Apple’s iPad is going into places where no tablet has ever gone before.
United Airlines is converting to paperless flight decks by deploying 11,000 iPads to all United and Continental pilots.
Besides replacing paper flight manuals, the iPads will provide pilots with paperless aeronautical navigational charts via the Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck app.
United Pilot with iPad
United executives are gushing that iPads will reduce clutter on the flight deck and let pilots quickly and efficiently access reference material without having to thumb through thousands of sheets of paper. The tablets also provide pilots with faster access to updates.
United started distributing the iPads earlier this month and expects to deploy it to all its pilots by year end.
Green Benefits
Touting the green benefits of the tablet, United said each iPad would replace 38 pounds of paper operating manuals, navigation charts, reference handbooks, flight checklists, logbooks and weather information in a pilot’s flight bag.
A flight bag full of paper materials contains 12,000 sheets of paper per pilot. The green benefits cited by moving to iPads includes cutting paper use and printing, and, in turn, reducing fuel consumption.
The airline expects its iPad Electronic Flight Bags will save 16 million sheets of paper a year, equivalent to 1,900 trees not cut down. Saving 326,000 gallons of jet fuel a year cuts greenhouse gas emissions by 3,208 metric tons.
How much longer before iPads go on a space mission or reach the top of Mount Everest?
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HP Kills TouchPad
The airline could have saved more than four million dollars if they had purchased touch pads from hp fire sale.
May be they were scared about Webos getting screwed up mid-air. Responds:
You write: The airline could have saved more than four million dollars if they had purchased touch pads from hp fire sale.
Allowing HP TouchPads entree into cockpits is like allowing Al Qaeda into the cockpit. You know the end result.
TouchPads are fancy bricks…no updates, no support and no aeronautical navigational charts (iPad offers them via the Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck app).
Other Tablets are going into the pits while Apple iPad is going into Cockpits.
SI, I forgot.. do you have both iPad 1 and 2? Responds:
iPad 2.
In our experience, it’s generally prudent not to buy the first generation product of any vendor.
Wow, so many posts on how the iPad made you cum. Looks like you are trying really hard to justify your buy!
BTW, the Galaxy Tab is on American already –,2817,2386894,00.asp
About time the I pad caught up Responds:
Boy, you ought to know that being in the passengers section is one thing and being up there in the rarefied cockpit aka the plane’s sanctum sanctorum (no relation to Rick Santorum, btw) is an entirely different thing.
Ha Ha Ha, now your favorite Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is selling for
a million bucksFree.Your man Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple.
Still no post about it?
What do you feel about Apple’s future? Responds:
Yes, we are in mourning.
Yes, we just returned from the Barber’s shop after getting our head shaved.
Yes, we feel orphaned.
Yes, there will be a special blog post soon to record this epochal event.
Yes, if you had not rudely interrupted our mournful prayers the special Steve Jobs post would have been up by now.
Let there be light!.
Please find below the special Steve Jobs post.
OMG, It’s the End of the World – Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO; Is Steve Dying? Millions Orphaned