. In the context that we used it, we see no problem. In future, we’d probably write, or at least to make the sentence read better.
2. In his home is fine.
Sir: it is “at his home”(in the movie!) Responds:
Sir: ‘in his home’ is not wrong.
Hey Boy! the home is a big shitty (like your p**lu) place, it includes toilet, backyard, kitchen, bedroom and more. Your character might be in the one of the above places within the home setup. So
1. At his home (in the Bedroom etc)
2. At his home (in the movie)
3. At his home (in ….name of the town/st)
Where did you go to school…Is that “ErumaPattay Eruma-Panni Elementary Scool” Responds:
‘in his home’ is not wrong.
1. We’ve told you a million times that you are a blithering idiot and a big heap of human waste.
Please click on the following link to see 7,470,000 examples of in your home.
2. More examples from recent editions of American Newspapers & Magazines:
* Johnston has been in his home for more than a decade and says he plans to keep pestering his lender for aid. – Detroit Free Press
* Nora told Julia the news, and part of me thought that when Julia closed the door, Tommy would be standing there in his home. But no. We still hate him. – Entertainment Weekly
* He said his client later saw Perez in his home and feared he would die if he did not get him out of his home. – Albany Times Union
3. Now, take an ax to your right arm and ask your moronic buddy to chop off your left arm. Schmuck.
Cool! Don’t insult others! sari..polachu poo!
@ SI Responds:
1. That was not an insult…Very apposite when directed at you. Like all empty vessels, you make a lot of noise.
2. You write above: sari..polachu poo!
We should be the ones saying that after all the nonsense you wrote about at your home and in your home.
Perhaps, it’s time we did more posts on English. We”ll do a post in the English category later this evening.
I wasn’t taught proper grammar, but I believe “in his home” is right and “at his home” is wrong.. in the “masturbation chair” context.
This example may help Idiot understand the use of in and at:
#1 Idiot is just being an idiot
#2 He just wants to irritate you.. Responds:
It’s an absolute moron.
I dont think his intention was to irrate them because SI is already out of their senses. There is no point irrate someone cadaverous, defunct, dead, deceased, tasteless (in the context of movies), unqualified, barely articulate specimen like SI. So I agree to your point 1. Idiot is just being an idiot… Responds:
What language is that – Tamlish, Kanlish, Hindlish, Teluglish, Malayish?
Nice to see all the fan following for Idiot.
Let me come up with new Blog soon. I am planning not only Movies, but also comments on Cricket, Indian ploitics (elections) etc!!!
You guys will hear something soon from me and editors list may include a retired professor, few Industry experts etc ( I gurantee that this won’t be a one man’s stupid show). let me liberate you all from here. Responds:
Yes, your upcoming BMC4MC (Blog by the Mentally Challenged for the Mentally Challenged) is the main topic of discussion at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting.
Many clowns challenged Puratchi Thalaivar.
But there’s only one Ulagam Sutram Valiban.
Just out of curiosity.. what was Idiot’s original name before you re-christened him? Responds:
Idiot’s original name was adiserupala. We thought it was inappropriate and picked a more apposite name.
The idiot thinks maintaining a blog with all the technical issues, the relentless attacks (you guys have no idea of how severely our servers are being attacked because of our frank and forthright views), writing on diverse topics, responding to the comments et al is a walk in the park. Let it start one, it’ll know.
Offtopic: Close to finishing 1 pint of Heineken ($2.99) with salted/fried peanuts on the side. Will start on the pint of Guiness Stout ($2.99) soon, before Obama’s 8PM ET TV address.
We don’t think Idiot is capable of starting a blog.. leave alone having guest expert writers!!
We don’t usually drink on the weeknights.. but you have made us break our penance.
Signed by “Us” Responds:
Obama is talking of various steps taken so far….
I would rather read Idiot’s upcoming blog than explain you what irrate means(in Pacific slang)… Responds:
Oh, come on. You made a mistake. Be a man and own up to it.
Anyway, one Idiot deserves another. Have fun reading the Idiot’s blog (that is, if it ever sees the light of the day).
Did yavarum nalam make it to the U.S ? Responds:
Yeah, it did. But we skipped it and went to Gomorrah.
Dont skip it.the movie is doing really great here,u would have heard that weinstein company bought the movie’s rights to remake it in hollywood…the first for any indian movie…. Responds:
Still raining here.
Update: Sorry, we thought you were referring to Ayan. You are obviously referring to yavarum nalam.
We are not sure if it’s still playing on the East Coast.
assuming that you ran off to a movie?? no updates in a long time… Responds:
Yes, we braved the heavy winds and thunder-storm for Ayan (Surya, Tamanna).
Got caught in a bad storm on the way back. Hence the delay in updates.
Ayan Review coming in a few hours.
Others: We’ll get to your comments after we complete the review.
sweet movie.. why wouldn’t desis like this.. Rush rocks!
Paul and Jason were born 11 years apart.. and there is a height difference of 7 inches, but still their chemistry was awesome on screen. Responds:
You write: sweet movie.. why wouldn’t desis like this..
Because their train is still stuck on the crude Vadivelu/Rajpal Yadav humor track.
District 9 not on your calendar? Responds:
Maybe, we’ll see it on Thurs.
(Too tired…just back from NYC.)