We are so thrilled.
Barack Obama has decisively won the U.S. Presidential elections.
Based on early results, SearchIndia.com confidently declares that Democratic candidate Barack Obama has won the historic U.S. presidential elections bringing the long Republican nightmare and misadministration to an end.
At 10:29 PM EST, Obama already had 207 votes in the bag compared to 138 for his Republican opponent John McCain.
But remember one important point – Democratic states of California, Oregon and Washington have not announced yet. Unless hell freezes over, these three states are NOT going to vote for a Republican candidate. So that is 73 additional votes for Obama taking him past the finishing line of 270 votes required to win the U.S. Presidential elections.
Besides winning in the big Democratic strongholds of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Illinois and Massachusetts, Obama also pulled off impressive victories in the Republican states of Ohio, New Mexico and Iowa.
Historic Win
By winning the hard-fought election, Obama has made history as the first African American candidate (his father was from Kenya and his mother a White American) to win the U.S. Presidency.
Barack Obama – Historic Victory
Obama’s is an inspiring story – his parents separated soon after their marriage and his father went back to Kenya. There was very little contact between Obama and his father afterwards.
Obama was raised by his mother and White grandparents in Hawaii (Obama’s grandmother Madelyn Payne Dunham died on Sunday).
Indian-Americans and Obama
Indian-Americans, who in our opinion are mostly racist, initially supported Hillary Clinton in the primaries.
Indian-American support for Hillary during the primaries was so overwhelming that an irritated Obama campaign had this to say in a memo in 2007:
The Clintons have reaped significant financial rewards from their relationship with the Indian community, both in their personal finances and Hillary’s campaign fundraising. Hillary Clinton, who is the co-chair of the Senate India Caucus, has drawn criticism from anti-offshoring groups for her vocal support of Indian business and unwillingness to protect American jobs. Bill Clinton has invested tens of thousands of dollars in an Indian bill payment company, while Hillary Clinton has taken tens of thousands from companies that outsource jobs to India. Workers who have been laid off in upstate New York might not think that her recent joke that she could be elected to the Senate seat in Punjab is that funny.
But the polarising duo of Hillary and her serial philanderer husband Bill Clinton were no match for Obama’s disclipined campaign and message of change and hope.
And Hillary and her Indian-American cronies had to kiss the dust.
What does Obama’s Victory Mean for Outsourcing?
Obama is not a great fan of outsourcing.
Obama’s made it clear where he stands on the contentious issue of outsourcing that has stolen several thousand well paying jobs from Americans and handed them over to the cheaper Indian and Chinese coolies.
In his acceptance speech after he won the Democratic primaries, this is what Obama had to say on outsourcing:
Unlike John McCain, I will stop giving tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America.
We strongly oppose outsourcing of U.S. jobs to India and other countries. How would Indians feel if their jobs were outsourced to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka?
Just now got the news. Welldone USA & all the guys at SI. You have made some sanity to the world.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Viva la America
I was following the results from very morning.. I was just waiting for penn., when its done I started to office as there is nothing more to wait for… when I reached office found Florida also done… so there is a great chance of simple majority… Thats really a great win….
It clearly reflects the mind set of americans.. they have started thinking in the direction of transforming from imperialism to socialism… and yes outsourcsing to india may be really screwed… it was not just a stand by obama to outcast Hillary but I think Obama gonna do it seriously, as I beleive he is gonna be strict with commercial/business powers on giving up on country to make money…
But I think even if this happens india would not suffer greatly as India already in action to expedite the process of economical stability by reducing dependencies on world economy… lets see how the race goes… but for sure there will be software guys seen jobless … doesent mean India suffers…
This article discusses on Sri Lanka’s conflict and it’s resolution that is connected with Obama’s victory…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Timely posting of link. Thanks.
Winning NC,VA and FL is the height of this poll…
Nobody would have even imagined that an African-American could win presidential race in these slave states…
This is historical… I have never been so happy for a political moment but today I am, truly.. this is not just good news for America but for the world.. all those who fight on racial supremacies .. it is time to learn from Americans that its not gonna help them anymore rather it would destroy them… America has voiced this loud and clear….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: Winning NC,VA and FL is the height of this poll…
Nobody would have even imagined that an African-American could win presidential race in these slave states…
Very true.
We’d have been happier if Obama had won in McCain’s home state of Arizona too. But we are not complaining
SI : Indian-Americans, who in our opinion are mostly racist.
Because they decided to support Hillary and you liked Obama ? Can you enlighten me on this comment of yours
I was not aware that this blog is run by racists.
your views on outsourcing are fine .. but the only hitch here is that many of you availed benefits of the very same policies / (mostly software) to go to USA .. get a green card and then settle there … I guess it was fine then to outsource jobs ???
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: I was not aware that this blog is run by racists.
We are amazed at how much we’ve underestimated your stupidity. Only a complete retard would make the above statement.
Is your first name non sequitur
As most readers of this blog know by now, we’re completely Fair & Balanced (no, not like the Fox version…the real thing) and respectful of folks belonging to any color, creed or race. (The only exception to our respectful credo is in dealing with imbeciles like you who go wherever their straying fingers lead them).
The reason we say Indian-Americans are racist is based on observation of attitudes and comments by our desis here over long years. Desis are often rude to African Americans, use foul words in their presence (in Hindi), deny them service, cheat them…
2. You write: your views on outsourcing are fine .. but the only hitch here is that many of you availed benefits of the very same policies / (mostly software) to go to USA
Mostly software? What nonsense is that…So by using WordStar (a word processing package in use 20 years ago), we somehow availed benefits (to use your expression).
We’ve watched you ab initio.
Your growing hatred of SI is making you write complete gibberish.
Get a grip on yourself.
Do you think Palin was a factor for this race being so one-sided? Or was it all Bush magic?
McCain probably thought “I am already screwed by Bush, let me atleast have some with a MILF!”
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Bush fatigue (as you point out), the financial meltdown and Obama’s inspiring campaign were the main reasons.
Other reasons – Palin, people are sick & tired of being shafted, McCain’s personality (as Joe Biden said in one of his stump speeches, McCain has not been a maverick on the issues that matter), McCain’s close association with Bush (we mean his voting record…a point that Obama mercilessly attacked), the looting of big companies by CEOs who take home millions and billions that they don’t deserve.
Someone we know well often says that no CEO should earn more than $400,000 a year because that’s what the American President makes. And surely, no corporate job in America is tougher than the Presidency.
2. You write above: McCain probably thought “I am already screwed by Bush, let me atleast have some with a MILF!”
That woman is an ugly breeding machine. Despite knowing in prenatal tests that her baby had Down’s Syndrome, she still decided to have him, presumably because of her views on Abortion.
By the way, we strongly support Choice.
lot of american companies have opened their branches in india…..will they will still employ indians? america seems to be going the same way india went in the 1980’s and early 90’s, with all the trade barriers and tax cuts promised by obama…..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: america seems to be going the same way india went in the 1980’s and early 90’s, with all the trade barriers and tax cuts promised by obama…..
Free trade sounds fine and dandy as long as you are the one benefiting.
But if your country’s middle class is getting eviscerated because some academic or theorist wants to pray at the altar of free trade, it’d be foolish to pay obeisance to such false gods.
In any case, India still has so many restrictions and regulates business with an iron hand…for instance, large-scale layoffs is still very difficult in India. You saw what happened when Jet Airways tried to jettison 1,900 employees.
Heartiest congratulations to Obama, he has really, truly, created history. I was really sorry to learn his granma passed away on Sunday; she would have been proud of him. Regarding the outsourcing, dont u think Obama has a lot of things on his hands to attend to first, like the economy of the country, and the recession? People here at India are hoping for the best, fingers crossed.
BTW, SI, you wrote, “Obama’s made it clear where he stands on the contentious issue of outsourcing that has stolen several thousand well paying jobs from Americans and handed them over to the cheaper Indian and Chinese coolies.”
I totally understand how you people must feel, what with all the outsourcing going on, and Indians getting your jobs, but then, hey, this site is meant for Indians, if I am not wrong, and well, I dont belong to the outsourcing industry, but I felt hurt nevertheless.
We are of course awaiting the changes Obama is going to bring to America, cos what affects America, affects the world. I hope he brings peace to the world, and enforces stricter street rules, with harsher punishment for muggers, and the like.
Here’s to President Obama – I wish him all the good luck in the world.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: I totally understand how you people must feel, what with all the outsourcing going on, and Indians getting your jobs, but then, hey, this site is meant for Indians, if I am not wrong, and well, I dont belong to the outsourcing industry, but I felt hurt nevertheless.
True, this site is targeted primarily at Indians and the Indian diaspora.
But the site is based in America, owned by an American company and managed by Americans. Natürlich, it’s distressing to see well-paying jobs disappear from our country.
2. You write: I hope he brings peace to the world, and enforces stricter street rules, with harsher punishment for muggers, and the like
Everyday crime is not a serious issue in most parts of the U.S. because the penalty is very high for most crimes and acts as a deterrent.
You are not suggesting a solution to the outsourcing imbroglio other than cutting jobs from china and india (correct me if you have done it).
I sympathize with the predicament US citizens are currently facing. But just as loss of jobs would be unbearable to them, a very small percentage of Indians are seeing a semblance of prosperity for the first time and sustained job generation at the same rate for next 4-5 years would cure the country of many evils plaguing it.
Anyhow I guess its the case of which side of the fence you are on.
By the way, the more I hear the gruesome acts of vandalism by Raj Thakreys and RSS (not to mention the heated arguments over film reviews btwn you and readers on movie reviews)
the more I have to agree with you that Indians are intolerant.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: the more I have to agree with you that Indians are intolerant
You think so! Neither you nor any of the other readers have any idea of the relentless, brutal attacks on our servers because of our reviews.
2. You are not suggesting a solution to the outsourcing imbroglio other than cutting jobs from china and india (correct me if you have done it).
Every country owes its first duty to its citizens not to theoretical dogmas like free trade, corporate interests like HP, IBM or SAP or an altruistic obligation to help lift third world nations like India and China out of poverty.
We ought not to provide tax benefits (as we’ve heard we do) to corporations that outsource operations to other nations, be it India, China, Phillipines…
As is obvious even to the daftest minds, we have always looked at outsourcing through the prism of America’s interest and we see outsourcing threatening the survival of the middle class here.
3. the more I hear the gruesome acts of vandalism by Raj Thakreys and RSS
Nehru & Patel should not have lifted the ban on RSS in 1949.
Aditya, if you are student now, you wouldn’t even been just born in the late 80s.. Are you doing your Bachelor’s or Master’s (or Ph.D?) at IITKGP?
I hope he atleast passes a rule which entitles all schools and colleges to check for firearms before entering the premises, the world doesnt need anymore innocent massacres.
PS: Am so touchy abt this mugger and firearm thingy cos more than 4 Hyderabad students in the US lost their lives within the last couple of months, at the hands of muggers. I hope tougher rules come into place.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The Gun lobby (NRA and their right-wing Republican cronies) is so powerful that it’s very hard to rein them in.
no no, you misunderstood me…. i was saying that india in the late 80s had lot of restrictions…..only in the 90s did the globalisation take place….i said that through the trade barriers and tax cuts for local job generators, america is moving towards socialism ( which btw is probably what it needs, to retain the jobs of its middle class)……..but it will definitely have some adverse effects…corruption may increase, quality of the work force will fall….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: i said that through the trade barriers and tax cuts for local job generators, america is moving towards socialism
It’d be a mighty big stretch to say America is moving toward socialism.
What will probably happen is some correction – the current administration and its policies had tilted way too much in favor of the corporate interests ignoring the interests of average Americans.
2. Unlike in India,. corruption here is not visible in the day-to-day dealings of citizens with government.
Of course corruption exists here – but more at higher levels of government and in Congress. Several Congressmen have been sent to prison for taking money and gifts from lobbyists.
trey, i am a second year undergraduate student,pursuing b-tech in aerospace…..i was born in 89…..all the late 80s stuff i said was what i remember from my history lessons at school….
In my openion, the presidency ended with JFK. It was all for vanity after that. Hope Barack Hussain Obama could change that.
Response 1: could be positive (now thats a BIG could be)
Response 2: extremely negative to a point of making someone feel like a complete ignoramus. throw in a little latin or any other languages you would know.
No response.
Ahhh…the things one can do with freedom!!

SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: In my openion, the presidency ended with JFK. It was all for vanity after that
Since you asked for it, You are getting Response 2.
As your grotesque forbear Alexander Pope once said, A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.
Looks like your knowledge of JFK begins and ends with that single sentence you learnt in middle school – Ask not what your country….
We recommend Arthur Schlesinger Jr (A Thousand days) & Thomas Reeves (A Question of Character) for two contrasting views of JFK. Both are interesting works and together give you a rounded picture of Jack Kennedy.
2. You write above: throw in a little latin
Oh, we almost forgot. You wanted something in Latin, right? Here take this – Te futueo et caballum tuum.
Next time you want to try your sarcastic, insulting shit, stand in front of the mirror.
Aditya.. grr.. 89 is history.. I feel too old..
Looking at http://www.ae.iitkgp.ernet.in/html.php?path=24
Don’t know which one is you..
Don’t you agree that your website looks a bit sh!tty.. I guess you guys don’t care.. IITM website is faster and better to look at.. Get to work!
I have friends from IIT who did Masters in the US.. They say that the facilities here are amazing when compared to the IITs.. even in schools that are barely in the top 100 in the US. Are you under the same impression?
Contrary to popular belief, Obama is not the messiah. I don’t have a problem with SI’s praise of Obama, but I do have a problem with SI’s comment about Palin’s child. This is the same site that was full of praise for Taare Zameen Par, a movie about a child overcoming disability. Dyslexia is worthy of saving a child, but Down’s Syndrome is not?
Last year I was at a desi friend’s house and he was uncharacteristically agitated. When I talked to him about it, he said he had gotten into a fight with his brother-in-law in Detroit (the husband of his wife’s sister) who had forced his wife (the sister of my friend’s wife) to get an abortion because they went to the doctor and the ultrasound revealed the horrible truth that the baby was afflicted with a most horrible disease… it was going to be a girl! The husband did not want any girls.
After doing some research, I have found that this is quite a common practice in India and that it is actually illegal in India for doctors to reveal the sex of the baby on an ultrasound because so many abortions have resulted when the couple involved know it would be a female, but corrupt doctors do it anyway. This is popular apparently because men don’t want to be burdened with coming up with a dowry for daughters.
Abortion is murder plain and simple. Whether it is to prevent Down’s syndrome, dyslexia, being female or any other reason.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Dyslexia is worthy of saving a child, but Down’s Syndrome is not?
As far as we can remember, the Dyslexia in Taare Zameen Par was diagnosed post facto…i.e. after the birth. As far as we can tell, in Sarah Palin’s case the Down’s Syndrome diagnosis of her child was pre-natal.
Plus, Down’s Syndrome is far worse than Dyslexia.
2. You write: Abortion is murder plain and simple. Whether it is to prevent Down’s syndrome, dyslexia, being female or any other reason.
Abortion in the case of a foetus with Down’s Syndrome, when the mother’s life is in danger, rape, incest are noble and brave acts.
Abortion is murder plain and simple….Any other reason? To condemn abortion for rape, incest or when the mother’s health is at risk is unconscionable and a more morally repugnant act, a Bobby Jindalesque deplorable gesture.
3. We share your disgust with female foeticide. It’s our belief (perhaps wrong) that girls tend to have greater affection for parents compared to boys..
4. Contrary to popular belief, Obama is not the messiah. I don’t have a problem with SI’s praise of Obama
We’ve always characterized Obama as the lesser evil and never seen him as the messiah.
[Trash Talk]
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You are too dumb to even steal an insult without making a mistake.
“Plus, Down’s Syndrome is far worse than dyslexia.”
You are correct that dyslexia is a post-birth condition dealt with in the movie and that Down’s Syndrome is not. But they are both disabilities. Is dyslexia more acceptable for treatment and help because it is discovered after birth? Does the same apply for blindness or being deaf? Because they can be diagnosed post-birth instead of in the womb, dyslexic/blind/deaf children deserve lots of care, but because Down’s Syndrome can be detected before birth, people should seize the opportunity to cut their life short instead of giving them the same love, help and care as these people with other disabilities? What would happen if doctors could develop away to test whether or not a fetus’ developing optic nerves were fully functional? Would it then become acceptable to abort a child if the parents knew it would be blind?
It’s not really easy to classify one disability as better or worse than another.
The rape, incest, life is in danger argument is a fair one. It is troubling though when numerous investigations have pointed out that when women go to places such as Planned Parenthood to have an abortion in a case such as statutory rape (14 year old girl impregnated by 20 year old “boyfriend”), the counselors hint to the girls to not mention the age of the father and as a result these incidents fail to make it to the police. Abortion is their way to make money and they don’t want to lose business. In this way, organizations who claim to help women wind up exploiting them and fail to adequately give them proper help. The problem is extended when women come for an abortion through incest and administrators/counselors fail to have the male family members reported to police.
Just as troubling as the choice made by these people (doctors, counselors, and administrators in places like Planned Parenthood) in deciding which babies to save and which babies to abort is the choice made by these people in deciding which men are worthy of being let off the hook and which men are worthy of being brought to justice.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: Just as troubling as…is the choice made by these people in deciding which men are worthy of being let off the hook and which men are worthy of being brought to justice
As JFK said at a press conference in 1962:
“…there is always inequity in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded, and some men never leave the country, and some men are stationed in the Antarctic and some are stationed in San Francisco. It’s very hard in the military or personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair.”
2. You write: But they are both disabilities. Is dyslexia more acceptable for treatment and help because it is discovered after birth?
Hard question to answer. But given the seriousness of the Down’s Syndrome disability compared to dyslexia, we’d consider dyslexia more acceptable.
Aborting Down’s Syndrome babies is an act of compassion given the inevitable suffering the child would have to endure in its lifetime.
to trey…IITs are great as per indian standards…..universities in the U.S. definitely have better facilities….but i feel that the quality of education provided here is much higher compared to most other universities across the world…..ask your friends whether they found their curriculum for the masters degree as challenging as the IIT curriculum….in 2003,’times higher education society’ put IITs at no. 3 spot(behind MIT & caltech) in the world’s best tech- schools list….our servers here have taken a hit recently….the website is temporary….new one should be up in a few weeks….
Gora(are you really a Gora?), Down’s Syndrome and dyslexia are NOT comparable..
You can’t get such a list for down’s syndrome, can you?
Aditya, I was only talking about the facilities.. I have no doubt that IITians will do as well as any of the smartest kids in the world.
Here’s the 2008 list..
IITD is 157 and IITB is 174.. others are not even in the top 200.
I am not trying to argue with you.. but it is unfortunate that we are not able to do much more with such a brilliant group of students..
its said that when people dont have logical arguments to counter a point .. they just get personal and target the individual and heap abuses .
I always agree/disagree on issues and not with individuals .. since I believe this restricts your thought process and leads you to believe ..that only I am right … which may not always be the case …so i dont hate SI or for that matter you — you can continue heaping abuses
Why dont you substantiate your point by using facts and figures .
what i cannot digest is your sweeping statements based on actions of few … the fact that you don’t present a balanced view of any topic …yet claimed to be unbaised ???
Outsourcing should stop because .. jobs are going from America .. is that all outsourcing is about ???
Because few Indians are rude / abuse Africans .. so they are racists ??? … what about others who openly profess thier dislike for those who dont belong to thier ilk … including africans … check out what’s happening at South Africa to Zimbaweans OR race riots in Kenya , genocide in Rwanda ???? – all thanks to Africans .. Idi Amin did it to Indians in Uganda – so they are not racist ???
Now the above statements are facts and hence i can use them to substantiate my point .. this is what is expected out of you .. I could have just used words like blithering idiot and dismissed your points ??
Quite Convieniently you didnt throw light on the fact you were a beneficiary of the very same outsourcing / HIB visas policies and so are many other’s from different nationalities …which is what America is all about ??? —
You have a right to voice your opinion ..after all its your blog … but its very hollow and most often than not amateurish and unsubstantiated .. your inferences cleary show lack of research or understanding of any topic …
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. When we publish the definitive Dictionary of Incoherent Ramblings, Unadulterated Nonsense and Error-ridden Non Sequiturs, rest assured that we will dedicate the tome to you for inspiring us. Your comments on this blog alone furnish enough material to fill several volumes.
You can’t read…you can’t understand and you can’t write a coherent sentence if your life depended on it. You obviously have time to waste and blabber. Go for it.
2. Africans and African-Americans are not the same. But how would you know?
The price of onions in your village or the happenings in Rwanda or South Africa are not germane to the discussion/topic on hand.
If Idi Amin was a racist, is that justification for Indians to engage in racist action. Idi Amin also said: Human flesh is salty….Do you agree with him or would you argue that it’s sweet?
3. Are you a complete retard? We tried polite language…it sure ain’t working in your case……we are not a beneficiary of the very same outsourcing or very different outsourcing. Obviously, it takes a sledgehammer to your head to get the parts inside to move.
4. You write above: Outsourcing should stop because .. jobs are going from America .. is that all outsourcing is about ???
That’s more than adequate reason from the American perspective.
5. You write: I always agree/disagree on issues and not with individuals ..
No one here cares two hoots whether you agree, disagree or do neither. If you feel the I in you is ignored, start a blog, beat your chest or do whatever else your incoherent mind is capable of.
6. Our homework for you – Read up on deductive & inductive reasoning.
7. Wherever possible, facts and sources are provided. Also read up on Quantitative and Qualitative Data & Case Studies.
8. You have a right to voice your opinion ..after all its your blog
No thanks for telling us and everyone else the most obvious thing.
I happen to read a very interesting article that appeared in the Daily Mirror/Sri Lankan newspaper on Obama.
After reading the above article,it reminded me of some of my most favourite quotes made by Israeli Peace Activist Uri Avnery:
“Leaders who fail to take care of their physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs are headed for disaster”
“Like the Israelis, the Serbs are also immersed in their past. For them as for us, history is more important than the present. The future is a hostage of the past”
“As human beings we can justify our current state of affairs by looking at the past and indulging in the illusion that things today are better than yesterday, but holding on to that thought will only guarantee, as the Spanish would say, ‘food for today and hunger for tomorrow’.
Arrogance and ignorance brought down Nazism but the lesson was not learned”
“Every profits maker will be a bloodsucker”
“To err is human, we are told. But to commit the same disastrous mistake within a short period is unpardonable”
“And the question is again: Where is the limit? Which concessions are permissible on the way to the aim? Where are the red lines?
The Devil knows that the small compromises will lead to larger compromises, and so on, on the slippery slope to the loss of the soul. Without the candidate noticing, he is sliding downwards, and when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in the filthy political swamp”
Let us see how Obama faces the challenges.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Good quotes.
Asha : if I am not wrong, and well, I dont belong to the outsourcing industry, but I felt hurt nevertheless
Asha, its natural to be hurt to be called coolies.. but its not gonna be for a long time, Asia will soon overthrow the West/White supramacy… India in 60 years of democracy is far far better that the 60 yr old America may be even better that of the 120 yr old America, in terms of national integeration, civil rights, Education, health care, science and technlogy, armed forces…
We are growing faster that america. All we need now is a patriotic mindset of young blood just as the American youth did on couple days back. The educated youth should construct India rather than running for foreign money. Just imagine the folks at ISRO they may not be getting a salary of even a software architect but who decided to sit back and do great things for the nation.. that is the attitude we young indians should have.. if we do so, we will become a greater nation like america sooner… Yes we can
SearchIndia.com Responds:
That’s the spirit.
My favourite political writer Uri Avnery has issued his latest article. I would suggest you to check this out:
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Interesting piece but we think the Obama administration also will not have the Palestine issue at the forefront.
To many other domestic issues (the economy, dealing with the Wall St crisis, higher taxes, imminent collapse of auto industry) & foreign policy crises (ending the Iraq & Afghan wars, Iran) will contend for his time in the first term at least.
trey….that list is of top universities as a whole….it takes into account the pure sciences group,and a host of other disciplines….IITs are known for their b-tech degree course only….the list i was talking about is the top TECH schools of the world…..for eg. ,harvard (the top university) offers top class courses in pure sciences, buisness management,medicine,arts…..IITs don’t have that…..and i totally agree with you that our country does not make full use of the tremendous potential out here….the govt is only inerested in reserving seats for scumbags rather than high end research…..btw you will not find my name on IIT website aero. dept as i have switched my branch from civil to aero. in 1st year…they haven’t updated the list i think….
Yes, I am Fair and Handsome without having to use any Emami cream.
A list of famous dyslexic people is fantastic. I’m sure you can find yourself a list of famous blind people and famous deaf people too. While we’re at it, I’m sure you could find a list of dwarfs, like Verne Troyer (Mini-Me from Austin Powers).
There was a show that ran in the early 90s for four seasons called Life Goes On that featured a character with Down’s Syndrome, played by Chris Burke. He’s probably one of the few “famous” people with Down’s Syndrome. That is not the point.
The point is that they are entitled to life, or at least they should not be denied a chance at life because they will have to live it with a disability. Is it compassion to abort a baby that would have a known disability or is it selfishness on the part of the adults involved who don’t want to adjust their own lifestyle to suit the special needs of another?
I had a priest once who told a story a few years back about how he had just returned from his brother’s funeral. His brother lived to be 46, the youngest of 13 and had Down’s Syndrome. He talked about how their parents were so grateful to have him around, because while the other 12 bitched and moaned about not having new sneakers or a car etc., this child with Down’s Syndrome more often than not had a smile on his face and a cheery attitude, hardly complaining about such trifles (compared to what he was going through). Despite not being destined for great things, he was at least able to get a job. He made the most of what he had.
If everyone was the same the world would be a pretty boring place. As this site has shown, if it were not for the bumbling ineptness of Abhishek Bachchan, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the saving grace of Tom Hanks.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: He talked about how their parents were so grateful to have him around, because while the other 12 bitched and moaned about not having new sneakers or a car etc., this child with Down’s Syndrome more often than not had a smile on his face and a cheery attitude, hardly complaining about such trifles (compared to what he was going through). Despite not being destined for great things, he was at least able to get a job. He made the most of what he had.
Moving sentences.
You write: Yes, I am Fair and Handsome without having to use any Emami cream
What about Fair & Lovely or Vico Turmeric Vanishing Cream (if they are still round).
Yes, let him sort out the mess in the mainland first. Let us give him some time to fix things. Bush has landmined everywhere in the US politics, so, Obama has to move carefully.
My Greek:
White man with a black heart in the white house – OUT
Black man with a white heart(Change) to the white house-IN
i dont think Outsourcing will be screwed. If you read Thomas Friedmann’s book, you will find out that Outsourcing is inevitable.
Outsourcing offers First World nations to operate their business with more profit.
Obama promised to the American people that he will put brakes to Outsourcing so that jobs will not move out of America. Ofcourse, intially that may be implemented but the model will itself collapse, giving again a way to outsourcing.
Its simple you cannot run business for sake of people, you run business for sake of profit.
And, Congrats to Obama for his historical win.
Here is very inspiration quote from Times of India :
“Rosa Parks had to sit for Martin Luther King to march. King had to march for Barack Obama to Run. Obama had to run for our children to fly.”
We hope somebody from lower caste becomes a Prime Minister of India so that we can also have a taste of Obama Moment.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: i dont think Outsourcing will be screwed. If you read Thomas Friedmann’s book, you will find out that Outsourcing is inevitable.
Tom Friedman drank too much of the Kool Aid (an American expression) supplied by Nandan Nilekani of Infosys.
Thomas Friedmann’s book was just an example
Whether you agree or not, Outsourcing to cheaper destinations like India, China, Phillipines etc. is inevitable for First World Nations.
The cost factor is too much important to be ignored.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: Outsourcing to cheaper destinations like India…is inevitable for First World Nations
We disagree. Nothing is inevitable in politics.
The political climate in the U.S. has already turned anti-outsourcing.
Agreed. Nothing is inevitable in Politics.
But how will American companies compete against their counterparts?
Lets say Ousourcing is stopped in US from today. But what about the companies outside US, currently they are not stopping Outsourcing. And when market forces come into play, the companies outside US will always have cost advantage over American counterparts.
Cost Factor is too crucial for companies today to survive. European and American Automobile industry lost to Japanese automobile companies due to the cost factor.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Outsourcing is not going to be stopped nor will it have free rein as before…the genie is already out of the bottle.
What Obama & the union-friendly Democrats in Congress will most likely do is to make the environment hostile to outsourcing through economic and tax policies.
As to the mechanics of how they do it and its impact on competitiveness, that remains to be seen. It won’t be business as usual.
But if outsourcing continues at current pace (software, Wall St analysis, media, pharma, radiology, legal patent filing, call centers, aircraft maintenance…), there’ll be little white collar opportunities left in this country (U.S.).
2. You write: European and American Automobile industry lost to Japanese automobile companies due to the cost factor.
Not the sole factor.
Quality was as big if not a bigger issue. American cars suffered from shoddy workmanship compared to the Japanese cars.
I agree with all the points you say. Yes it remains to be seen how Obama & the union-friendly Democrats in Congress will change the current scenario.
But very often people ignore the impact of outsourcing on countries where the job is ousourced and the future implications of outsourcing itself.
Outsourcing allows companies to explore new grounds at a very nominal costs. This in turn gives a breakthrough in the process or technology itself.
No sooner people will start losing their jobs because thier work is automated and is self correcting.
Once all processes are automated, human interference would not be required or will be minimal.
With current paces in technology, people are going to lose jobs anyway. By gettting outsmarted by outsourcing or by the technology itself.
I agree that the Down’s Syndrome child most probably lives a happy life.. but it is a big problem for the care-givers.
So it is mostly the selfishness of the adults, I’d say. And I’d also like to add that there is nothing wrong with being selfish. Why does the adult have to sacrifice her/his lifestyle if she/he doesn’t want to.
And having a DS baby, is itself mostly an act of selfishness, I’d say.. the parent is afraid that she/he will go to hell, or the parent wants to be looked at with respect for the noble deed she/he is doing.., rather than an act of pure benevolence..
Again, that kind of selfishness is also forgivable.. Hence my stand is also pro-choice.
I have a similar opinion about euthanasia.. although in this case, the sick patient wants to bail out mucccch more than the care-giver.. partly to escape the suffering and partly because of the guilt that he/she is ruining the life of his care-giver.
Oh, the complexities of life.. !
By the way, I think adopting a needy child is far more nobler than giving birth to a DS child. Angelina Jolie for president! Beowulf 3D was exciting.. Wish it hadn’t looked so cartoonish.
Aditya, yeah, I thought that you name was somehow missed or you were using a different name here.. was 90% sure that you are not masquerading as an IITian. You have probably heard.. Obama is also said to be a beneficiary of reservation a.k.a affirmative action.. I don’t know much to elaborate on this issue, though.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: By the way, I think adopting a needy child is far more nobler
Very true. But impressionistic evidence leads us to believe that Indians are uncomfortable with adoption.
We’ve pondered this issue on countless occasions but have yet to move from thought to action.
trey…well you could always check my orkut acct…..about obama, even i don’t know much about it….what do you have to say to what trey said on obama SI?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: what do you have to say to what trey said on obama SI?
From what we’ve gathered, both Obama (Harvard) & his wife Michelle (Princeton) appear to be beneficiaries of affirmative action.
Even if Obama benefited from affirmative action in admission to Harvard, editorship of Harvard Law Review…, it should not take away credit from the arduous road he’s had to travel to reach the White House. Now comes the harder task of governing a country on the precipice of collapse.
We’re advocates for affirmative action programs for African Americans & Hispanics in the U.S. (both are overall in bad shape here) and Muslims/SC/ST in India (after a strict income test).
Obama has lot of challenges…
stopping or reducing outsourcing wont be that easy..
he will have opponents within his party men.. and you dont seem to have that magic no 60 in the senate.. so he is gonna go out of focus if he sticks and fights with congressmen for ‘no outsourcing’, and he may be lagging in the key issues of economics and war…
Bush and America has put the world into its current issues… hope obama solves it and bring back america’s respect back
At joeantony: Thank you!