We are starting a regular segment called Incredible India that’ll highlight incredible stories and facts that can only be Made in India.
Here’s a selection of some of the incredible stories and facts to come out of Incredible India:
* Two minor Indian girls were married to frogs in a remote village of Villupuram District in Tamil Nadu.
In a bizarre ritual, two minor girls, both seven, from the remote Pallipudupet village in Tamil Nadu’s Villupuram district were married off to frogs on Friday night. The ceremony, an annual feature during the Pongal (harvest) festival, is conducted “to prevent the outbreak of mysterious diseases in the village”.
The girls, Vigneswari and Masiakanni, dressed up in traditional bridal finery — gilded sarees and gold jewellery — married the frog ‘princes’ in separate, elaborate ceremonies at two different temples in the presence of hundreds of villagers.
Amidst chanting of vedic hymns, the temple priests garlanded the brides and tied the magalsutras on behalf of the frogs pronouncing the two as wives of the amphibians before the sacred fire at the auspicious hour.
* Convicted pal of gangsters, former drug addict and terrible Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt will most likely be your next Member of Parliament from Lucknow. Here’s Sanjay Dutt in his own words:
Amar Singh told me I should serve the people and he found I was capable of doing that and I was honoured when he told me that.
* Dalai Lama loves George W.Bush.
* If you thought old age protects you from rape in India, stop dreaming. Here’s a news story of a 101-year woman being raped.
* Womens’ literacy rate in Bihar is 33.1%. We think even that low figure is an exaggeration.
Mera Bharat Mahaan.
On the 101 yr old woman being raped, the most striking thing of the person escaping from the hospital. This shows that we still do not have adequate facilities for medically examining any criminals. Utterly shameful but it is bringing up that Inredible India is riddled with holes on all accounts.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Wonder if they’ve re-captured the alleged rapist.
Yeah, age doesn’t matter for rapists.. and raping it is not an Indian-only trait.. Search for “Reginald Davis”.. what he did was probably the most appalling of crimes.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Rape may be universal but it certainly is increasing in India.
married to frogs? are we still living in ice age?
Ennatha solla (what to say).
SearchIndia.com Responds:
It’s an old piece (13th November, 2007).
Sometimes, we wonder if these incidents are real or just a publiShitty stunt. These days even rural folk are wise to the impact of Big Media.
BTW, we’re waiting for the day when someone marries a scorpion.
SI, these incidents are real. People in rural TN are very superstitious. Last week i saw a show in vijay tv which is about a muniappa swamy temple. People who came to that temple tied two hens upside down in a tree and they let the hens die, one more thing done in that temple is take a picture of your enemy and pierce it in some sharp objects like a knife. They believed this act will kill their enemies. Funny thing is that there was an actress photo pierced in that sharp object but vijay tv didn’t show the picture of that actress.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Mera Bharat Mahaan.
Shocking incident from Tamil Nadu.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Hardly a surprise in Incredible India.
Every day, the police somewhere ‘encounters’ someone.
In this case, the difference is that instead of the police a Fakir ‘encountered’ the kid.