It’s already August 15 in India and the country is ‘celebrating’ its 64th Independence day.
Here’s SI’s tribute to Incredible India on this momentous occasion:
* 64 Years after Independence, nearly 650 million Indians have no toilets and are forced to bare their backsides to the world’s gaze every morning.
* 64 Years after Independence, India is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. The country ranks 87th on Transparency International’s Corruption Index.
* 64 Years after Independence, 312 million Indians (more than the entire population of the U.S.) are illiterate.
* 64 Years after Independence, Indians continue to die of Starvation every day even as food grains rot in government granaries.
* 64 Years after Independence, homeless Indians number in the hundreds of millions
WHO Report – Progress on sanitation and drinking-water 2010 update
* 64 Years after Independence, 800-million Indians live on less than $2 a day.
* 64 Years after Independence, Indians continue to breed like mosquitoes leading to an overpopulated hell of 1.2 billion people.
* 64 Years after Independence, Indian film actors continue to drive their SUVs over poor pavement dwellers, killing the sleeping innocent people and escape punishment.
* 64 Years after Independence, Indian film-makers/producers/actors like Kamal Hassan, Vikram, Venkat Prabhu, Murugadoss etc continue to steal with impunity.
* 64 Years after Independence, Indian police across the country continue to kill alleged criminals in fake encounters.
Mera Bharat Mahaan!
Incredible India 44 – India Takes on the World
Corruption Perceptions Index
Indian Newspaper Reports
Dude, u were not born in some English royal family.
I am sure you’ve defecated in public in your “shithole” country. Fleein d shithole to the country of assholes isn’t a noble deed either.
Your reviews are good though. Responds:
1. Sweetie, are you one of the 638 million in the above chart?
Now, before you get agitated and give yourself a heart-attack, why don’t you read the above post one more time and tell us what is factually wrong with that.
Isn’t it a shame that 64-years after independence we should have 300+ million illiterates and 638 million people be forced to defecate in public every day. How do you think they feel every day!
And still, we run ad campaigns hailing our country as Incredible India, Shining India? Doesn’t that strike you as the acme of nonsense.
For nearly two centuries, India was fooled by the Western colonists. Now, Indians are fooling themselves. That to us is the biggest tragedy!
2. You write: Dude, u were not born in some English royal family.
BTW, have you heard those widespread rumors that we might soon become close relatives of royalty.
Mind you, we are neither confirming nor denying those rumors.
3. You write: Your reviews are good though.
Thank you, Sweetie-pie!
India got real independence only after 1991 liberalization and the country is moving in the right direction.
All permanent changes are gradual.
Once the dollar collapses, you [Trash Talk] will run back to the shithole.. hehe Responds:
You write: All permanent changes are gradual.
Tell that to the Indians who suffer every day from lack of food, clothing & shelter. And, of course, lack of toilets.
India will fix its toilet problems before US fixes its debt and deficits. Responds:
Keep dreaming.
Whatever weed you’re smoking, we’d like some of that.
“Love is blind” – It is certainly true of Indians who believe “India is Shining” or “Incredible India”. Responds:
Love is also ignorant and stupid not to recognize the many warts on India’s face.
given the above chart,I’d say Nepal is doing far better than India in terms of hygiene Responds:
Hell, Nepal, Harlem, West Village, East Village, Somalia, Sudan, Denmark, Zimbabwe, Sweden, Alaska, Antarctica, Fiji, Bangladesh, even
PakistanTerroristan has better hygiene than India!terroristan also makes better devotional music than india
No Indian will accept this statistics.
It will hurt their ‘Swabhiman’. There are also many Indians who believe India is a ‘super power’ !!. They just live in their own imaginative world.
What is the use of swarajya (self-rule) when there is no surajya (good rule)?.
India would’ve been lot better probably under British rule than these corrupt politicians rule. Responds:
You write: There are also many Indians who believe India is a ‘super power’
India is not super-anything.
And will continue to be irrelevant for the foreseeable future no matter how many times we call it ‘Shining India’ or run ‘Incredible India’ campaigns on NYC buses because we continue to ignore the most basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, water supply, toilets, sewage) for hundreds of millions of people.
With Independence, India just exchanged one set of rogues for a bigger bunch of criminals.
Even after 25 years, the thieves in the Bofors gun purchase scandal have yet to be punished.
MERA BHARAT MAHAN! or in secular india (since many indians dont speak hindi and say in english)today”My great india”!FYI if baba ramdevji gets in power, english will no longer be second official language but rather some indian language Responds:
You write: if baba ramdevji gets in power, English will no longer be second official language
Baba Ramdev-Ji has as much chance of getting into a position of significant power as you have of kissing Julia Roberts! Z E R O.
English is far too entrenched in India to be dislodged.
Rama Dasa, would you rather kiss Julia Roberts-ji or Mother Teresa-ji?
And why (this part from SI)?
The goal of a liberal was to smuggle this country into welfare statism one step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles or be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot—by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli. (The goal of the “conservative” was only to retard that process.)-John Galt, 2011 Responds:
Ah, the Republican playbook.
India will become ‘Super Power’ … as history repeats itself, but I think it’ll not be in the next 100 years. First it’ll be China, which it feels it already is., then there got to be the debacle of USA, which wouldn’t happen anytime soon given its resilience. And i’ve also got a feeling even Cambodia will become a super power before India.. so lets postpone the ‘Super power’ thingy for another 200 years… Yeah INDIA will be a Super power, I’m sure. Responds:
U.S. has lost the economic battle but the military strength is still significant.
The question is how long can a weak economy support a high-cost military.
@Satya: “No Indian will accept this statistics.
It will hurt their ‘Swabhiman’. There are also many Indians who believe India is a ‘super power’ !!. They just live in their own imaginative world.
What is the use of swarajya (self-rule) when there is no surajya (good rule)?.
India would’ve been lot better probably under British rule than these corrupt politicians rule.”
@Satya: I pretty much agree with whatever you said, except for the last line.
You seem to sound like that old Dravidian Egoist Evera Periyar, who famously claimed August 15 as a black day.
I don’t mind SI and people like you criticizing India because most of your points are valid.
But by saying that the British were a better breed of criminals and that India would have prospered under them is like saying that Germany would have developed better under Hitler.
Please note the following points before speaking such crap:
1) The British laid Railways and Postal Services only because they wanted better facilities to enslave people. The first Railway Track built from Mumbai to Thane was strictly for better transportation of Britishers from the commercial capital to the other parts of India.
2) Britishers always taxed Indians for frivolous reasons. Refer to the various stupid taxes laid under their rule.
3) Apart from Gandhi and Nehru, Britishers were known for their notorious ways to punish or kill Indian Freedom Fighters or Extremists. (Subramania Sivam, Kumaran and Bhagat Singh were the best examples)
4) As much as you love to believe, England gave Independance to India purely because of World War II. When Great Britain accused GErmany of invading other nations, the other nations like US accused Britain of the same crime. So, as an agreement, British granted independance to several nations under their rule after the World War II.
5) The Britishers have massacred several hundreds, if not thousands, of Indians in the name of Extremism. The Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre and the incidents after the Aftermath of Partition of Bengal are clear examples.
6) Indian Politicians adopted the wicked “Divide and Rule” approach from the British.
7) Even after granting Independence, Mountbatten, India’s last British Governor General, ensured that Indians bled profusely by green lighting the creation of Pakistan. Mountbatten was an indirect ally to Muhammed Ali Jinnah and ensured that Pakistan was carved out to create communal tensions. (This ensured India bled as the British Fled)\
8 ) While today’s politicians looted thousands of crores, they never managed to do it without suffering minor hiccups. But the Britishers looted India almost dry. They took away the Kohinoor Diamond and the Peacock Throne (Both belong to India) and are yet to be returned.
So, please pay some respect to those poor souls, who laid down their lives for the freedom of today’s idiotic Indians.
As for SI: If the British were still to be here, you wouldn’t be writing this blog, but rather doing clerical work for some British idiot. (No offense to British gentleman, but I am referring to those bastards of the past).
India as a Country is still not perfect. It may never be perfect. But that doesn’t meant people can keep crying about the pathetic state. Criticizing India and its people doesn’t lead to any good.
India has never developed because of crybabies, who whine, whine, whine, and keep whining about it.
For heaven’s sake, this country comprises people from at least 4 major religions, 19 national languages, 809 castes and 29 states. With such a diversity, it is a miracle that this country has still managed to stay together and move along.
I am not so sure if US or the UK would have survived if they had to manage such diverse populations, US suffered tremendously in the 70s when Black leaders revolted against the unfair treatment. (To say shortly, US couldn’t even control people from 2-3 ethnic races, while India has to contend with immigrants from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and what not. Managing these people is no easy task).
US developed as a country because of the following reasons:
1) They broke away from British Rule as early as 1776.
2) Americans were more united towards achieving their goals because its main population was White, barring Hispanics, Black Americans (Who were enslaved badly and treated like Dogs).
3) They were fortunate to have good presidents during their initial years such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Roosevelt.
4) Americans had more resources at their disposal than any other nation. Also, only whites were granted privileges to the natural resources.
5) The African-Americans, referred to as Negroes, were made to slog like dogs for the Whites. Whites benefitted from the free labor of their black slaves. In fact, most of the American Monuments have been shamelessly built free of cost from the blood of the Blacks.
6) Americans won many Olympic Gold Medals due to the presence of talented black athletes like 1) Muhammed Ali 2) Jessy Cleveland Owens 3) George Foreman 4) Flyod Patterson 5) Joe Frazier 6) and many others, but these athletes were refused service at restaurants because they served only whites.
Having said that US is a super power today, while India is still a wannabe. And it will remain a wannabe if it lets crybabies live and rule.
Some people feel proud of shitting about their own country and claiming sympathy. I pity those crybabies. Responds:
Whoa, somebody developed verbal diarrhea today. They say thick curd mixed with methi seeds solves the loose turd problem.
A little bit of criticism about India and your hackles are raised and you come out swinging without addressing the core points – That in 64 years, hundreds of millions of Indians are toiletless, foodless, homeless, jobless, letterless (i.e. illiterate), moneyless, good government-less, moralless, hopeless and soulless.
And your primary, effete defense for the current miserable state of affairs is that India is a heterogeneous country.
First, you blamed the British.
Now, you blame India’s heterogeneity.
10 years from now, you’ll probably blame Muruga for not showering his bountiful blessings on India.
As Cassius tells Brutus in the bard’s Julius Caesar (Cassius is speaking of Caesar here):
Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:(145)
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
Indians are petty souls, underlings to their depraved passions and have been masters of their fate for over six decades.
But let’s blame the heterogeneity of ‘4 major religions, 19 national languages, 809 castes and 29 states’ for our pitiful plight.
Tis’ true as you say that the British looted India but let’s not forget who provided them the foothold initially – some Indian princes allied with them for their selfish interests and the rest, as they say, is history.
“Whoa, somebody developed verbal diarrhea today. They say thick curd mixed with methi seeds solves the loose turd problem. ” – Nice retort buddy. BUt you just missed the whole point.
Ready the first para that I wrote – India would’ve been lot better probably under British rule than these corrupt politicians rule.”
@Satya: I pretty much agree with whatever you said, except for the last line.
Please read my response completely before diagnosing it for verbal diarrhoea.
Nowhere do I say that I disagree with your post? I just stated facts!! Pure facts and facts ain’t excuses.
I still maintain my stand – India will remain a wannabe if it continues to hold losers and whiners……………..
“A little bit of criticism about India and your hackles are raised and you come out swinging without addressing the core points – That in 64 years, hundreds of millions of Indians are toiletless, foodless, homeless, jobless, letterless (i.e. illiterate), moneyless, good government-less, moralless, hopeless and soulless.”
Again, you choose to criticize a person, who has agreed with your points, but choose to present the reasons for the decline. Typical Indian Mentality. Criticize a person without understanding his points!!!! Well, you can take Indians out of India, but never take the INDIA out of the Indians. Enough Said.
“And your primary, effete defense for the current miserable state of affairs is that India is a heterogeneous country.
First, you blamed the British.
Now, you blame India’s heterogeneity.
10 years from now, you’ll probably blame Muruga for not showering his bountiful blessings on India.
I don;t care a damn what the reasons are buddy. India is in a pathetic state because of useless mongrels,who whine and whine and do nothing about it. Now, where on earth did I disagree with your post, please let me know.
My only point was that it was idiotic to say that India would have prospered better under the British, which is an absolutely idiotic statement to make.
Turn the pages of history and see carefully what the British have done to India. They have encouraged aping of the west and made Indians feel inferior about their own culture. That was my whole point. Responds:
1. We have no issues with your argument that any British ‘improvements or developments’ were prompted by the colonial self-interest.
But you equate criticism with cry-babies and whiners. We look at SI’s role as a reviewer/critic whose role is, obviously, to criticize.
2. We’re also not convinced about India’s heterogeneity being the key culprit. As you wrote:
Heterogeneity has not prevented some nations like Singapore, admittedly a much smaller country, from marching ahead in every sphere.
SI Wrote: “1. We have no issues with your argument that any British ‘improvements or developments’ were prompted by the colonial self-interest.
But you equate criticism with cry-babies and whiners. We look at SI’s role as a reviewer/critic whose role is, obviously, to criticize.”
Dude, wake up. When I say cry-babies and whiners, I refer to Indians who sit around and whine and do nothing, where on earth did I mention that you were a cry-baby and a whiner. As far as I know, I would rather call you the eternal pessimist rather than a cry baby. I donno why you think I called you a cry-baby.\\
Point 2: If people hate India so much, they have the choice to move out of this shitty country and go to a better place, no one is stopping them. At least, no one stopped you from migrating. But anyways that’s not my point.
Point 3: You are involving in a wrong argument. I have no problem with your points in the blog post, but rather with you saying “INDIA WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER UNDER BRITISH RULE”. This is an absolutely ridiculous, idiotic, and ignorant comment to make.
Point 4: Yes, this shithole country celebrated 64 years of Independence, but you cannot make it better by simply criticizing it a billion times. A country develops by people who act and do something. While it is your birthright to criticize, it is mine to defend. If you don’t like people with conflicting points to comment on your blog, you can simply say so.
“Heterogeneity has not prevented some nations like Singapore, admittedly a much smaller country, from marching ahead in every sphere.”
As far as I know, Singapore never had reservation quotas for the “unpriveleged classes” like India does. But it is shitty excuse to give because people here love freebies and quotas so much that they wage a war if we cancel one.
Here, you give quotas blindly without even considering whether the person is truly unprivileged or not. Because of this stupid quota system, many deserving candidates either opt to do other courses or move to the US/UK/Australia to do higher studies. Such is the pathetic situation here. Can’t help it and yeah, I am no Martin Luther King or Gandhi to change it, so stop lecturing.
A country can prosper only if it’s people truly care about doing something to save it. BUt I don’t find people ready to do anything. I have seen a thousand people saying India is a poor country, and so and so, but when it comes to doing something like NGOs collecting funds to make things better, these crybabies whine and won’t even share a few tens of rupees to do good things.
I have seen some Indians, who return from US. While in US, they ensure that they don’t spit in public or litter garbage, but once they set foot on INdian soil, they do the exact opposite. Indians in INdia love to spend money mainly on shitty branded items and love to eat at costly Pizza huts, KFCs, Mcdonalds etc, but the same people won’t spend money on buying quality local goods.
Best example: My friend spent 100 Dollars on buying a costly louis vuitton shirt, which hardly lasted 14-15 washes. But the same friend choose to ignore a quality Indian T-shirt prized 10 times lesser. Mind you the Indian T-Shirt lasted for more than 2 years. So much for India and Indians. Responds:
1. You write: I have no problem with your points in the blogpost, but rather with you saying “INDIA WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER UNDER BRITISH RULE”. This is an absolutely ridiculous, idiotic, and ignorant comment to make.
We did not say “INDIA WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER UNDER BRITISH RULE”…..that was one of the other commenters (Satya).
What we said was With Independence, India just exchanged one set of rogues for a bigger bunch of criminals.
2. You write: If you don’t like people with conflicting points to comment on your blog, you can simply say so.
As if we’ve said countless times in the past, people can write all they want. You should probably know by now we never squash contrary opinions. So many minds, so many opinions.