It takes a special breed of genius to slam someone as a Chutiya without actually using the word.
And I’ll bet my last dime that only an Indian-American knows how to hammer Chutiyas without actually calling them out as Chutiyas.
Jai Ho, Bharara.
Jai Ho!
Brilliant Bharara
After patiently watching Indians making a big ado about the supposedly shabby treatment meted out to NYC Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade following her arrest (on charges of Visa fraud and making false statements about her maid’s wages), the brilliant, hyper-ambitious U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara hit back with full force Wednesday.
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara
In a seven paragraph, 1,058-word statement, Bharara tore into NYC Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade and the misinformation surrounding her arrest and strip search.
Much of the misinformation about Devyani’s treatment comes, of course, from Indians and Indian media whose inflated sense of pride and self-importance has been hurt because one of their compatriots has been stripped of her honor, figuratively and literally.
The “inflammatory atmosphere” and “inaccuracies” Bharara mentions in his statement is a reference to the Indian public and media.
Devyani – Cast as Exploiter, Liar, Crook
Bharara casts Devyani Khobragade, a multimillionaire Scheduled Caste a.k.a. Dalit, in the role of a lowly, serial exploiter who stooped to abusing her maid Sangeeta Richard.
Bharara charged Devyani with repeatedly exploiting her maid Sangeeta by paying her far below minimum wages, by making her work far more than the 40 hours per week she was contracted to work and creating a second contract (different from the one submitted to the U.S. Embassy in Delhi) that changed the terms of Sangeeta’s employment and stripping her of her basic rights to minimum wage and protection of U.S. laws.
Bharara hinted there are other aces up his sleeve where Devyani is concerned.
[T]here are other facts regarding the treatment of the victim – that were not consistent with the law or the representations made by Ms. Khobragade — that caused this Office and the State Department, to take legal action.
Exploitation of lower income, vulnerable people like maids is despicable and, as anyone who can move the mouse to the web site of an Indian newspaper site knows, Indians are expert at brutalizing vulnerable sections of society.
But there’s great deal of revulsion toward such exploiters in the U.S., at least among liberals, both Blacks and Whites (the non White-trash kind).
Lashing out at Indians (who else), Bharara said:
[O]ne wonders why there is so much outrage about the alleged treatment of the Indian national accused of perpetrating these acts, but precious little outrage about the alleged treatment of the Indian victim and her spouse?
No Injustice Here
Bharara blasts the NYC Indian Consulate for not following the laws of America.
The Indian-American attorney did not hesitate to remind Indian diplomats that they have been serial offenders in abusing domestic workers a.k.a maids in the New York City.
He asked:
Is it for U.S. prosecutors to look the other way, ignore the law and the civil rights of victims (again, here an Indian national), or is it the responsibility of the diplomats and consular officers and their government to make sure the law is observed?
Chutiyas Lie
In a desperate attempt to cover up the NYC Indian Consulate’s repeated problems with Indian maids, the Indian government has been feeding lies to pliant journalists and planting stories that portray Devyani as the victim.
Bharara said Devyani was accorded courtesies beyond those offered to most American citizens.
The U.S. Attorney also denied reports in Indian media that Devyani was arrested in front of her children.
It seems Devyani was not even handcuffed or restrained.
Giving the lie to charges of mistreatment of Devyani, Bharara says the arresting agents brought her coffee, allowed her to keep her mobile phone and let her make multiple calls from her agents’ car to arrange for babysitters for her young daughters.
Bharara defended Devyani’s strip search as standard practice.
It is true that she was fully searched by a female Deputy Marshal — in a private setting — when she was brought into the U.S. Marshals’ custody, but this is standard practice for every defendant, rich or poor, American or not, in order to make sure that no prisoner keeps anything on his person that could harm anyone, including himself. This is in the interests of everyone’s safety.
Indian Thugs
As anyone with the least acquaintance of India knows, the country is populated mostly by two kinds of people – Big Thugs and Little Thugs.
Even Parliament and state legislatures in the benighted nation are stuffed with thugs galore who win elections by foul means.
Following Sangeeta’s complaint to the U.S. authorities, not surprisingly the Indian government went into thuggish overdrive in harassing her by filing dubious cases against her in the Delhi High Court, canceling her passport, arresting her husband and terrifying her family members. All in an attempt to coerce Sangeeta into withdrawing her complaint against Devyani Khobragade.
Bharara makes no secret of the multiple attempts made to terrify and silence Sangeeta’s family and get her to return to India.
Speculation about why the family was brought here has been rampant and incorrect. Some focus should perhaps be put on why it was necessary to evacuate the family and what actions were taken in India vis-à-vis them. This Office and the Justice Department are compelled to make sure that victims, witnesses and their families are safe and secure while cases are pending.
Bottomline – Chutiyas Indeed
Preet Bharara is right to slam Indians who are getting their dhotis in a twist over the supposed injustice to their fellow ‘shitizen‘ Devyani Khobragade!
In an oblique reference to Devyani’s high social status (as a senior IFS officer) and her connections in India, Bharara signed off by saying that:
[My] Office’s sole motivation in this case, as in all cases, is to uphold the rule of law, protect victims, and hold accountable anyone who breaks the law – no matter what their societal status and no matter how powerful, rich or connected they are.
Jai Ho, Bharara!
Only an Indian can point out the corrupt ways of his countrymen.
Well Done.
I know there must be some legal issue here but why Americans are taking high moral ground Responds:
Sweetie, I hate to break your tender heart.
Morality is not a principle any nation embraces, even if they say they do.
@SI says – brilliant, hyper-ambitious U.S. Attorney
Aptly said!
I am not defending Devyani who has used the Indian system to her advantage for her academics and career.
However, Bharara is uber-ambitious and may be eyeing a higher position in DC before Obama finishes his term.
Politics and Morality are like oil and water, they never mix. Responds:
If I were to guess, Preet Bharara is trying to be the next Attorney General for New York.
The NYC AG post is a good springboard for ambitious pols.
Andrew Cuomo and Eliot Spitzer were both NY AGs before they became Governors.
Just when I thought Spitzer was Presidential material, he fucked up his career by dipping his beak into a bunch of hookers.
I hope Bharara won’t drop his kebab into some hot Punjabi murgh and derail his career!