Folks, IT employment in the U.S. is down for the fourth consecutive month.
According to the National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses, IT employment continues to fall in the U.S., with 31,300 jobs disappearing in March 2009.
The loss of 31,000 IT jobs in March, amidst tough economic times for American families, comes on the heel of 56,000 IT jobs lost in December, 48,000 vanishing in January and 14,000 going poof in February.
Since November 2008, the IT sector in the U.S. has shed 150,000 jobs or 3.7%.
IT employment in the U.S. has declined 1.79% since March 2008.
Scrap H1B Job Killer
We’ve said this a million times on this blog. Scrap the H1B program and send the coolies back home to India.
It makes no sense to bring in the coolies from India and elsewhere when American IT workers are hurting.
Ask the Indian coolies in Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore whether they are willing for their jobs to be outsourced to Bangladesh or China.
Take our word – those hooligans will go on a rampage and torch buses and buildings and create mayhem in their cities.
The H1B program was meant to hire workers in times of labor scarcity.
But greedy American corporations have misused the H1B to cut costs and depress wages of American workers. This is unacceptable.
Call your Congressman and Senator today and ask them to put up a bill to pack the coolies home and scrap the H1B program.
Related Stories:
God Exists; Coolie Visa (H1B) Applications Down
U.S. Job Killer H1-B Visa Reaches Cap for Fiscal 2009
U.S. Senators Take a Shot at Infosys, Wipro, TCS et al
Desi Illegals Beat Amigos
endii coolie… Responds:
Saturday Night Hangover?
Look at your title. Yeah right…. Obama is reading this blog only to make decisions.. LOL Responds:
Actually, after reading the blog Obama called us and asked how soon we wanted them coolies gone. We told him, Pavam (poor souls) give them a few months.
Plus, there are people in India whose Internet access depends on the remittances from the H1B coolies.
Come on, he wud hav probably told u ‘Dont get agitated. If we send them off we’ll be left with no one to think.’
great idea!!!
please tell us when you are leaving…and don’t let the door hit you on your way out… Responds:
The best thing Obama has done so far is to force banks that took TARP money not to hire H1Bs. We haven’t stopped celebrating since.
Now, it’s time to address the other firms that brought in these H1B. Kick them all out, now.
We don’t need H1Bs when we have 8% unemployment here.
i think you misunderstood. i guess reading comprehension is not your strong point.
let me repeat:
great idea!!!
please tell us when YOU (as in – YOU the writer of this post. as in – YOU the village idiot. as in – YOU the racist, ignorant, old fart) are leaving…and don’t let the door hit you on your way out…
crystal? Responds:
Let us repeat since God must have been on vacation when a schmuck like you was created.
The best thing Obama has done so far is to force banks that took TARP money not to hire H1Bs. We haven’t stopped celebrating since.
Now, it’s time to address the other firms that brought in these H1B. Kick them all out, now.
We don’t need H1Bs when we have 8% unemployment here.
isn’t there a course in insults that you can attend…something like Insults 101, or maybe buy a book or something…your insults/retorts are boring and repetitive…
your knowledge of politics and economic policy, on the other hand is just laughable…
but please – keep writing…i am sure Obama is one among the 50 people or so that have ever come to this website… Responds:
1. You write above: i am sure Obama is one among the 50 people or so that have ever come to this website…
Whoever said hoist with his own petard surely had a nitwit like you in mind.
For someone with a low opinion of our site, you’ve already posted three comments in the span of a few hours and God knows how many countless hours you’ve spent on this entertaining site.
Get real.
2. You write: isn’t there a course in insults that you can attend…something like Insults 101,
Insults may be your cup of tea but it ain’t our stock-in-trade.
Humility and respect for others is our mantra and the creed we live by. Yes, we know humility, politeness and respect for others are antediluvian practices but what can we do – you see, old habits die hard. Hard for you to grasp such old-fashioned virtues, na?
“Humility and respect for others is our mantra and the creed we live by”
I agree. Just tht in the process, u get humiliated. Also plz plz keep posting as he said. Not that Obama will read it of all, but it is entertaining to watch u getting humiliated by everyone…. Responds:
Grow up.
[Trash Talk] Responds:
But for the [Trash Talk] in your last sentence, we’d have processed this comment.
Have you tried therapy…might alleviate your problems (albeit, only to some degree).
haahhaa – what a sissy…was there just too much respect & humility in my post? should i have stopped at nincompoop & ignoramus? Responds:
Forgot the insult you hurled toward our parents in your last sentence?
Maybe, that’s how you talk to your parents routinely.
Criticism is not something we shy away from but unrequited insults at third parties who have nothing to do with this post make no sense except in the agitating synapses of your disturbed brain.
“Criticism is not something we shy away from but unrequited insults at third parties who have nothing to do with this post make no sense except in the agitating synapses of your disturbed brain.”
… and yet calling hard working individuals ‘coolies’ is ok?
…calling them ‘hooligans’ is ok?
…calling them ‘mosquitoes from India’ is ok?
come-on man! you are so pathetic that its not even funny anymore…i actually cringe at the thought that i am communicating with someone as despicable as you… Responds:
1. Coolies is a reference to low wage H1B laborers from India, who ought to be packed off given the 8% unemployment here.
Hooligans is fine too. Try a large scale layoff in India and you’ll see the placid, bovine programmers morphing into hooligans.
Mosquitoes – yes. At 1.2 billion and growing, what else would you have us call them? Rabbits, maybe?
2. You write: i actually cringe at the thought that i am communicating with someone as despicable as you
We are not holding a gun to your head. Or are we?
We are not holding a gun to your head. Or are we?
Your irreverence is irresistible. Responds:
Off-topic: Just returned from RedBox. An unblemished record so far (not paid a cent).
Is it raining in your area too? Non-stop since last night. Was planning to go to NYC tomorrow…cancelled because of the rain.
“i actually cringe at the thought that i am communicating with someone as despicable as you…”
have faith dude. there are people working behind the scenes to have this website shut down. the wheels are in motion. just be patient. several advertisers have been contacted about the racist comments on this website.
oops – did i say too much? Responds:
You write above: there are people working behind the scenes to have this website shut down
Up your you-know-what.
BTW, it ain’t racist when a black calls another black Nigga just as it ain’t racist for one coolie (desi) to call another coolie (desi) a coolie.
Now, shove it up your A**.
Haven’t rented from redbox in two weeks..
Watched on HBO
look at the user rating.. 171 users – 9.6/10..
you may like it (i did).. little bit lesbianism and little bit Shakespeare..
Piper keeps repeating
didn’t understand what the heck that means.
few drizzles in the morning and gloomy now.. will probably rain soon. Responds:
Still no electricity here.
Laptop dying on us.
“BTW, it ain’t racist when a black calls another black Nigga just as it ain’t racist for one coolie (desi) to call another coolie (desi) a coolie.
Now, shove it up your A**.”
not true! its the context/tone/insinuation that is material. Dont be a pussy now by changing your tone.
anyway, all of this doesn’t matter – i know for a fact that things are moving. i hope this site shuts down, or atleast some of the advertisers leave, but maybe it wont happen and scum like you will continue to pollute the interwebs… Responds:
1. You write above: i hope this site shuts down, or atleast some of the advertisers leave,
Buy a lotto tonight. You’re likely to have better odds there.
2. Our tone and context are fine.
As for insinuations, we’ll leave such pansy actions to lily-livered poltroons like you.
sending coolies home is kinda good idea for the American people which include some of our indian community who will not accept other indians to immigrate, well for those small percentage of people who call themselves Americans are meaningless to this country bcoz of there selfish behavior.
I never seen an American behaving like this. My only advice to these people plz be what you are…… help others…. Responds:
To borrow a phrase made famous by the unemployed Germans: Gastarbeiter, raus.
As we’ve said so many times, the interests of its citizens is foremost for every country. Hopefully the H1B Reform legislation being sponsored by a couple of senators will soon become law.