No Avakai pickle or Gongura Pulusu for Telugu bidda Vikram Subbarao Buddhi.
It’s gonna be bland American prison food for Vikram Buddhi for some more time.
U.S. District Court Judge James Moody today sentenced IIT alumnus and Purdue University student Vikram Subbarao Buddhi to prison for a period of 57 months in the United States vs Vikram S.Buddhi case.
This means that Vikram Buddhi who has been languishing in a Chicago jail for the last three plus years will continue to be a guest of the U.S. Correctional system.
Vikram Buddhi’s Crimes
On June 28, 2007, Vikram Buddhi was found guilty on 11 counts of the following offenses:
* Making a threat against the President and Vice President of the United States
* Making a threat against the wife of the President and Vice President of the U.S.
* Making a threat against the U.S. Defense Secretary
* Using an instrument of Interstate Commerce to threaten to unlawfully damage and destroy buildings and real property by means of fire and explosives
Vikram Subbarao Buddhi came to the U.S. to pursue a Ph.D in mathematics at Purdue University in 1996 on a F1 Visa but subsequently began working on a master’s in industrial engineering.
Hateful and Threatening Messages
According to U.S. Secret Service documents, the following are some of the hateful and threatening messages Vikram Buddhi posted online.
* In a message with the subject Call for Assassination of GW Bush, Buddhi wrote on 12/13/2005 on a Yahoo Finance message board:
…Go Iraqis!…Rape and kill the Anglosaxons…No mercy…Kill GW Bush…Rape and kill Laura Bush…Kill Dick Cheney the White fat pig…Rape and kill Lynne Cheney…kill Donald Rumsfeld the old geezer crook…Rape and kill the Anglosaxon Republicans…
* In another message (on 12/21/2005) Vikram Buddhi wrote under the title Assassination of GW Bush Soon:
It is now legal under international law to bomb key sites in the USA. Iraqis! Give Anglosaxons the tit reaction for the tat action of Bush and Republicans…Kill the White Anglosaxons American British bastards…Fully justified in light of these White evil doers actions.
* In another message (1/17/2006), Buddhi wrote in a message with the title Call for Assassination of GW Bush:
Enough of shit from Anglosaxons. seek them out where ever they are on this Earth, Rape their women, kill their men, cutout their vaginas, cut out their penises, chop off their head, shove their chopped vagina and penises down their beaheaded-neck-stump-holes. This is the only and legal way to deal with Anglosaxons….
Bomb all facilities setup by Anglosaxons, bomb all trade and commerce setup by Anglosaxons in Asia, and build your own facilities that exludes the Anglosaxons. This is the only way to deal with Anglosaxons.
Bomb and destroy Anglosaxon powerplants, roads, bridges, nuclear plants, water supply, commerce buildings, oil lines ‘owned’ by Anglosaxon Republicans, deny them their looting way of life. This is the only just and legal way to deal with Anglosaxons. Bomb key facilities in the USA, Britain…fully justified in the light of the looting and killing way of life of the Anglosaxons. Killing Anglosaxons and bombing their way of life is legal and justified…
George W.Bush and Dick Cheney were the sitting President and Vice President respectively of the United States when Vikram Buddhi made his threats.
Deportation Likely
In his sentence today, Judge Moody also wrote that upon release Buddhi should be placed on supervised release for three years and if subject to deportation Buddhi should be delivered to an immigration official for deportation proceedings.
Since Buddhi has already been in prison from mid April 2006 he will likely have to serve another 13 months in prison.
Vikram Buddhi denied threatening to kill or injure any person or bomb any property as charged and also complained about ineffective legal counsel provided to him.
It remains to be seen if Vikram Buddhi will appeal the sentence.
LOL…looks like vikram buddhi is an idiot….”anglosaxon pigs”, anyone?:)…….stupid man does not realize he is cursing people who are saving his precious a$$ from the islamic merchants of death
……i would give anything to see the expression on this man’s face when he realizes that his dear iraqis are willing to behead him as a kaffir without a moment’s hesitation Responds:
You write: LOL…looks like vikram buddhi is an idiot….
Not just a plain idiot but a blithering idiot.
In addition to seeking the death of our leaders, the moron also called for bombing key facilities in the U.S., a country he’s been living in since 1996.
Yeah. Today Buddhi’s punishment is one of the headlines here in India and most of news channels reported that Buddhi was wrongly punished and victimized by a racially biased American judiciary. They spoke of his dad’s untiring efforts to save his son and even have shown a brief interview with the old man. They say that Buddhi valiantly tried to defend himself on his own, albeit to no avail. They refer to the statement he made in his defense that he is just a victim of an e-mail hijack and wrongly held responsible for certain university students’ hate mail. By the way, they also said his father, who was a navy captain in Indian Navy, too, was caught in a controversy himself in the past which involved Indian Government accusing him of being a US spy, which was ultimately proven wrong by the guy.
I wonder how much Buddhi’s hatred towards Americans is related to his father’s spying, if he had really spied. Is it a classic case of a defector turning into a disputant and his son bearing the brunt of an emotional trauma?? or he is just a plain innocent sucker scholar who was taken in by his students like he says??
It’s somewhat odd that Buddhi, who is a Telugu guy,is sentenced when whole Andhra Pradesh is on fire over Telangana issue. It strikes me as sort of symbolic. Responds:
1. Vikram Buddhi was convicted by a jury, not by a judge (as in India). In our view, a jury trial generally tends to be less biased and less prone to unsavory influences.
Also, the politicians Vikram Buddhi was convicted of threatening – George W.Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld – were/are quite unpopular in the U.S. following the disastrous Iraq war based on faulty assessment of WMD presence. Like a lot of Americans, the jury likely had no special love for these unpopular politicians.
2. U.S. Secret Service documents based on analysis of IP address and MAC numbers suggest that Vikram Buddhi was the person behind the threatening online postings.
According to the U.S. Secret Service, Vikram Buddhi acknowledged posting those comments.
We will try to post the U.S. Secret Service and other documents tomorrow.
3. Vikram Buddhi likely did not have effective counsel because as with most things in life you get what you pay for.
In Vikram Buddhi’s case, his lawyer was a public defender. Most likely, this was because Vikram lacked the resources to hire a good lawyer on his own.
4. Vikram Buddhi’s father was cleared of the charges against him in India.
5. The response of Indians in India is hardly surprising because the tendency is to blame racism, entrapment or resort to other scapegoat excuses when a desi gets into serious trouble here.
6. A lot of Indians argue that Vikram Buddhi should not have been convicted because he had the right to make such statements under the First Amendment.
We disagree. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech but it does not guarantee that you can threaten the top leadership or their families here or threaten to destroy buildings and real property.
7. Hatred of Republicans is hardly surprising in academic/university circles, which usually veer toward liberal politics/Democrats.
8. This point is not related to the case. But it’s odd that Vikram Buddhi came here in 1996 to pursue a Ph.D in Mathematics and until recently was sticking around the university on a F1 Student Visa. That’s a long period to stick around on a F1 Visa..
is it such a big offense that you get jailed for 60 years? what about the countless blogs/videos where people have openly vented anger over the country leaders? does the government track each and every one of them? Responds:
(from somewhere on the New Jersey Turnpike)
Having difficulty reading?
It’s 57 months, not years.
BTW, how would you feel if a Bangladeshi or Nepali came to India and threatened our Indian leaders and property?
Woow..there is too much of hatred in those words.
Is he mentally sound? what made him soo mad? did he watch this video by any chance Responds:
1. You write: Woow..there is too much of hatred in those words.
Yes, besides being horribly hateful Vikram Buddhi’s online postings also violated the law here.
2. Forget the 6.89 million views…the ‘Thriller-Killer’ video has a whopping 21,858 comments. Must be a ‘comments’ record at YouTube!
Offtopic: Just returned from NYC. Times Square was hell, crowded like our weekly santhai (weekly market) in India. On the positive side, watched Viggo Mortensen’s The Road (playing at AMC 25 in Times Square).
Lovely film.
Can we expect a review of ‘The Road’?
Heard Vijay is coming up with a similar themed movie called Vettaikaran. Only difference being audience limited to the number of living as in the desolate world as depicted in ‘The Road’. Responds:
Working on review of The Road now. Watched it yesterday.
Watched the Vettaikaran trailer. Our one word review of the trailer – Velaikaran.
I am wondering why media is not telling where Vikram Buddhi posted his comments-facebook etc where?
Are these his writings or were they manipulated by some U.S. authority? Just wondering as these writings looks so Americanized, but could be an Indian. They do not lag behind in learning bad elements of U.S. But I also think that his punishments were too much. People post stuffs online including Americans that are quite nasty and they are not jailed? Why?
I think groups like “revolution Muslim” who preach angry words openly in the name of religion as shown in CNN’s “HOmegrown TErrorists” are the ones should be punished. They possibly pose real threat not Vikram buddhi.
U.S students must have gotten little jealous given that he possibly was smart. Several Indian students were being murdered in recent years in U.S. who were from India. Why can’t U.S. detect the murderers? How does it fail to do so? So weak an intelligence? You know I will keep a copy of my posting incase some U.S authorities manipulate it and put me into trouble? BUt they also should know the truth, the reason I am posting. Responds:
1. You write: I am wondering why media is not telling where Vikram Buddhi posted his comments-facebook etc where?
Are you a retard?
In the above post, we’ve mentioned that Vikram Buddhi posted the hateful, threatening messages on the Yahoo Finance message board.
2. You write: Are these his writings or were they manipulated by some U.S. authority? Just wondering as these writings looks so Americanized, but could be an Indian.
The jury seems to think they were his postings.
Also, remember that Vikram Buddhi has been in the U.S. since 1996.
3. You write: You know I will keep a copy of my posting incase some U.S authorities manipulate it and put me into trouble?
Good idea.
We’re sure the CIA, FBI, NSA, Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, County Police et al are all on your tail.
4. You write: I think groups like “revolution Muslim” who preach angry words openly in the name of religion as shown in CNN’s “HOmegrown TErrorists” are the ones should be punished. They possibly pose real threat not Vikram buddhi
Ha ha ha.
So you want a “revolution Muslim” to be punished but a “Hateful Hindu” to be given a slap on the wrist.
So you want a “revolution Muslim†to be punished but a “Hateful Hindu†to be given a slap on the wrist.
absolutely. Only muslim engulfs terror activities that harms the security of the is concerned hindu groups like RSS, MNS are just comedy pieces , dummy pieces(like vadivelu says) with out a clear ideology and a strong leader(can u compare DAwood or OSama with Raj thackrey)
whatever they do with an intent of threat becomes funnier and there is not much destruction except the stray gujarat incident which was instigated by muslims themselves and their motives backfired on themselves Responds:
The Hindu communal elements create a sense of insecurity among Muslims and inflame the already-tense atmosphere.
Related topic: Among other books, we purchased the Qur’an (translated by M.A.S.Abdel Haleem) from Amazon the other day. We’ll review the Qur’an one of these days.
The problem with this Father and Son Buddhi duo is that they are both extremely publicity hungry but harmless.
Father used to go around with his PhD thesis in the Nuclear field with Top Secret marked on it for that extra effect. (He was arrested under the official secrets act at Bombay Airport when he was about to board a plane to the US with these papers) and the Son seems to have this desperate need to Vent publicly through the Internet.
Unfortunately, he will have to kiss his PhD goodbye.
Hopefully he has learnt his lesson and will be back in India within the next year or so. Responds:
Have you seen this post – Vikram Buddhi Allegedly Threatened Father with Knife; Files Appeal Against Sentence