Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK leader M.Karunanidhi has lost his marbles and therefore gets a new name – Loose Paiya (crackpot).
The decrepit dinosaur told Indian TV channel NDTV that Velupillai Prabhakaran (the notorious LTTE terrorist) is not a terrorist and is his good friend.
No, we’re not making this one up, folks. This is what the Loose Paiya said in the interview:
Prabhakaran is my good friend. I am not a terrorist.
Later on in the same interview, when prodded again whether he viewed Prabhakaran as a terrorist, this is what Loose Paiya Karunanidhi had to say:
Naan appadi paarkkalai. Prabhakaran group-ille ullavargal terrorists irkalam, adhu Prabhakaran kutram illa
(I don’t see it that way. Some people in Prabhakaran’s group may be terrorists but that’s not Prabhakaran’s fault)
Karunanidhi repeatedly said he would be saddened if Prabhakaran were to die in the current fight-to-the-finish conflict raging between the LTTE and Sri Lanka armed forces.
Even assuming that Karunanidhi’s comments are a calculated move in the context of the current elections, the remarks are beyond nonsense and disgraceful that the leader of a large Indian state with 66 million people should speak in such effusive and ‘friendly’ terms about the assassins of the late Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
Even more disgusting is that the Congress party (led by Rajiv’s widow Sonia Gandhi and their son Rahul Gandhi) is in bed with the DMK.
Whoever said Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows certainly had it right.
You can watch the Loose Paiya’s interview here.
Did you know this “Loose kelavan” moved Tamil New Year from Chittirai (sometime in April) to Thai (same as Pongal January) Luckily April 14 turned out to be holiday bcoz of Ambedkars birthday… God save TamilNadu…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yeah, we read that somewhere.
Tamil Nadu has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Loose Paiya’s family.
State – M.Karunanidhi (Loose Paiya)
Southern Tamil Nadu – M.Azhagiri (Loose Paiya’s son)
Successor – M.K.Stalin (Loose Paiya’s son)
Center (as in Rajya Sabha and central politics) – Kanimozhi (Loose Paiya’s daughter)
Business (Movies, Media)
and not to forget the
Vadivelu of the Karunanidhi family i.e. Clown Act Performer – Mu Ka Muthu (Loose Paiya’s son)
We agree with you – God Save Tamil Nadu.
though polically motivated, mr.mk is correct. go and [trash talk], atleast after that u will improve. keep ur back safe, alagiri is on his way to [trash talk].
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Lo, here comes Loose Paiya Jr.
Both Congress and DMK are turncoats ….they will change thier stance as and when required …..
Jayalalitha maybe anti-LTTE ….but she is very consistent with her stand …..that the solution should be found under a united sri lanka ….and if not then a possiblilty or seperate eelam should be considered ….
this has always been her stand …whether she allies with Vaiko or the Congress …
Its better to have a known devil rather than a unknown devil
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We hope AIADMK wins polls in Tamil Nadu.
Not because we love her but merely because a strong democracy requires at least two strong parties. Tamil Nadu is becoming a fiefdom of Loose Paiya a.k.a. Karunanidhi and his family..
Whoa..whoa.. You cant just stop with this mate..! Loose paiya’s adventures continue to rock TamilNadu, although he tops the list of ‘who’s-next-to-kick-the-bucket’.
He believes in the empire-model of administration, and hence he has given the southern part of TN to prince Azhagiri the shameful goon, northern part to prince Stalin the shamless buffoon, while he assumes the title of emperor..!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
And the people would be mada sambarani pasanga (schmucks) if they don’t kick these rascals out in the polls.
What a shame that a few people lost their lives in the Madurai area because a newspaper wrote that Stalin was the Clown Prince and not Azhagiri.
The elections are a good time to teach the Loose Paiya Enterprises a nice lesson.
That SOB has almost treated Tamilnadu as if it is his family property. Almost everyday he comes on TV giving all sorts of nonsensical interviews. I wish he and his family disappears from TAMILNADU forever.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: I wish he and his family disappears from TAMILNADU forever
From your lips to God’s ears.
And, Elections are coming up..! Don’t know whether this soon-to-be-Kannammapettai-citizen’s party would make it.
Interestingly, Actor Vijayakanth’s party also contests in all the 40 constituencies, and has bright chances of getting sucked in every place. But commentators say he has some good chances in the next election..
Other good things are, some awareness on voting is seen this year, an IIM grad [Sarath Babu] contests in South chennai as independent [See here, for more info: http://boopalanhere.wordpress.com/2009/04/17/sarath-babu-an-iim-grad-in-the-elections-2009 and parties are with more money [explains why economy is still down]
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We had read about Sarath Babu in the past but did not know he was contesting the polls. Let’s see how he fares in Loose Paiya’s heartland.
Hasn’t Chennai city always been a stronghold of DMK.
@karuna family
you missed the ‘marans’.
This is a political stunt by karuna as he would have lost the battle if he hadn’t spoken this. Which in turn means he reflected the pulse of TN tamils (though it is for selfish reasons).
Let me ask you a simple question, if prabakaran killed by SL army its justice for his killings in india and SL. Agreed.
Prabakaran killed Rajiv for the justice of those thousands innocent tamils killed by his regime. Why dont we agree this.
If you are a majority, you form government so you can afford having an army and call yourself goverment and you are entitled to give ‘justice’. If you are a minority, you can not have a conventional army to out power the majority, so you take unconventional methods of war (human bomb etc – and don’t give me a crap of killing civilians as if the american drones killing ONLY terrorists… as they coolly say its collateral damage)
If prabaharan’s killing is for giving justice then Rajiv’s assasination is also giving justice. We Tamils DON’T regret Rajiv’s assasination anymore, to be frank.
We are worried about the fellow Tamils being killed, abducted, raped and tortured by a racist group. The SL army may dimantle LTTE for now, even they can kill pravakaran but the freedom fight will continue until eelam is achieved.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. We agree with you it’s difficult for a small organization to win power through conventional means in the face of a dominant party with unlimited resources.
We are opposed to LTTE for multiple reasons:
* Killing Rajiv Gandhi
* They are not our Tamils. Many of them have been there in SL for centuries
* Practice of forcibly conscripting child soldiers in the LTTE ‘Army’. Just like the Taliban edict in Swat area of Pak that every family shopuld contribute one son to the ’cause’
* Fear of spillover of the fight into Tamil Nadu
* We’ve got bigger problems to worry about in India
* Bottomline, the LTT whackos are nothing but a local flavor of the Taliban
2. You write: The SL army may dimantle LTTE for now, even they can kill pravakaran but the freedom fight will continue until eelam is achieved
Not true. Very few ‘liberation’ groups achieve their goals.
Read Indian history.
In the early 1960s, there was a huge Naga rebellion in Northeast. Nothing came out of it. Then there were the Mizos, same story. Kashmir and Punjab – same story.
Very few armed struggles succeed because the force of the “state” is infinitely stronger.
You cannot confuse hope with reality.
It is not ‘a newspaper’. It is a newspaper [‘Dhinakaran’] which comes under the Sun network – owned by Maran family. [Kalanidhi maran and Dhayanidhi maran are the grandsons of Karunanidhi.]
In the survey ‘who is more suitable to become the next political heir of Loose Paiya?’ – the results shown Stalin – 60+ %, Azhagiri – 5%, and Others – 27%. The ‘Others’ was indirectly denoting Dhayanidhi Maran who was the then IT & Communications cabinet minister and enjoying a good popularity through his influence in Media. It was widely believed that it was Dhayanidhi who manipulated the results of the survey and Kalanidhi pushed it for publishing.
The day it got published, Dhinakaran office was attacked by Azhagiri’s supporters and three got burnt inside after they set it in fire.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Tamils in Tamil Nadu are caught between the devil (Loose Paiya) and the deep sea (Morons).
Only Vijay can shave the Tamils in his next movie Vettaikaran.
Or maybe we should wait for Ajith’s Asal or Vikram’s Kanthaswamy.
I heard Azhagiri [deleted] is bribing ppl in Madurai with 5000 bucks for voting in favor of him. Bribe taking day is fixed at 23rd. Photographs will be taken and the ones taking bribe are supposed vote, vote in favor of him. Policemen and government officials SHOULD fund this operation as per dada Azhagiris order. Enna Koduma Saravanan!!
All I hope “Loose Kelavan” terrorist Karunai-illadha-nidhi dies soon, Jaya comes to power and [deleted] Azhagiri [deleted]…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Do you have any credible links to support the bribe claim?
kk is not a loose paya…he ia vevaram or smart to settle his whole family in politics and his family has billionaires and having their life. u and ur gang is jobless loose paiya wasting time oñ discussing on kk..he doesn’t care u..who knows..loose paiya kk might greet you with a unbailable ganja case on your arrival to tamil nadu on ur next visit
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: loose paiya kk might greet you with a unbailable ganja case on your arrival to tamil nadu
Machi, Oregon pola variya (coming to Oregon)?
2. Are you a blithering idiot. No, that’s not a question….so please don’t bother answering. Each time, you go near a keyboard you reveal to the world what a schmuck you are.
Just think, if we and our gang comprise of no more than a gaggle of jobless loose paiya wasting time, what would you be for spending so much time in reading our pearls of wisdom.
Korangu Paya, Po (scoot, monkey).
Than all these, one of my friend is right there and he told this to me…. His neighbour was asked, infact threatened to vote for Azhagiri after taking 5000…
Karunanidhi is out alteast in the Lok Sabha elections ….since he is running a hugely unpopular govt …….nevertheless he has 2 yrs before the assembly elections to do well and redeem himself ……
that guy is not that bad ….there are lot of good things he has done for TN ….
the only problem with him is that he behaves like a casteist leader rather than a chief minister …..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Karunanidhi is out alteast in the Lok Sabha elections ….since he is running a hugely unpopular govt
We also think so. Plus there’s always that anti-incumbency voting trend.
Check out this vid
But when I think of loose paiya, only this comes to my mind… “Aiyo kola panranga!! Kola panrangappa” LOL
Unfortunately I’m not getting its video. If you have, do send me….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Watched the video. But Stalin is still out, a free man because he was not convicted by any court.
Couldn’t find Karunanidhi’s arrest video on YouTube. Tried different combination of key words. Here’s a picture of Loose Paiya’s arrest from BBC.
We, tamil people, are so tired of Mr.Kalaigner and his family now-a-days. During his fifth term Tamilnadu has suffered all sorts of setbacks:
1) There is not enough electricity now in Tamilnadu, I heard many industries are closing their shop and moving to other states. In some villages, there is no power for almost 12 hours a day. But whenever there is a party meeting, the whole road is lit with electric lights, wonder what people think?
2) Rowdyism has increased a lot. The police force under his rule have shown little intent to deal with law and order.
3) He always gives preference to his family members, even his PETHI(Grand Daughter) is given preference.
4) He takes casteism agenda to an alltime high. Whenever he attacks an opposition party, he shamelessly tries to exploit the caste factor.
5) He says he isn’t an atheist, but Kumudham in one of their articles in 2008 has stated clearly that he and his family regularly visit temples and even offer PUJAS regularly. SO much for Atheism.
6) He forces the tamil people to accept his views. For example, he arranged for a 14 km long human chain to oppose the Srilankan war against LTTE. The Human Chain was organized two days before Diwali. People travelling to their home towns missed their buses and trains due to the HUGE TRAFFIC JAM caused by the human chain. Plus SCHOOL CHILDREN WERE FORCED TO STAND IN THE DRIPPING RAIN INSPITE OF THEIR PARENTS OPPOSING IT.
7) He wants Pongal to be celebrated as Tamil New Year’s day. Doesn’t care for the opinion of the people.
Considering all this, I pray that he never comes back to rule Tamilnadu again. We don’t need a 85 year old Hitler to rule us. To add insult to injury, his progeny is even worse.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Look at the fate of our poor Tamil Makkal.
Paavum, our Tamils.
dmk is notified, on next visit to india unbailable ganja case or some gift is ready. loose mari olarama muditu iru.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: dmk is notified,
Poda, Loose Paiya Junior (scoot, nut).
Oregon Ganja semma kick, machi (nice high on Oregon marijuana)!
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Karunanithi is there in the power on the ‘lesser kandraavi (nasty)’ basis as tamils have to make their choice between a minimum kandraavi and maximum kandraavi..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
For the sake of the people, it’s better to alternate between the Loose Paiya and the Pisachi.