Even recessions have silver linings – as in less number of H1B applications (mostly from the Indian coolies for U.S. IT jobs).
As of April 9, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services had received only 42,000 fresh H1B Visa applications for fiscal 2010 starting on October 1.
CIS, which started accepting applications on April 1, said it’d continue to accept H1B applications until it reaches the limit of 65,000.
Last year (i.e. for fiscal 2009), the U.S. CIS received 150,000 H1B applications for the 65,000 Visas in two days.
Why the Decline
No, no, the coolies have not developed a hatred of America. By no means.
The primary reason for the drop in H1B Visa applications is the slump in the U.S. economy.
Petitions filed on behalf of current H-1B workers (who have been counted previously against the 65,000 cap) will not count toward the fiscal year 2010 H-1B cap.
H1B Visas are a disgrace, a kick in the face of hard working American IT workers.
Originally aimed as a response to the shortage of IT workers in the states, they’ve now become a tool for U.S. corporations to fire American workers and import cheaper coolies from India and other countries.
Any attempt to cut the number of H1B Visas is strongly resisted by large American corporations via blatant lies that not enough skilled workers are available in the U.S. or that the jobs would move offshore if enough visas were not made available.
The major beneficiaries of H1B Visas are Indian firms like Infosys, Wipro and Satyam that do IT work for large U.S. corporations.
Related Stories:
IT Employment Down Again in U.S.; Send the H1B Coolies Home, Now
U.S. Job Killer H1-B Visa Reaches Cap for Fiscal 2009
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I think you already got your GC and you dont want more competition in US and you are so scared of it. I am 10000% sure that you are a programmer and belongs to IT filed!!!…….
People like you (psycho) can write all this.
DO you really think that those people who studied hard during colleges and earned Engineering Degree are COOLIE then I dont want to say anything more.
You sucker I am earning 2,00,000 on h1b here and Paying HIGH TAX. I knew this is your personal blog stuff so you may remove this post….BUT trust me and god due to sucker and fucker like you nobody can keep down talented people….tc…and F** ur A**
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Let’s take care of our people (Americans) first and then worry about other people (H1B Visa holders).
Charity toward others comes only after your family is well-fed and taken care of.
Since there are so many unemployed American programmers, it just doesn’t make sense to bring the mosquitoes from India and elsewhere on these H1B ‘U.S. Job Killer‘ Visas.
Take a look at the numbers: IT Employment Down Again in U.S.
Actually the primary reason for the numbers going down is that firms are having to show work orders from the client and a few other documents at the time of application. Obviously this is a tougher thing to fake and without a project in hand firms cannot hire for two projects in the bush or a hundred in the jungle. I am not sure I can provide you a link for this, but this is what I have gathered from people who are filing for extensions, not just people who are applying afresh.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
But our desis are too wily. They’ll set up another company (B) and show work orders from B to A, the first company.
Some of the things the Punjabis and Telugus do….unbelievable.
While I hear your general opinion about H1, it is not really clear whether you are against all H1 hires or the H1 hires from Indian outsourcing firms. Each year in addition to the 65000 there are 20000 applicants in the H1 bucket who have completed an advanced degree (MS, MBA, PhD) from the US. These people typically start on an F1, complete their degree and then take up a job in one of the multitudinous firms here, software or otherwise (maybe you fall into this category?). Microsoft / Google / Apple / IBM Research have a lot of people from this group, particularly from the top universities and not from random mom-and-pop shops. A lot of these folks actually do good work and build products that you use on a day to day basis. To prevent such people from getting jobs you would have to ask universities to stop taking international students – there is no other way.
Or maybe you are only against Indian firms using H1 as a lever for getting their guys into the country and using them to get an advantage in billing rates.
The thing is, you are proposing a higher degree of protectionism, but I am not sure if you are proposing absolute protectionism. Absolute protectionism is not the way to go – it can stymie progress, particularly in a country such as the US.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: The thing is, you are proposing a higher degree of protectionism
No, we are not advocating blanket protectionism. We are talking prudent public policy in the interests of American workers.
Under normal circumstances (i.e. when the economy is booming) or when there’s a labor shortage, H1B might make sense.
But when there’s 8% unemployment in the U.S., it beggars belief that H1B Visas are still being issued.
Every country’s first duty is to its citizens (in this case Americans). And to follow any other policy (like issuing H1B Visas under the current hard economic circumstances in the U.S.) is the ne plus ultra of nonsense.
We’ve said this a million times. Will Indians in India allow their jobs to be shipped en masse to Bangladesh or China when there’s 8% or 10% unemployment among software programmers. Knowing Indians, they’d erupt in a fury of protests.
Yes, we are aware of the separate 20,000 quota too.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
As they say in Tamil Nadu, nee rombhu waste (you are useless).
@SI – “Originally aimed as a response to the shortage of IT workers in the states, they’ve now become a tool for U.S. corporations to fire American workers and import cheaper coolies from India and other countries”
My Views:
#1 – Reality is so called hardworking American Families are getting bashed by their fellow Americans (big corporations) and not by so called H1B Coolies
#2 – Indian companies are taking advantage of this – similar to what Americans do with mid-east and oil.
#3 – Life is all about staying competitive and look for opportunities – World is so small now that, country / state boundaries are no more a barrier
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Life is all about staying competitive and look for opportunities – World is so small now that, country / state boundaries are no more a barrier
Really? Let’s ship all Indian IT jobs to China and call center jobs to Phillipines.
You are right. The American corporations are the bigger culprits. We’ve also made that point when we referred to greedy American corporations.
Looks like either u r a IT coolie u r self who does not want competition or an ABCD who hates working hard. I am sure you are not a Gora guy (Even though u may think so) and If you have not come on your own, somebody from your family has come as coolie to work here.
H1B visa are not a way to end things, I agree there is a lot of Abuse with H1B both from the employer and employees. But it does not mean it can be abolished.
The real problem started when US moved from a Manufacturing economy to a Marketing economy.
You want the real solution then bring back all the jobs u have lost to China….is it feasible? If that happens
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We see no light at the end of this tunnel.
When Agriculture, Manufacturing and now the Service sector are screwed, what else is left? McDonalds, Burger King and KFC.
Does India have a H1B-like Visa? We’re thing of applying…
If you observe, almost all major Indian IT companies have got centres in China for better cost arbitrage.
Also, If they (China, Phillipines or even Burma) develop required capability – do you think anyone can prevent IT majors in India from (a) getting IT work of Western Countries and (b) sub-contract to these countries? – Every individual need to be competitive and so is every organization.
Was India not able to live before IT came as a major source of employment? If all IT jobs go-away (not possible according to me), we will have to upgrade ourselves and next generation should branch out to other industry – No point in blaming others. “Only Fittest will survive” right?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. It’s not in the Indian culture to allow mass firings (look at the case of Jet Airways recently) and allow their jobs to be shipped off.
2. You write: almost all major Indian IT companies have got centres in China for better cost arbitrage.
You make one big mistake. Wipro, Infosys et al are not firing Indians and shipping jobs to China. They are adding jobs in China.
In the U.S., the locals were fired and often forced to train their Indian H1B replacements (the Americans were forced to train their H1B replacements in order to receive severance).
Free Trade is fine and dandy as long as you are benefiting.
3. You write: “Only Fittest will survive” right
If your Darwinian logic is extended, we guess Americans have enough firepower to pulverize the rest of the world many times over.
SI: If your Darwinian logic is extended, we guess Americans have enough firepower to pulverize the rest of the world many times over
TRUE – if rest of world is only Afghanistan and Iraq.
Leave biggies like China, Russia etc., they are scared even the likes of North Korea.
So called Hard working American families are welcome to work from India – By this they will retain their software jobs – with their Corporation BUT in a different country
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: they are scared even the likes of North Korea
OMG, the North Korean Kim Jong-il is the wiliest leader we’ve come across. He makes Machiavelli and Chanakya seem like babes in the woods.
Buddy you always tend to live in a world of idealism. Politicians are a class who are the same across the world. They give promises to keep people’s mouth shut. Mumbai has the biggest Red-light area, nobody even bother to take a look into that, you know the reason? It helps to keep the social balance in the city. Similarly extremely tight border control can prevent illegal immigration (In India, USA any place for that matter). But the political class would not want to end that, reason is simple, there are endless beneficiaries like cheap labour, indirect tax etc.
It is funny though L1 Visa’s are equally abused like H1, nobody talks about it. You are talking about shipping jobs from India to China or Bangladesh, do u think it does not happen? It may yet to happen in IT industry, but many manufacturing jobs (Especially Export orient Garment manufacturing) have moved to lot of low cost countries. The Businessmen find a way to hoodwink the law.
You had mentioned in one of the post “Mass firing is unheard of in india”, you had cited about the Jet airways story, In the area of new age Media, Jet airways story is something which created lot of hype and attention (There was rumour that it was ploy by jet to get some concessions from the government). Mass Firings are not new to India, In India it was called Lock-out or other different terminology. You can go to Wikipedia/google and search for Great Bombay mill strike. Look how many people were fired. You can take a look into the countless Industrial estates that are either shutdown or being remade into IT call centers. Have you heard about companies called Dunlop tyres, Keltron, Solidaire etc. We can argue that these companies lost out due to competition and many of these jobes stayed in india (Which may not be the case). Till india has an edge in Low cost manufacturing these companies would stay in India and there would be a time when India would no longer hold that edge and it would shift to other countries, this is an evolution.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: you always tend to live in a world of idealism
How much worse would the world be without idealists and dreamers.
2. The 1982 mill strike was a different issue and not a mass firing. You might want to read this.
first tell us how did you entered in this country? is it true that u never had h1 or any kind of visa to enter this country? is it true that u u are cheap voyer [trash talk] can shit on its own ….nee sathiyama alinchu nasama pova..ithu nee sonna athe god unnai aliparu. mera kali baghwan.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: nee sathiyama alinchu nasama pova..ithu nee sonna athe god unnai aliparu.
Aliparu? Adachi po (scoot), Alipore Korangu.
dei sori porampoku kupaai…nee coolie go back to india..if you like to…why you want others to go back…[trash talk]….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Kuppa lorry-ilae vandhiya (looks like you came in the dumpster truck).
Well you r not an American either… probably u write this post so that they dont kick u out… good survival tactic… i can give u more survival ideas equivalent to this. let me know if u need any desperately. take care… be good to them.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: you r not an American either… probably u write this post so that they dont kick u out…
You are wrong.
As we’ve said on a few occasions earlier, we are Americans. They can’t kick us out to anywhere.
(off topic: After three vengaya dosas (Tamil Nadu), bellam magay pickle (Andhra) and yellu chutney pudi (Karnataka), we’re ready to take on the world. Bring it on.)
I din kno Americans learn Tamil, watch Tam movies, eat vengaya dosas etc… Fun things to do when u r jobless eh? (literally) Have fun!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: I din kno Americans learn Tamil, watch Tam movies, eat vengaya dosas etc…
We’re IBCAs (Indian Born Confused Americans).
You see, we like vengaya dosas and we also love our hot sausage with onion and green pepper at the weekend Farmer’s Market.
You see, we like Namitha
, Tabu and Mallika (Sherawat) and we also love our Jodie Foster, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Biel…
You see, we think India stinks (literally) yet we love things Indian and are forever waxing nostalgic about the good ol’ days in India.
There must be more than a million of us IBCAs here.
As we say often, you can take the Indian out of India but not the India out of Indians.
Your rage is justified given that atleast 4 of the top 10 paid CEOs in America are Indians
Hahahha poor you… pity you…. no point getting agitated in this blog… raise this issue in your parliament…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
When cooliemployer Tata Consultancy Services spends $67,500 for a speech by Larry Summers, what chance do we have?
S.I. : hard working American IT workers
Had they been hard working as the coolies the corporates won’t need the coolies to be imported.
Coolie is a term for unskilled worker (by the british), this wont suit the h1B visa holders as this visa is for skillfull workers.
Bottomline… its all goes by nature “survival of the fittest”
Visit these places and you will see ONLY americans… not a single coolie… Hard truth, the AMERICAN SUPREMACY has just ended
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Had they been hard working as the coolies the corporates won’t need the coolies to be imported.
It’s not the hard working part that’s the issue. The question is: who is cheaper – No question, the coolies win hands down on cost.
The Bloomberg link (above) is not working.
at some point in time ……you had migrated to America has a coolie …
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Most coolies are our brothers and sisters.
I agree cheaper cost is a factor. but it is not the only thing. then why do indian students excel in MS in US colleges and get placed before the americans? they r not paid less… and what abt those CEOs in the link I sent u earlier… they r not paid less either…
cheaper and much more efficient, thats the main reason why u r biting dust… so no point getting agitated tht the coolies are giving run for ur life… u gotta work and use ur brains to sustain… got it?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Cheaper, yes. More efficient, no. Suited for repetitive tasks…very little imagination.
Like Pavlovian dogs, really.
Actually, a lot of H1Bs have disappeared. Either gone home to their shacks and slums in India or gone underground.
We just don’t see the same crowds in Edison (NJ) or Lexington Ave (NYC) these days.
even if the americans come to india and ask for much less pay than indians, still they wont get a job in IT… so here’s my suggestion… better u choose something where u dont need to use ur brains (if at all u have any) like say p**n industry etc… thank me for this…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: choose something where u dont need to use ur brains (if at all u have any) like say p**n industry etc…
So, you think the H1Bs are incapable of performing horizontal calisthenics. Pavam (what a pity).
Come on, India has the largest population
We may not want to show up those skills in public given that we do not have Taboo-style lifestyle. Also we wont be left jobless like u guys given that we use our brains…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
If we stop sending you those software and call center jobs, guess you troglodytes will return to your caves.
“We just don’t see the same crowds in Edison (NJ) or Lexington Ave (NYC) these days.”
I thought u just write crap here… Now I kno u also crap(sh*t) in the streets of New York noticing the ethnicity of ppl around u watching u disgustingly… LOL
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Write some sense (even if occasionally).
Oak Tree Road and surrounding areas of Edison (NJ) and Lexington Ave (NYC) are the haunts of desis.
Wheres my other comment regarding u crapping in the streets of NY?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Grow up.
Dear SI,
[trash talk]
You say “Efficient NO”… Gotcha I din kno u wer talkin bout po*n industry… yes we r not efficient enuf in makin taboo style po*n given tht we don liv tht way..
K lets come 2 an agreement. U handle all po*n, that being ur core competency n let we, i mean the H1Bs handle anything remotely related to thinking, that being so alien 2 u.. some of u can do some edupudi(side work) in tht.
Given this, thrs also an encouraging news for u… ill tell my fello indians to watch ur po*n rather thn spanish, french etc… so u can also make a living and don need run for ur life n keep polambing(mulling) in this thread….:)
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: K lets come 2 an agreement.
We’re not in the habit of striking agreements with semi-literate baboons.
BTW, you seldom add value here to any discussion with your meaningless drivel. Of course, you always knew that, didn’t you. You must have been told that a million times in your life by others as well.
Also, learn to write in proper English without abbreviating the words.
“you seldom add value here to any discussion with your meaningless drivel”
Ha.. As if u add value by posting this… Obviously u cant do anything other than run for ur life… not due to H1Bs but bcoz u r not capable of thinking… I’m sure u wud have heard this some trillion times… still u keep posting such crap. dont you?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Don’t you have an ‘original’ cell in your body.
HA you say I seldom add value to this discussion.
See, this post in itself has no value. Even God cannot add value to this through discussion, how can I?
[Trash Talk]
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Come back with a grovelling apology for the abusive portion of your two comments.
Until then, get out.
No, we do not find the source you cite credible because that group has a vested interest in continuing the H1B Visa program to the detriment of American workers.