A few minutes back (around 8:30 PM EST), we were watching Campbell Brown of CNN blah-blah-blahing about tomorrow’s U.S. Presidential elections.
Campbell mentioned that one of the good luck charms that Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama always carries with him is a small statue of the Hindu Monkey God Hanuman.
I am Hanuman &
I Endorse Barack Obama
We’ll know tomorrow if good ol’ Hanuman – the one with those swollen cheeks, the long tail and mace – has done his bit to help Obama win the White House (if Obama wins with a big margin, we’ll credit the victory to Hanuman).
If Obama makes it to the White House, this will be Hanuman’s second major achievement – after helping Lord Ram rescue Sita from the clutches of the evil demon Ravan.
Obama – Another feather in Hanuman’s cap!
I am Hanuman and I Endorse Barack Obama.
(By the way, I also approve this message)
Check this out.
The Redskins lost 23-6. So if form holds that would ensure an Obama win.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: So if form holds that would ensure an Obama win.
From your lips to voters’ ears…
Were the desis ever this active during election time? I think Obama has far more desi supporters than any other candidate ever..
How old is this Hari Sevugan? He seems quite young.
Hanuman has got anything to do with all this desi activity??
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: Were the desis ever this active during election time?
Not that we can remember.
Actually, we think Hillary Clinton had more backing and financial support from Indians. That’s because Indians in America are for the most part racist and treat Blacks badly.
We think Hari Sevugan is in his 30s but not sure.
ooh…indians in america are racist??? Never knew that…..thats disturbing….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: ooh…indians in america are racist???
Yes, sad to say our desis in America are indeed racist and petty with little humanitarian feelings toward fellow human beings. We’ve seen them refer to African Americans as Kallu, Bains (buffalo) … sometimes in their presence…
But when it comes to White arses, our desis just love to lick em and lick em and lick em, be it in Indian restaurants, convenience stores…. Even we’ve experienced it first-hand so many times (i.e. this differential treatment by desis compared to Whites)… Must be the colonial hangover.
A black cop ticketed a friend’s friend and then said “Don’t call me Kallu”, it seems
Not sure if it was serious or a joke.