Quote of the Day – Dharun Ravi

Guilty – Tamil Peeping Tom Dharun Ravi

Dude I hate poor people.

– Tamil youth Dharun Ravi in a text message/e-mail to his friend.
Source: New Yorker magazine, February 6, 2012

The most infamous Tamil in North America, Dharun Ravi, who used to drive a BMW while still in high school, is now standing trial in a New Jersey court after his Rutgers University gay roommate Tyler Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge under tragic circumstances last year.

Related Stories:
Escaped! Dharun Ravi Gets Just 30-Day Jail Term
Dharun Ravi’s Parents Blast Media for Crucifying Son in Tyler Clementi Case
Guilty – Tamil Peeping Tom Dharun Ravi
The Story of a Suicide
One Way or the Other, Dharun Ravi is Screwed

6 Responses to "Quote of the Day – Dharun Ravi"

  1. shadowfax_arbit   January 31, 2012 at 7:00 am

    That being the state of law and order in US, look at it in Mumbai.


    And this is not the first time the court acquits all culprits based on lack of evidence. There were few others too like that Maria Susairaj case, the gang rape one etc…..

    SearchIndia.com Responds:

    You forgot Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, Bofors….

  2. gandhiji   March 5, 2012 at 4:44 pm

    What is SI’s prediction? Will he go to jail or not? I am saying he should not and would not.. The New Yorker piece, if accurate, seals the deal – Dharun was an idiotic teenager, but not a homophobic one.

    Can’t believe that the “computer whiz” didn’t know that his tweets were public or did he underestimate his “poor” roomie that much.. The fact it was public probably saved his ass, because Tyler was forewarned and turned off the webcam before his Sep. 21 encounter. So Dharun or his pervy friends didn’t have a chance to see any penetration.

    The other “victim” was victimized more by the State than by Dharun.. they made him testify in front of over 100 people that all three of his encounters involved sexual penetration. Ridiculous.. He must be so pissed with the State, that he has released a statement that Dharun should not be sent to jail.

    My theory is that Tyler was hasty in his complaint and then was intimidated by the prospect of having to expose his details of his sexcapades to the Rutgers authorities. Poor, moronic Dharun got caught in the mess.

    p.s.: Have you met Dharun’s father anytime? http://media.nj.com/star-ledger/photo/2012/02/10620329-standard.jpg

    SearchIndia.com Responds:

    1. My theory is that Tyler was hasty in his complaint and then was intimidated by the prospect of having to expose his details of his sexcapades to the Rutgers authorities. Poor, moronic Dharun got caught in the mess.

    Far from it.

    Dharun did not get ‘caught’ in the mess.

    He initiated the entire sordid drama, which soon took a life of its own (figuratively and literally), and has now turned into an unending nightmare for Dharun and his whole family.

    We doubt Dharun can escape the tight grip of this whirlpool in which he’s now trapped.

    The big question is why Dharun declined the plea bargain the state offered. The Chinese girl (Dharun’s pal in this sordid affair) took the plea bargain and is now testifying against him. She won’t go to jail.

    Our hypothesis is that Dharun Ravi is a Green Card holder and not a citizen. Perhaps, the family was worried that he would be deported. Only his youngest sibling was born here.

    In our view, better to take the risk of living in India/Tamil Nadu than run the risk of being sodomized in prison. Prison rape, as research studies have documented, is endemic here. Until fairly recently, prison authorities wouldn’t even register complaints of prison rape.

    Plus Dharun will be seen as fresh meat, a prized asset for the hardcore, angry-as-hell lifers rotting in prison.

    In our analysis, Dharun and his family have calculated the risks, tallied the pluses and minuses and concluded it’s better to risk going to prison (with all its attendant horrors) in America and get deported to India later than return to Mera Bharat Mahaan in the near future.

    Is life in India/Tamil Nadu that bad? 😉

    2. Bottom line, what his roommate Clementi did in bed and with whom was no business of Dharun.

    3. We’re inclined to believe Dharun will be convicted and sentenced to prison.

    Anything less is bound to be seen as a slap on the wrist.

    The case has aroused a lot of passions, garnered solid media attention and the sustained attention of the gay community. The prosecutors are baying for blood.

    Dharun’s race will also play a part. In our not-so-humble view, the notion of Color-Blind Justice is fiction.

    In the event he’s not convicted, we believe the prosecutors will appeal (assuming they can just like the defendants).

    4. Have we met Dharun’s father? We doubt our paths have crossed.

    5. BTW, is there scope for a Kollywood film here with Vijay playing Dharun Ravi and Hrithik Roshan (fair, green eyes) cast as Clementi.

    After all, Vijay just played the role of College Student in Nanban, supposedly to great commercial success. 😉

    P.S.: Those unfamiliar with Dharun Ravi and his ongoing trial can get acquainted with the basic facts here – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharun_Ravi

  3. gandhiji   March 5, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    In our analysis, Dharun and his family have calculated the risks, tallied the pluses and minuses and concluded it’s better to risk going to prison (with all its attendant horrors) in America and get deported to India later than return to Mera Bharat Mahaan in the near future.

    Yes, that’s my conclusion too.

    I think his father is in the body-shopping business. President of RSquare. Dharun will be better off in India than being here with the Clementi mess following him around even if he gets out free.

    • gandhiji   March 5, 2012 at 9:02 pm

      hmm.. I misread your analysis.. I thought it would be automatic deportation.. would he have to serve his term before deportation?

      SearchIndia.com Responds:

      Yes, deportation usually comes after serving time (when non-citizens are convicted of a crime).

      In this case, the risks are so high plus the legal bill would run up to at least half a million dollars or maybe even more.

      Of course, there’s always the possibility, albeit remote, that he might get off without paying a price,

      • gandhiji   March 6, 2012 at 8:25 am

        In that case, that’s a pretty ballsy move.. not taking the plea deal (600 hours of community service and no deportation – he declined it). Wondering if his defense team is doing it for free… excellent advertisement.. getting national coverage.

        SearchIndia.com Responds:

        You are partly wrong.

        The plea deal offered to Dharun did not say ‘No Deportation.’

        It only said they’d help in preventing deportation.

  4. gandhiji   March 16, 2012 at 11:55 am

    Screwed! Should have taken the plea deal.

    SearchIndia.com Responds:

    Not surprised.

    As we wrote on March 5:

    We’re inclined to believe Dharun will be convicted and sentenced to prison.

    Anything less is bound to be seen as a slap on the wrist.

    The case has aroused a lot of passions, garnered solid media attention and the sustained attention of the gay community. The prosecutors are baying for blood.

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