Here’s Take 2 of Incredible India containing some of those only-in-India incredible stories:
* Priests at an Orissa temple performed a special purificatory ceremony after the visit of a Dalit minister. There must be a special place reserved in hell for the Brahmin swines who still engage in obnoxious discriminatory practices in many parts of India.Â
* Karnataka buses stop entering Maharashtra border.  Are Karnataka and Maharashtra two separate countries? It would seem so. Here’s an excerpt from the TOI story:
The Karnataka State Transport has stopped plying its buses in bordering areas of Maharashtra after Akhil Bhartiya Chhawa Sangathan burnt a Karnataka bus in Latur on Sunday.
Chhawa had torched a Karnataka state transport bus on Sunday at Latur as a protest against the Karnataka Government using force against Marathi speaking population protesting against the assembly session in Belgaum.
Karnataka buses have stopped entering bordering areas in the backdrop of attacks on them, Divisional Controller, MSRTC, Latur, R K Jadhav said.
* India accounted for 22% of global pregnancy-related deaths in 2005, according to the UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children 2009 report. Yes, India also accounts for 25% of deliveries unattended by skilled healthcare workers.
* Movie piracy is so rampant in India that Slumdog Millionaire was available on the Local Area Network of IIT Kharagpur before the movie’s official debut.
*Â It’s Diwali in parts of Bihar. Some remote villages in Bihar are getting electricity because they happen to be along the route of the local Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s Vikas Yatra.
* Sure, road accidents are often beyond your control but pray that it never happens to you in India. We are increasingly seeing reports of road accident victims in India being just left unattended to die.
* Bollywood star Akshay Kumar is apparently very mad over the reaction to his latest crap show Chandni Chowk to China. Why the hell is Akshay mad? The audience should be mad and Akshay Kumar should be on his knees begging forgiveness for subjecting fans to such torture.
Mera Bharat Mahaan.
Why don’t you go get started on those reviews you promised instead of pushing your anti-India agenda down our throats. It’s repetitive, boring & untenable.
All i’m hearing is “stealing swines..blah blah..Indian coolies…yada yada..bollywood torture..” Some of your points are absolutely rational but spewing like a mad dog makes you a lot less credible & more importantly, stale. Responds:
1. Book reviews are coming soon. First one will be Sashenka.
We also plan to highlight interesting short stories/pieces from the New Yorker, NYT, WSJ & other publications we look at.
2. You write: instead of pushing your anti-India agenda down our throats
Are you out of your mind.
Our bottomless love for India comes through in every single post and comment we write.
Mera Bharat Mahan.
(Just curious, we’ve heard of so many people getting lost at sea. How’s it that you somehow manage to survive the squalls and tempests of the ocean?)
Forget the Married to frogs, donkeys, trees (Green eyed Ash is said to have married one before AB) and such Incredible stories which are folkloristic and alien to the western world.
Your new section on Incredible India could be interesting, if you can include the “Real” Incredible stories from India to show the positive side.
For instance, I read sometime back in Deccan Herald that a farmer & his wife (childless couple) from a remote village in Karnataka, decided to plant Trees everyday of their life and nurture them as their children (till the trees could survive on their own).
During the past many years (together) they have planted 1000s of trees in and around their village and along the high way. This they did, not for any Guiness Record, nor as part of any “Mission Green Earth” but for their love of their Land and Nature.
Now Isn’t that Incredible! Responds:
Yes, we’d love to feature positive stories on India.
But much of what we hear is a tale of a agony compounded by unyielding misery for a vast majority of Indians.
We love tree and in the summer of our life, we’ve planted a few trees in India & given some money to others to plant trees.
Buses plying from neighbouring states stopping at the border is nothing new! It has been a time tested practise to avoid buses getting stoned/torched!
SI, During any sort of disturbance on linguistic grounds, Tamil Nadu State buses would stop at Athibele (after Hosur on the Highway to Bangalore), people get out of the bus then cross the “Border” by foot with their baggage / kids and get into another (sometimes waiting) Karnataka State Transport Bus to continue their journey into Karnataka.
The cause of Man’s entanglement in linguistic fanaticism. Responds:
We’ve seen at close quarters the horrific effects of linguistic fanaticism in India…more on that some other day.
SI : Our bottomless love for India comes through in every single post and comment we write.
Very diff to believe this….nevertheless
interstate fights (ethnic tensions ) should stop …this is a result of more and more regional parties coming to power …they all need to be kicked out …if we had the Congress / BJP in both the states …then things would have not come to this … this nonesense is mostly done by parties like Shiv sena ..DMK ..TDP ..AGP …SP ..BSP etc
Even in this case …the Cong govt in Maha and BJP govt in Karnataka kept quite ..its the Shiv Sena which started this nonsense …
there was a border issue between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh recently ….did not get violent …but they immediately called upon the PM to resolve this at the earliest ….poor PM …he is busy with Pakistan and Satyam … Responds:
The Belgaum problem has been festering for a long time (several decades) between Karnataka & Maharashtra.
More for Incredible India –
Read through the link. Responds:
We’ve updated the Incredible India – 2 post …added your Orissa news to the top of our piece.
u think i’m a common human?!
i just got back from a secret, secret, extra-secret mission in the middle world. Responds (from a library via iPhone):
Yes, we have long recognized that you are non pareil.
We are dying to know.
what r u doing in a library? bet you’re one of those cheap people that rent paintings to hang at home.
and i would like you to keep in mind that I was the first. Responds:
You write above: what r u doing in a library?
Ever heard of this dying tradition called reading?
Tell us more.
Here is more news on our Incredible India
a story of crap
a story of media hype Responds:
We have one of your stories in Incredible India – 3.
SI Says:Movie piracy is so rampant in India that Slumdog Millionaire was available on the Local Area Network of IIT Kharagpur before the movie’s official debut.
Movie piracy is so rampant in India that the pirated copy of the movie was available in India even before the Movie was released in India(4 months after the release elsewhere.
and the LAN of IIT Kharagpur is the single comprehensive source of all your piracy related issues in India. Ever hear of the internet?
Some person (not from India) who got a copy of the DVD screener (which is meant for evaluation purposes) chose to rip it and upload it online. The ripped copy came out on Dec 16. And the world has been enjoying it ever since, not just India.
But cant blame you there, YOU are an “Indian” site catering to “Indian” diaspora, and nothing sells hotter than the feeling that quenches the guilt of jumping ship when you see how lucky you are to be so far away from that shitpile! It’s all business, I understand.
All hail The “Fox News” school of Media manipulation! Responds:
1. You write above: and the LAN of IIT Kharagpur is the single comprehensive source of all your piracy related issues in India. Ever hear of the internet?
Having a hard time reading, are we?
a). We mentioned (on more than occasion) an ET story that even cable operators in different Indian cities had screened the movie. That’s piracy.
b) We mentioned that DVDs of Slumdog Millionaire have been available for weeks prior to its theatrical release. That’s piracy.
c) We mentioned the IITKGP LAN. That’s piracy.
d) Yes, we’ll add the Internet downloads too now.
2. You write: It’s all business, I understand
You understand nothing.
Your above point is one of those Plain Baloney lines, which mean nothing. A mere filler for empty space.
When you have nothing to say, tis’ better to say nothing.
3. You write: The ripped copy came out on Dec 16. And the world has been enjoying it ever since, not just India.
Wow. Wonderful justification. The world is eating shit and so shall I, seems to be your pathetic, effete defense.
SI:Wow. Wonderful justification. The world is eating shit and so shall I, seems to be your pathetic, effete defense.
Do you make it a point to read stuff, 2 lines at a time or is it just that you have a hard time maintaining the continuity between every 3 lines. Read the paragraph again, Am I layin emphasis at any point in “Justifying” the piracy?
There is a difference between
1)the world is eating shit and We are one among them and
2)We eat so much shit
With the latter making it sound an awful lot like we are the only ones eating shit.
I have no probs in people stating the truth but manipulation to emphasize your own point at the expense of misleading is sad. Let people make their own decisions instead of making it for them and stuffing it down their throats! You will understand what I mean should this site ever get big enough but then again as long as you have the current system of only allowing posts that you deem to be worthy, theres little chance of taht happening!
P.S.:- Ahh..I see I have touched a nerve with the business statement
We should completely do away with teh caste system. The caste system unlike religon tells you wat position of the hierarchy you are at and what you can and cant do. Atleast religons ignore other religons (atleast the scriptures do).
You probably wont agree with this, but India has come a long way since its independence. America has been Independent for 200 years and it was only in the last 50 years that racial integration has started happening. India has a long way to go, no doubt, but for a young country, we have done decently.
Besides how hard is it to rant on and on about the pathetic plight without offering any constructive suggestions or doing anything constructive in rebuilding it as per your dream! What you are screaming in post after post, is just negativist propaganda! Responds:
1. Am I layin emphasis at any point in “Justifying” the piracy?
The tone, The tone. The overall tone of your comment (for instance, your line – And the world has been enjoying it ever since, not just India).
2. You write: Let people make their own decisions instead of making it for them and stuffing it down their throats….but then again as long as you have the current system of only allowing posts that you deem to be worthy, theres little chance of taht happening!
What are you smoking. Even our hardcore-haters will disagree with you here.
Get off the marijuana train before it completely vaporizes your brain.
Let’s see. We set up the blog and so naturlich we write the posts. Nothing wrong with that. That’s the nature of a blog.
There’s probably not another blog on India where most of the comments are critical of the writers of the blog and yet over 99% of the comments are published verbatim, usually with our responses. If you cannot wean yourself away from nonsense, you ought to at least try for plausible baloney.
Occasionally, if a comment is long and interesting enough, we even publish it as a post so that it gets wider attention. The SI blog is our weltanschauung but should you or anyone else ever write an interesting enough comment, we’d consider it publishing it as a separate post as well.
3. You write: You probably wont agree with this, but India has come a long way since its independence
Maybe for a few lucky souls like you. But for the vast majority, their lives have been a harrowing tale of misery.
4. You write: India has a long way to go, no doubt, but for a young country, we have done decently
What are you high on – Snow White, Arrack, Toddy…By any yardstick – the number of people living in slums, the number of people too poor to afford a shanty even in a slum and so living on the streets, the number of people dying because they can’t afford healthcare, the decrepit state of govt hospitals, Investment in public health, Infant Mortality, things have not changed much for hundreds of millions.
We wouldn’t be surprised if the absolute number (not the percentage that bureaucrats are happy about) for many of the problems plaguing India is higher now than it was in 1947.
Millions of Indians to this day don’t even have a concept of state or nation (yes, we’ve met some of them in the past in our journey through some of India’s most backward villages in some of the most backward districts).
As Irrfan Khan rightly said in his reaction to the reactions against Slumdog Millionaire:
5. You write: Ahh..I see I have touched a nerve with the business statement
No & No. If blogs were such money-spinners as you seem delusionally convinced, every gshankar, bramesh, dsingh and mpatel would be doing nothing but blogging.
6. You write: What you are screaming in post after post, is just negativist propaganda
If the truth sounds like negativist propaganda to you, so be it.
7. You write: Besides how hard is it to rant on and on about the pathetic plight without offering any constructive suggestions or doing anything constructive in rebuilding it as per your dream
At our individual level, we do what we can.
Quit your day-job. You have a good career ahead of you in fiction. – Fair & Balanced look at All Things Indian and More.
this is supposed to be a post on things which happen only in india rite? are you saying that no other country has pirated versions of hollywood movies being sold in their streets?there’s nothing incredible about this…. Responds:
In the U.S., it’d be very unusual for a high-profile Hollywood movie to be easily available on an university LAN or on DVDs or on Cable channels before its release.
You have no idea what a noise the RIAA made a few years back over file sharing systems & music downloads at the universities.
yes but only in the U.S. right? there are so many countries where piracy is rampant…..anyways, try to make your statement more general by saying ‘LAN networks of most major universities (other IITs, bits pilani, jadhavpur university, manipal university, NITs etc) ‘ rather than just iitkgp…. Responds:
Thanks for letting us how the LANs are being put to use in Indian universities.