Bachna Ae Haseeno – Box Office Disaster
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Yash Raj Films won the Bollywood Crap Producer Award on August 15 for faithfully churning out yet another crappy and unimaginative movie.
From the folks who brought you unalloyed garbage like Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic, Tashaan, Aaja Nachle and Laaga Chunari Mein Daag, comes a new piece of stinking trash called Bachna Ae Haseeno.
Two hours and 30 minutes of sheer torture is the heavy price you pay for the sin of daring to watch this mediocre film.
In Bachna Ae Haseeno, Yash Raj set out to create Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge lite but ended up with Bhooth Aur Mein major.
Featuring newcomers (OK, relative newcomers) Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone and those two non-actresses Minissha Lamba and Bipasha Basu, Bachna Ae Haseeno is Yash Raj Films’ desperate attempt to salvage its diminished fortunes and regain its fallen glory.
Bachna Ae Haseeno does not have a story, but au contraire instead offers a boring crass (no typo) course in all you wanted to know about wooing and dumping Indian girls but didn’t know where to ask.
Two of the ugliest (figuratively) Indian actresses Minissha Lamba and Bipasha Basu fight very, very hard to see who can deliver the worst performance in a Bollywood movie. And by golly, both of them win handily in Bachna Ae Haseeno.
Both Minissha and Bipasha are awkward dancers and so utterly graceless in their every gesture. Depressing.
Bipasha’s Lucky Boy song/dance number in Bachna Ae Haseeno was as bad as Priyanka Chopra’s Lover Boy song in that nightmare Love Story 2050.
Ranbir Kapoor, the torchbearer of the Kapoor clan, delivered an endearing performance in Saawariya last year but is settling down into Bollywood’s steady state of mediocrity. Of course, a mediocre Ranbir Kapoor is still miles ahead of the Abhishek Bachchans, Govindas, SRKs and Hrithik Roshans.
Raj Sharma (Ranbir Kapoor) and his buddies are gallivanting around Europe by train on an Eurail ticket when he espies a pretty lass Mahi (Minisha Lamba) on the train with her friends.
And lo and behold, like in DDLJ, people (Raj and Mahi) miss the train. Result: The duo set off on a boring trip across Switzerland that offers mind-numbing boredom and one nice song in Ahisata, Ahista.
Unlike Shahrukh Khan and Kajol in DDLJ, Ranbir Kapoor and Minissha Lamba share little chemistry. Even the kiss they share seemingly fails to raise their hormones or ours.
This philanderer Raj or killer as this bozo likes to call himself in the movie does the same dumping trick with the model Radhika (Bipasha Basu), literally jilting her at the altar and jets off to Sydney on work.
Down under, Raj meets cab driver Gayatri (Deepika Padukone), a Taekwonda expert with a hockey stick from Jullundur in her trunk (no kidding), and is smitten with her.
But the lady turns a cold shoulder to Raj’s overtures leaving him suddenly extremely remorseful about his past caddish behavior.
Deepika Padukone disappointed us in her first film Om Shanti Om but seems to have put in some work lately. In Bachna Ae Haseeno, we discerned more than a flicker of acting talent in her and a pleasing grace in her movements. Voila. Open the Dom Perignon.
Oh, Deepika’s smile is a killer.
But the crucial candle scene involving Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone was a damp squib.
Sadly, the four key confrontation scenes in Bachna Ae Haseeno – Raj-Mahi, Raj-Radhika/Shreya, Raj-Mahi’s husband and Raj-Gayatri – fell completely flat.
Bachna Ae Haseeno’s dependably incompetent director Siddharth Anand – whose sole claim to fame is being the architect of two unwatchable crappy movies Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007) and Salaam Namaste – once again callously lets us down.
Music, yes music, is the sole saving grace of this murderous piece of shit called Bachna Ae Haseeno. Alas, the picturization of all the songs is hopelessly banal.
Alas, the music is but a very small saving grace.
Overall, all we can say about Bachna Ae Haseeno is that Yash Raj Films suffers from serious compassion deficit disorder for the paying audience.
P.S: After watching a gazillion Hindi and Tamil movies, we have developed’s First Law of Movies – the quality and EQ (Entertainment Quotient) of a Bollywood movie is inversely proportional to the time and expense spent shooting in foreign locales. Bachna Ae Haseeno was filmed in Italy, Switzerland, Australia and Thailand. Go figure.
are you gonna watch “God Tussi Great Ho” tonight.. while you are at it, watch Satyam too.. enjoy! Responds:
You write above: are you gonna watch “God Tussi Great Ho” tonight.. while you are at it, watch Satyam too.. enjoy!
Watched Bachna Ae Haseeno this morning (hence the delay in processing comments). Just returned (9:05 PM EST) after watching Satyam…what a nightmare. Pl see Satyam Review here.
What the [trash talk]??
Bachna Ae Haseeno is a great movie Bollywood has ever produced in recent years! Ranbir Kapoor is hotter than ever! Everything about this movie is 1st rate.
Plzz don’t misguide the audience. OK?? BOLLYWOOD is the best movie industry in the whole world. Everything is nothing but shadow of it… Responds:
Yes, Ranbir Kapoor is not a bad actor but this movie is definitely third rate.
You write: BOLLYWOOD is the best movie industry in the whole world
Wake up, kiddo.
Folks its easy to pick on other pepoles work. If you dont like then just DONT watch. If you can do better then step up or take a chill pill and stay home. Responds:
Stop drinking the Bollywood coolaid.
….seems like this site should be renamed as….not that i think that its ‘best’ in the world, in fact, no such industry is…but then,an industry that entertains 1 billion people worldwide cannot certainly be ignored…i also feel that this site has very limited source of bollywood news,and it is a pity that recent films like ‘GANDHI MY FATHER’,’OMKARA'(one of the best OTHELLO adaptation),’MAQBOOL'(second best after Kurosawa’s ‘THRONE OF BLOOD’),’CHAK DE INDIA’,’SWADES’,’LAKSHYA’,’MANORAMA SIX FEET UNDER’,’JODHA AKBAR’..and some other ‘pure bollywood’ stuff’ does not feature in its ‘memorable films list’….in fact the list is much bigger,only if people out there are willing…….but then i believe that this year has been a bad year (up till now) for bollywood,giving no productive elements except ‘JODHA AKBAR’ and ‘AAMIR'(inspired by ‘CAVITE’,but good in its own right) and that the industy can do much better than that…. Responds:
1. You write above: seems like this site should be renamed as
Wash your mouth with Listerine. is the most objective source for reviews on Bollywood movies.
2. an industry that entertains 1 billion people worldwide cannot certainly be ignored
We agree with you…that’s why we pay it a great deal of attention.
3. We liked Manorama Six Feet Under and to some extent Swades too.
Hi guyz,
Yes, BAH abbreviated form is more suiting ‘BAH!’ indeed. But please mention that that is better that Singh is Kinng which had already overcame OSO. Yashraj is consistently delivering craps, but Aneez bazmee’s headless wonders had been worser than siddharth anand’s mediocre movies. What do u guys feel? And my humble suggestion is to be a bit liberal – or else we will not get a single positive review from the mainstream here! Sad.
Regards to you guys for tearing these blunders apart.
NB: I can’t even imagine Indian’s watched craps like singh is kinng. Had we gone crazy or what! Responds:
1. You write above: please mention that that is better that Singh is Kinng
We are tempted to agree with you.
2. Aneez bazmee’s headless wonders had been worser than siddharth anand’s mediocre movies. What do u guys feel?
Anees Bazmee’s No Entry was a fairly decent comedy.
hello mallukuttan
Was not able to stop myself frm writing a reply for ur post… even though its late. wat do u think, indians r all crazy….. its too bad to think like that na…u knw india is not all abt NRIs who go abroad n juz forget watz their identity is…. if u take movies such people would say marlon brando wow,al pacino gr8,zeta jones beauty…. it goes like that for them kamal hassan is not at all an actor amithab bachchan is a waste aishwariya rai a shame to india…… and would always argue india the worst country seen compared to america. bollywood full of craps and hollywood overflowing with tremendous potential in all means… if u r a mallu then u may knw such people r called KACHIL KRISHNAPILLA.but there r other NRIs who go abroad workhard make a bit of money quickly so that they can come back and settle here in their fav mother land and for such, a bollywood movie or any of their reg lang movies r alwys a treat to eyes not bcoz they love the script or direction or perfomences juz bcoz they can see their own stars whom they love an indian touch in the movie thats all thats y OSO or SIK was a hit n not bcoz indians r crazy….. if u haven’t been to india for a long time then for sure u should… n knw wat is india it still have its major share of average people who enjoys comedies after their tiring work n no time there to search for logic in it….so its juz my view on ur post… may be ur view is right but juz said it…
Regards Responds:
1. God, what nonsense is this dodo talking – If bollywood movie or any of their reg lang movies r alwys a treat to eyes as he/she/it writes, why do most Indian movies fail at the box office? Most Indians (unlike the above joker) are smart people and rightly give the majority of Indian movies the shaft.
2. OSO and SIK were not comedies but tragedies.
arey there godh par rakh kar mujhe naam diya hai kya….
who the hell r u to call me a joker. u knw since this is a site visited by a lots of people i’m controlling my words and who the hell r u man not able to control ur dirty arrogancy and no i m not using it since if i do that ther is no big a diff b/w me and u… hey its u a gud for nothing joker….joker joker 3 is not enough for u guyz…. u said above “why do most Indian movies fail at the boxoffice” who said it is it ur own creation in india Bollywood is the biggest profitted industry………. ohhh sorry since u r thoroughly westernised may be dont knw anything abt india…and i was really well mannered in my post so dont show ur class out tome ok joker….. Responds:
Learn to write in proper English. Hard to understand what you mean by gems like Bollywood is the biggest profitted industry…is that Punglish or Hinglish.
Hello. I just wanted to comment on what you said about Bachna Ae Haseeno and how it was a box office disaster. The verdict is not out yet. It’s probably not a flop, but maybe it is, who knows now? Opening weekend did very well due to the mass appeal, however it seems to go the Kismat Konnection route. It seems that it will do Average at the box office. For more information I just wanted you to see [deleted]. It’s very resourceful to your predictions. Once again, this is not to be rude, just a small clarification. However if you feel that to your judgement Bachna is a flop then so be it. That’s just your opinion. I just felt I should state mine. Responds:
The U.S. Box office response to Bachna ae Haseeno is not encouraging. If the Indian box office response is similar, it does not augur well for Bachna ae Haseeno.
yep itz wat we call –nglish my dear friend do u knw something, if a person is really frustrated with somebody then even for a linguist, the language that is comfortable at that point is his/her mother tongue…. do u knw i was having the same problem while typing my earler post, u irritated me to that extent with ur reply…i was really finding it hard to get the very polite english words for u and as a result of that it was a mess i admit it….. and for ur kind information i’m a person who had been there in Dallas for more than 23 yrs, juz returned a few months back… so dont feel u r the only one out there with a gud english dialect…. dont try to be too smart and wise…. coz u can never belong to a community of smart or wise people not bcoz ur reviews r bad, ur reviews r really gud n i still love it but bcoz u r really realy cheeky…. ur arrogance is ridiculous…. plz be more cogentle to those who post an arguement…. abuse them only if they do that to u…ok anyways buddy still love ur reviews so will stop this with a big smile on face….. Responds:
Hey, hi! I havent watched this film, and I dont think I will, what I jus wanted to understand is, ru this rude towards every film produced in this country, or has this film done anythn to u personally, and u wanted to take revenge? Again, there is no point in being rude to people who visit yr site. Dont u think u shud edit yr comments a bit? And well, I sure as hell wudnt want a crappy answer to my comment; I dont know about the others, but I for sure wudnt ever visit yr site again if that was the case!!! It was a real sorry review u wrote, sayin Abhishek, Hrithik, and others cant act. Worse still, u said Ranbir acted better!!! Tch tch tch!!! Responds:
1. You write above: It was a real sorry review u wrote, sayin Abhishek, Hrithik, and others cant act. Worse still, u said Ranbir acted better!!! Tch tch tch!!!
OK, Little miss goodie two shoes, here we go. You blabber above that you have not watched Bachna Ae Haseeno yet you take offence when we write that Ranbir Kapoor is a better actor. Are you a complete imbecile. No, that’s not a question but an assertive sentence.
Abhishek Bachchan can’t act. Period. If he did not have his last name, he wouldn’t be a gofer (odd-job fellow) on a film set. Sarkar Raj, Jhoom Bore Bore Jhoom, Umrao Jaan….every single movie featuring this bozo is pathetic.
2. ru this rude towards every film produced in this country, or has this film done anythn to u personally, and u wanted to take revenge?
The word rude is not in our dictionary. The right word is objective. We objectively review the Bollywood films we watch. Is it our fault that most Bollywood films are unwatchable horror shows or outright theft.
3. I for sure wudnt ever visit yr site again if that was the case
Good riddance to bad rubbish. This blog is not a rest-house for schmucks or clueless dolts who have no clue what they are talking about. Au contraire, the blog is a wayside center to have entertaining and, at least, occasionally meaningful discussions on Bollywood, Kollywood, Books and other interesting stuff.
I`ve recently watch the film and totally agree with reviews giving an 100% flawless report of the same.The film has actually wasted 2.5 hrs of my life which otherwise could have bettered of dozing off (which i did couple of time in the theatre).
There are quite some few optimistic ppl in the posts above but I seriously feel they havent been exposed yet to international cinema.
thanks to for some frank and honest reviews
sorry, unrelated message.. but i need some recommendations for hindi songs.. even album recommendations are good enough.. Is Johnny Gaddar any good?
my kind of songs..
1) pappu can’t dance JTJN
2) Jame Raho from TZP
3) Bhool Bhulaiya from BB
although i love melodies, i need peppy numbers when driving. Responds:
Dum maro dum (Hare Krishna Hare Ram…Old indeed is Gold)
Ishq de gali (No Entry)
Ye Ishq Hai (Jab we Met)
Dil dhakda hai (U Me Aur Hum)
Kismat Konnection title song (Kismat Konnection)
Sabse bada ruppiah (Bluffmaster)
Cheeni Kum title song (Cheeni Kum)
Dhoom 2
Lekar Hum…(Yaadon Ki Barat)
Maybe….Chanda Chamke (Fanaa)
You write: Is Johnny Gaddar any good?
Can’t remember. If pushed, we’d say nothing memorable.
thanks! i’ll scour the internet for more.. many of the top 10 lists include slow numbers. I don’t want to doze off on the road.
I think I don’t know these two songs..
Dil dhakda hai (U Me Aur Hum)
Kismat Konnection title song (Kismat Konnection).. rest are a bit familiar.. as they are from 2007, i think
watching the men’s beach volleyball.. nowhere as good as the ladies final yesterday in the rain (wet bikinis and pokies.. yummy!).. those ladies want to make babies now.
one of the brazilian men looks like Richard Kiel from Moon Raker.. I’d rather look at wet bikinis than “Jaws” Responds:
You write: watching the men’s beach volleyball.. nowhere as good as the ladies final yesterday in the rain
The sight of women & men (combined team) playing volleyball on a beach wearing nothing but a tan (sorry, one of the girls had eye glasses too) is one of the amusing memories we’ll carry to our grave.
Hey buddy, u most certainly dint disappoint me with yr reply! And well, u called me goody two shoes; know smthn interesting? i recently changed my yahoo name to goody two shoes! well, mister/miss, you might be the next big thing here, and i might be just a clueless dolt and a schmuck, but that doesnt change the fact that you are still wrong. bollywood is not as pathetic as you make it sound to be, and your pessimistic nature can be pitied. now, out with the truth – did u ever audition for a role in bollywood and gotten rejected? heh
i thought maybe that would explain your deep rooted hatred. i like just a few hindi films myself, but it doesnt mean i go and verbally abuse the whole lot. Indian cinema is meant to entertain; some of us like it, some dont. that doesnt make the rest of us are schmucks, dolts, rubbish, and what not. i really hope (against hope) that uve got some friends. good luck to u, dude. dissect my comment all you want. Responds:
1. You write above: bollywood is not as pathetic as you make it sound to be,
Hey Miss Goodie Two Shoes,
That you are hopelessly wrong is proven by the colossal number of flops. Almost every Bollywood movie made these days is either a flop or has just a mediocre run. You don’t have to take our word, just take a dekko at the Box Office numbers. If they were entertaining, why would so many Bollywood movies fail.
That even God makes mistakes is amply proven by the idiocy in your comments.
2. You write: did u ever audition for a role in bollywood and gotten rejected?
No, but we think that if ever you play the character of Bhooth in a Bollywood movie or a Pisachi in a Tamil movie, you definitely won’t require any makeup.
3. You write: Indian cinema is meant to entertain
Very true. But entertain is exactly what India cinema does not do.
Just watch recent Hollywood and foreign movies like No Country for Old Men, Tell No One, Mongol and There will be Blood and you will be on your knees begging forgiveness for daring to say that Indian cinema entertains.
4. For someone who has yet to watch Bachna Ae Haseeno you really have a nerve being on this board. There should be a law to prevent creatures like you from going anywhere near a keyboard.
5. You write: i really hope (against hope) that uve got some friends
With nuts like you around, we don’t need friends to entertain us.
Are you going to publish the review of “No Country for Old Men”? I didn’t quite like the movie after Bardem disappears.. till then it was awwwwesome.. I probably couldn’t relate well to the Tommy character (I am probably more like Bardem?!) and his ramblings. Responds:
1. You write above: Are you going to publish the review of “No Country for Old Men”?
No, we have other irons in the fire now. Plus, it’s been over nine months since the movie came out and we doubt there will be much interest.
2. You write: I am probably more like Bardem?!
Yes, we’ve always suspected that a psychopath assassin lurked beneath that calm facade.
3. You write: I didn’t quite like the movie after Bardem disappears
We think you mean after Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) disappears, right? Because the movie ends soon after an injured Bardem walks off following the car accident.
No, I meant Bardem..
Hope people, who haven’t watched, won’t mind the SPOILERs
Pace definitely slackens after Brolin gets killed, but after Bardem disappears (or walks away).. Tommy Lee Jones keeps talking for about 10 more minutes.. Many people loved that monologue too.. but I didn’t quite sympathize with his character.. we should probably look at him as a pitiful old man rather than a smart sheriff.. But I probably didn’t like the dramatic drop in pace.. Responds:
You write: Tommy Lee Jones keeps talking for about 10 more minutes..
Was it 10 min…seemed like just a few minutes to us at the breakfast table but we could be wrong. Tommy Lee Jones is a decent actor….any day better than Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas et al
“No Country for Old men”….I liked that movie. Will you guys be surprised if Bollyood comes out with an Indian version of this movie? With Brolin’s character singing and dancing around the trees with his GF/Wife and bumps into a bag of money that belongs to Bardem’s character. There are some tacky action/chase scenes between Brolin and Bardem’s character. Bardem’s character sings and dances in Chandni bar and has some whore as his GF who makes him have a change of heart and lets go of Brolin’s character hence they become best friends. Sounds good? Responds:
You write: Will you guys be surprised if Bollyood comes out with an Indian version of this movie? With Brolin’s character singing and dancing….Bardem’s character sings and dances in Chandni bar and has some whore as his GF who makes him have a change of heart and lets go of Brolin’s character hence they become best friends. Sounds good?
God, please. We didn’t know that such a sadistic personality lurked under your placid exterior.
Excellent review on bollywood movies, this type of opinion i was /we are -looking forward. i have watched Bachna Ae Haseeno- before reading your review. it was really a crap movie, here someone commented that it was excellent i feel really pity on him, the people who doesnt have any idea about movies are critisicing about the perfect reviews.
One request to supporters-come along with masses and watch Bachna Ae Haseeno and prove producers of the movie that all indian movie goers are fools
would like to know the name of the reviewer of movies, kuddos boss Responds:
You write above: would like to know the name of the reviewer of movies
Are Diwano, Mujhe Pehchano, Kahan se Aaya, Mein Hoon Don…Mein Hoon Don..
Lol, you do have a sense of humor, but by the way u keep writing “we”, i hope your colleagues dont provide u ideas. yeh, u r right in the sense that i dont belong here, was jus doin some search on google when i happened on yr site, and read this review. i was not really defending bachna.. but i felt tht u judged hrithik and co unfairly. anyways, never mind my comments, in accusing u to be rude, i was quite rude myself, which is something im usually not. i wudve laughed at yr replies if they werent directed at me (notwithstanding, i snickered when i read tht i’d make a good bhoot)
all the best, wudve liked knowin u under different circumstances, and hey, thanks, this was a great way to start an otherwise boring monday mrng!
PS: wud be interested in a review for phoonk, i wasted 100 bucks on the film this weekend. Responds:
1. You write above: wud be interested in a review for phoonk, i wasted 100 bucks on the film this weekend.
Fortunately (for our sanity) or unfortunately, Phoonk has not released in the U.S. A rare instance of RGV showing some mercy on desis here after inflicting his horrow-shows Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag and Sarkar Raj.
Let’s see if our local Indian grocery store gets the Phoonk DVD.
2. You write: but by the way u keep writing “we”, i hope your colleagues dont provide u ideas
Have no fear. The We is the royal We.
Oh, Your Highness!
Well, Phoonk not released in the U.S, thats too bad! Why should we be the only ones to suffer?! Anyways, I wrote an amateurish review myself, for Phoonk. Maybe you would be interested in giving me some advice, the URL is Responds:
Read your review as well as some of your other pieces (like To go, or not to go).
The one thing we wouldn’t have done is to start with Deccan Chronicle. Your review doesn’t need the crutch of Deccan Chronicle. It can – and actually does – stand on its own legs.
You have a natural flair for writing and we see your stuff getting better with time.
Maybe, it’s time someone puts this RGV cow out to pasture. Going by his recent films, the fella’s become a complete joker.
Wheeeeee, thanks!!! So u do have something nice to say occasionally, after all!
hehe! so why dont u recruit me as a blogger on yr site, i could freelance for yr site, u know. And before u snigger, im absolutely serious. I love writing, and i would love the opportunity. maybe u r a one man show, maybe u r not; whatever it is, just want u to know tht in case u ever need sm1 for helping out with the writing stuff, im here. no charges, ofcourse. writing is my passion, and ive just discovered it. Responds:
We’ll give it some serious thought. Really.
Hey, thanks. My email ID is xxxxxxxx, do get in touch in case you want a blogger, ever. As for your reviews, we might not agree on a few things, but I wish you luck. All the best Responds:
We’ll get in touch with you when we identify an appropriate topic. Thanks.
WUT?? Asha is not in Tampa, Florida?? i was fantasizing that she’ll be bloggin in her bikini. Was Tampa named after her?
As for you SI, is really named after Gemini’s daughter?
I just found out there were no songs featured in the movie Johnny Gaddar, but the album has some songs and a few instrumentals.. they sound alright.. the album even had 2 tamil tracks and 2 telugu tracks.. probably Shankar Mahadevan’s idea.. Responds:
You write: As for you SI, is really named after Gemini’s daughter?
Now the old hag is going to come after us.
Has a search engine named after her with the domain name says Responds:
This is news to us! Really.
Now, you’ve made us lose all respect for IMDB.
I found BachAH (much) more entertaining than Singh Is King, speaking relatively. But in many ways BachAH is full of cliches. The act of genuine repentance and seeking forgiveness, can evoke strong emotions in the protagonists and viewers alike, but unfortunately, none of that is brought out in BachAH. Instead, the confrontations fizzle out without making an impact.
Between Bipasha Basu and Minissha Lamba, I didnt have much of a problem in figuring out who is worser. It has to be Lamba, who speaks as though she has been chewing a mouthful, and literally makes a meal of whatever little dialogues that come her way.
Why is it that Yash Raj movies continues to fund this chap Sidharth Anand ? There are more honourable ways to burn money. An even greater mystery is, how Apoorva Lakhia (Shootout at Lokhandwala) yet gets to make movies, and that too with rather expensive stars (note that I have carefully avoided the use of the words ‘actors’ or ‘artists’) ?
I recently watched a movie called Corporate and found it to be a pleasant aberration from the usual Bollywood stuff.
Corporate was released in 2006, and directed by one Madhur Bhandarkar.
Now do not be discouraged by the fact that your favourite ladies Bipasha and Minissha are both a part of this movie. I assure you that the former is tolerable, while the latter does not get more than a few minutes to inflict damage.
But watch out for the ensemble cast.
I hope that you will watch this movie and review it. Responds:
1. You write: Why is it that Yash Raj movies continues to fund this chap Sidharth Anand ? There are more honourable ways to burn money. An even greater mystery is, how Apoorva Lakhia (Shootout at Lokhandwala) yet gets to make movies,
There must be a real shortage of directors & actors in Bollywood if bozos like Sidharth Anand, RGV, Anees Bazmee and Apoorva Lakhia can get to make ‘movies’ and the likes of Abhishek Bachchan, Priyanka Chopra, Ash, Minissha Lamba, Bipasha Basu can ‘act’ in them.
2. We may have Corporate in our collection. If not, we’ll get it from Netflix.
3. You write: It has to be Lamba, who speaks as though she has been chewing a mouthful, and literally makes a meal of whatever little dialogues that come her way.
I’d rather not comment on BAH, too much trauma experienced from it.
I’m not a great fan of Jim Carrey, but Bruce Almighty had me in splits. God Tussi Great Ho had me in tears. Although I like Amitabh’s acting a lot of the time, he is absolutely nothing in comparison to Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman’s brilliant. I absolutely loved his performance in The Shawshank Redemption, Million Dollar Baby and of course as god in Bruce Almighty.
By the way going off the topic, did you see the bollywood performance of the So Think You Can Dance troupe? I know it’s a little late, the show’s finished in the U.S but it’s still going down here in Australia. I thought that the dancers performed it quite well. Certainly better that some of our own bollywood actors. Responds:
God Tussi Great Ho was a disgrace that only a twisted perp like Salman Khan can deliver.
You write: By the way going off the topic, did you see the bollywood performance of the So Think You Can Dance troupe
Didn’t even know they were here. Thanks for reminding us to renew our subscription to the local Indian rags.
Oh sorry, I don’t think I worded it properly. I meant the U.S show, So You Think You Can Dance finally discovered bollywood dancing. The hiphop dancer or more specifically ‘popper’ Joshua and the contemporary dancer Katee danced to ‘Dhoom Tana’ from Om Shanti Om. And it turned out to be quite popular. Then they had a group dance where everyone danced to Jhoom Barabar Jhoom. I just thought it was fairly interesting to watch. It’s up on youtube for anyone who hasn’t seen it. Responds:
Now we remember. One of the other commenters also mentioned it sometime back.
Hey, saw Bachna.. this weekend, just out of curiosity, if it was as bad as you said. All I can say is, you didn’t do justice to the film. The actors, director, lyricist, everyone associated with the film deserve a thrashing for wasting so many ppl’s hard earned money. The film was so idiotic, that we laughed our heads off. Shudve heeded yr advice and stayed at home. :-/ Responds:
Well, we’re not as bad as you first thought.
Been reading your posts too. Did we tell you we’ve read over a hundred M&Bs. Here are some of the authors whose names we can remember quickly – Sara Seale, Anne Mather (her book Leopard in the Snow was made into a movie too), Carole Mortimer, Sara Weale (yes, there was a Sara Weale too in addition to the Sara Seale), Mary Wibberly, Jennifer Logan et al. What a waste of precious time. Ah, the follies of youth.
You read M&Bs and drink Chivas Regal? hmm.. interesting mix.
yo shades, I thought the australian version of SYTYCD introduced the bollywood dance before they did here..
But the US version was more fun/authentic to watch.
Reply to this ridiculous post: (Please italicize this or whatsoever moderator)
hello mallukuttan
Was not able to stop myself frm writing a reply for ur post… even though its late. wat do u think, indians r all crazy….. its too bad to think like that na…u knw india is not all abt NRIs who go abroad n juz forget watz their identity is…. if u take movies such people would say marlon brando wow,al pacino gr8,zeta jones beauty…. it goes like that for them kamal hassan is not at all an actor amithab bachchan is a waste aishwariya rai a shame to india…… and would always argue india the worst country seen compared to america. bollywood full of craps and hollywood overflowing with tremendous potential in all means… if u r a mallu then u may knw such people r called KACHIL KRISHNAPILLA.but there r other NRIs who go abroad workhard make a bit of money quickly so that they can come back and settle here in their fav mother land and for such, a bollywood movie or any of their reg lang movies r alwys a treat to eyes not bcoz they love the script or direction or perfomences juz bcoz they can see their own stars whom they love an indian touch in the movie thats all thats y OSO or SIK was a hit n not bcoz indians r crazy….. if u haven’t been to india for a long time then for sure u should… n knw wat is india it still have its major share of average people who enjoys comedies after their tiring work n no time there to search for logic in it….so its juz my view on ur post… may be ur view is right but juz said it…
Oh yeah, I am a mallu. See, Kamal, AB, and all may be a waste for them and who cares. Their style and our style is diff. and i realize that.
See movies like TZP is a hit, and doesn’t it deserve that. But for a bufoon show like Singh is king crores are spoilt. Wow. Why they spend that? Because they know there are many Kachil krishnapillai’s around. Bah.
And forget about great movies, why not atleast a watchable one? every movie has stolen tracks of the ultimate khandan fu**er pritam and jokers like akki, the movie is hit. Did anyone expect singh is king to be a disaster – no they know – what indian’s need is a good trailer featuring a leading star. What a shame.
If u are a mallu, u must not say this. Didn’t u enjoy manichitrathzhu. Didn’t you enjoy Kadha parayumbol. Are they art movies. Forget it, what about Taare zameen par. Was that not enjoyable.
And if comedy, we expect basic standards, atleast make us smile. The awful priyadarsan hindi remake Garam masala aka utter crap was even enjoyable than horror shows like Singh is kinng.
PLEASE ADD ROCK ON REVIEW! Watched it two times from theatre. Relieving that Farhan didn’t spoil it. And please don’t tear this, because, this is widely accepted as a good movie as a mainstream. Show some leniency guyz, you can’t expect every movie to be an art film Responds:
We’ll try to add Rock on.
Just added Minsara Kanavu. Anbe Sivam (think you asked for it) & Kadalan are next. Rock On will come after that.
Ghandhiji, yeah they did do the bollywood routine in the Australian version first. But you have to admit, it wasn’t exactly bollywood dancing. Apart from the fact that it was actually crap, they were doing all these random pirouettes and high kicks that you’d expect from contemporary. So I guess that’s why I don’t consider the Aus version of SYTYCD, bollywood. The U.S version was awesome. And you’re right, much more authentic to watch.
Holy Gaad! you read M&Bs too?! I never cud hav guessed it!
Good for you that u’ve grown out of em, but I’m still waiting for my turn.. by the time I come back from work, I feel real exhausted and I can manage jus M&Bs. serious stuff is reserved for the weekends. apart from M&Bs, what else do u read? Did u read The Bridges of Madison County? I cried like hell after I reading it. What about Austen? You have a nice sense of humor, I’m sure u’ll love Wodehouse, too. Responds:
We’re catholic readers now…read anything that we can lay our hands on. Started with fiction…then moved to non-fiction and then to magazines/newspapers and now back to fiction and magazines.
Regarding Wodehouse, did we tell you about our Aunts Agatha & Dahlia and a few of the non-Jeeves books as well.
Thankfully, the U.S. still has a good library system where you can borrow tons of books, DVDs (yes, our local public library has Bollywood DVDs, Stardust, Frontline & India Today too. No kidding) and CDs for free.
You write above: Did u read The Bridges of Madison County?
No, but we will soon & watch the movie too. And maybe, even review the movie. Watch this space.
N.B: Just added The Bridges of Madison County to our Netflix queue. We like Clint Go ahead, Make my Day, Punk Eastwood & Meryl Streep (of The Devil Wears Prada fame).
btw, ive read carole mortimer, liked her books; as for the others, im yet to get my hands on them
was pleasantly suprised to know tht a good old mnb was made into a movie(ive always thought mnbs make for good movie romances) do u write the book reviews as well, or is there sm1 else? another question – can u suggest any good books? yr fav authors? do u like ebooks? do u like harry potter? well, answer as many as u can Responds:
1. Favorite authors keep changing…now we’re in the Gabriel Garcia Marquez mood again. We loved Love in the time of Cholera, Chronicle of a Death Foretold & General in his Labyrinth.
Also love essays (Macaulay is foremost, of course), Jhumpa Lahiri (both her short stories & the novel Namesake), Charles Dickens (David Copperfield, Great Expectation, Oliver Twist), Alexandre Duma (Count of Monte Cristo), William Shirer (Rise & Fall of Third Reich), History (the Will & Ariel Durant series), Biographies (David McCullough, Carl Sandburg), Chesterfield’s Letters to his Son, Court of the Red Tsar (book on Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore), Shakespeare (Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello)….too many to name.
2. You write: do u like ebooks
Not really. We have the complete Shakespeare on our iPhone but don’t enjoy it as much as the second-hand copy of our hardbound volumes we purchased on a street corner in L.A. some centuries ago.
A Wodehouse buff, hmm, somehow that doesnt surprise me! Yeah, I dont like ebooks as well, they dont have the feel that books do; and yeah, reading old books purchased in second hand stalls is the best! Can you believe it, I once bought a Wodehouse first edition for about 40 bucks! And whats more, it had a signature inside it, dated 1912!! Its my most treasured possession. As for your choice of books, I’ve read Dickens, Dumas, and Shakespeare; the others are unfamiliar. Do read The Bridges of Madison County, but before watching the movie; movies hamper our imagination. I wud like your opinion. So what abt Ayn Rand? The Brontes? The Count of Monte Cristo is an all time favorite, forgotten the number of times I read it Responds:
Ayn Rand, yes. We the Living, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged. Remember Howard Roark & John Galt?
Also, Henry Miller.
Not only haven’t I read M&Bs.. I haven’t even read many of the greatest authors.. ashamed of myself.
All I have read is
3 or 4 of Wodehouse.. I did like them, but was too lazy to continue.
Three or four Alistair McClain’s
Cain and Abel.. or was it Kane and Abel?
A few Robin Cook books
“Bourne Identity” and “Day of the Jackal”
I did complete the whole Sherlock Holmes collection.
My father bought me the Shakespeare collection.. but the language was too overwhelming for me.. I was 12 or so at that time.. never tried to revisit.. never going to. I’m content with movies, tv and internet.
My 7 year old seems to be a voracious reader.. She is reading Junie B. Jones and Magic Tree House for now.. will try to encourage her to continue reading.. and stay away from M&Bs. Responds:
You write above: All I have read is 3 or 4 of Wodehouse….Three or four Alistair McClain’s
Our introduction to Alistair MacLean came via the movie Where Eagles Dare. We then read all his books. In Aradhana, during the famous song scene Mere Sapon ki rani , Sharmila Tagore is reading an Alistair MacLean book When Eight Bells Toll in the train as Rajesh Khanna is singing in the jeep that runs parallel to the train. Aradhana was a legend like Bobby and DDLJ.
oh.. spelled MacLean.. too much of McCain on the news must have confused me. Responds:
Here’s a link to Sharmila Tagore (mother of Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan & Soha) reading Alistair MacLean in the Mere sapno ki rani kab aayegi tu song from Aradhana.
Rajesh Khanna was a better actor than Amitabh Bachchan.
Thanks for the link.. I have listened to song several times.. but haven’t watched the movie or the song.
Hey, can you suggest any good music site, where I can download old melodies of Asha, Lata, and Kishore? Btw, have u seen Phoonk yet? Responds:
Not familiar with download sites but there are some streaming sites like Raaga and MusicIndia.
You write: have u seen Phoonk yet?
Not yet..we are waiting for the masochistic mood to strike us. Ram Gopal Varma took pity on the NRIs and spared us the agony.
hey asha, try p. susheela
I can understand why you like ashalatha.. were you named after them? (and was tampa named after you?) but susheela is also terrific.
I think has some popular old songs.. but not sure if you ar looking for some obscure songs.
Oh, ok, thanks. I admit I was named after them (my parents are fans) but I like them for their songs. I have heard of P Susheela, and yes, she is awesome. Thanks for the link!
Dear Searchindia and all other bloggies
Refering to the latest “offering” from the YRF camp, namely BAH (actually should be “BLAH”), it is really hard to believe that this stalwart studio had brought us gems such as Veer Zara, Fanaa, Hum tum, KANK, etc.
Notwithstanding, no other Bollywood studio has brought a well meaning, well deserved, original movie this year, leaving us die-hard movie fans with a bitter taste in our mouths, and sincerely wondering how can Bollywood be regarded as a reputable film industry when this year no hindi movie received commercial and critical acclaim.
Jodha Akbar, despite the hoopla, was a poor offering from an acclaimed Oscar nominted director, it was more the hype rather than content that caused people to go and see the movie.
When movies such as Singh is King, Welcome, Partner, Apne, Namaste London, etc. are hailed as box office success, then one must really question the standards by which Bollywood movies are judged. These movies are utter rubbish with absolutely no thought to content. These movies are only “successful” at the bo because some girl makes great eye candy and the hero is some over the top, melodramatic buffoon in costume.
Even The Last Lear was more like the last bore, because AB, Preity, Arjun, etc are not cut out to do English cinema. Once again, despite the hype and critical acclaim (from arty moviegoers)the movie failed to inspire.
Have the days of good Indian cinema gone completely?
Forthcoming movies, guaranteed, are just rip offs from Hollywood movies namely, Robot definite ripoff from Beowulf (going by the storyline); My name is Khan ripped from the pages of I am Sam, Blue a carbon copy of Into the Blue.
Are Indian filmakers stuck in some box or timewarp that they cannot come up with an original idea.
Do we blame the general population out there when they think that Indians are “mindless” sheep, blindly following each other? Their movies certainly add weight to this assumption if movies such as “Dhoom2, Singh is King, Hey Baby, Welcome, etc.” are considered box office hits. What does this say about the mentality of the Indian moviegoer?
I do agree that Hollywood has had its fair share of stinkers (past & present), but they have also produced a fair amount of well deserved hits, which has only served as more rip-off material for indian filmakers. Their sad attempt at sci-fi & futuristic fantasy is abyssmal…everything imbalanced and over the top (Love Story 2050; Drona, etc (seen the stills..hardly inspiring).
Yet it is these actors that are hailed as “stars”…Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Aishwariya Rai, Bipasa Basu, Ranbir Kapoor,etc. Is India so short on talent that these “actors” (i use the term loosely) are offered as the best that Bollywood has to offer. No wonder most of these stars can never make it big in hollywood becuase it would take a lot more than a last name, great body and pair of green eyes to make it to the A-list.
I am no snob, but believe me these “stars” will not even make it pass the first audition never mind a screen test.
The only reason why Ash is so sought after is becuase she has notoriety…had she not been beautiful she would never have survived on her “talent” alone.
A film critic recently noted that India has no place for a Michelle Pfeifer or Meryl Streep, namely talent is wasted. How true when actors such as Rani, Tabu, konkana, etc are regarded as fading stars becuase they are truly talented but cannot find decent material to showcase these talents. They are no longer brand ambassedors for products because their movies do not perform well at the box office.
Would Tabu fare well if she had donned the Katrina or Kareena style of acting. Or if Rani had done a Bipasha style role in Race of BAH..i doubt it.These actresses are talented artists who thankfully had not succumbed to accepting these mediocre roles. The Katrinas, Kareenas and Ash’s will always be in demand, for Bollywood is stuck in a rut of running around trees, shedding their clothes and glycerine tears, and gyrating their hips.
Is it any wonder that even their award shows are limited to “Bollywood blockbusters”, that IAFFA (supposedly the indian version of the Oscars) only consider “bo blockbusters” being worthy of awards, that Kareena Kapoor could walk away with a Best Actress award for Jab we Met, Ash & Hrithik walks away for the Most Glamorous Couple, Priyanka Chopra wins an award for her contribution to cinema (what contribution is really beyond me), yet the true gems of Indian cinema is overlooked and thus remains hidden. What hope is there that these stars will ever come close to the talent of people such as Madhubala, Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, Waheeda Rehman, etc.
Watching these old movies are so pleasurable and mesmerising that u are left wondering where did Bollywood go wrong…. Responds:
1. You write above: how can Bollywood be regarded as a reputable film industry when this year no Hindi movie received commercial and critical acclaim
Actually, it’s not that surprising because critical acclaim has very rarely accompanied Bollywood movies over several decades.
In its essence, Bollywood is two things – the triumph of quantity over quality and large-scale theft.
2. You write: Jodha Akbar, despite the hoopla, was a poor offering from an acclaimed Oscar nominted director, it was more the hype rather than content that caused people to go and see the movie.
Hype and its lesser cousin mindless hero-worship have been the twin banes of Indian cinema.
Again, this is not new but (as you suggest) the Hype Quotient lately has assumed alarming proportions because of the 1. Film web sites 2. Growth of TV channels 3. Populace needs constant titillation in this age.
Hype is not restricted to just Bollywood (Hindi) movies in India. On the eve of Tamil movie Sivaji’s release in June 2007, the Hype Meter went completely beserk.
Another weird thing with Bollywood & even Tamil movies is the obsession to film in foreign locales (Switzerland, London, U.S., Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Tokyo and now Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Namibia, South Africa and even Uzbekistan). We look at this phoren-obsession as a trick to mask the absence of a gripping story and bamboozle the vast numbers of Indian movie-goers for whom phoren is only a distant dream. This trend of filming in foreign locations started in the 1960s and has intensified lately.
3. You write: When movies such as Singh is King, Welcome, Partner, Apne, Namaste London, etc. is hailed as box office sucess, then one must really question the standards by which bollywood movies are judged. These movies are utter rubbish with absolutely no thought to content. These movies are only “successful” at the bo because some girl makes great eye candy and the hero is some over the top, melodramatic buffoon in costume.
Every single movie you list in the above sentence is in our view plain garbage and in some cases like Partner constitute plain theft of Hollywood movies.
But, and this is a very big but, the movies seem like they had a good run at the box office.
So, the questions are:
a). Whether a small section of the audience (in which category we include ourselves and presumably some readers of this blog as well) matter at all.
b). If numbers are the ultimate yardstick, who’s to say that the majority (who contribute to box office hits like Welcome, Partner, Namaste London) does not know more than a small whining minority.
4. You write: Are indian filmakers stuck in some box or timewarp that they cannot come up with an original idea.
Indian movie-makers are for the most risk averse and prefer to stick to the tried-tested-and-worked formula. We think this is becase of two reasons: 1. Lack of enough capital 2. Culture of the land. For instance, there are no great venture capital companies in India (like the U.S. VC firms Kleiner Perkins, Sequoia, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Battery Ventures, Benchmark etc) despite a gazillion software companies in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune & Noida. Indian software companies are like our Bollywood movies….they do the same repetitive work with the only difference being size. Where are the innovative (read product) Indian software companies.
In A Short History of the Movies, Gerald Mast and Brude Kawin write about Bollywood that, “The pressure on the studios to provide film after entertaining film for a huge, uneducated audience has led to a consistent mediocrity, a devotion to formula and convention, and a fear of experimentation.”
5. You write: where did Bollywood go wrong
In the view of Bollywood producers, your question would be considered an elitist thought and a laughable notion because the crappy movies they make do bring in big money.
6. You write: What hope is their that these stars will ever come close to the talent of people such as Madhubala, Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, Waheeda Rehman, etc
You left out Sanjeev Kumar & even Rajesh Khanna in a few movies…they were decent actors.
Hope is not completely lost by the greater-than-anticipated-success of films such as Johnny Gaddar, Manorama Six Feet Under (a lift of Chinatown) and Cheeni Kum.
Watched BAH for DP. Ridiculous story and characters. Minissha challenges Neha Dubya for the ugliest heroine in bollywood. I used to like Bipasha, till I heard that she got a boobjob (and didn’t pay for it). Both Bipasha and Minissha look like Ranbir’s aunts. Ranbir acted funny(in a bad way).. probably the director’s fault. Responds:
There’s been some claims in the media that Bachna Ae Haseeno is a hit.
We don’t buy it….Probably someone in their haste forgot to add the letter S before the word hit.
BTW, just wanted to tell you, I’ve updated my blog… maybe you could take a look? Could use some comments, and, I felt the 1920 review I wrote was a poor one; I was half asleep when I wrote it. So how are things otherwise? All the best then, cya! Responds:
Actually, we’ve been dropping by on your The Laughter Therapist blog on & off. We have it bookmarked.
As we said earlier, you write reasonably well.
With movie reviews, the thing is not to give too much of the story away (as you did in 1920). Of course, we don’t follow our advice sometimes.
Ohmigod, thank you so much!
That was sweet! And yeah, I have this gut feeling when I write something, and I usually know when I’ve written a piece of shit, heh
thanks for the advice, will keep it in mind when I write another review. Read your Drona and Kidnap reviews, they had me in tears, couldn’t stop laughing da! Responds:
Writing is a painfully difficult exercise.
And we have miles to go …
This is the only review by you, where I’m tempted to disagree. I’ve seen the movie, and although I agree it has a bad story, I think Bipasha and Minissha were good in their respective roles, Deepika, of course had nothing to do in the movie, {dunno why she took it? maybe cos it had beau Ranbir?} anyway, I also think Ranbir was not suited to play the role of a casanova, with his “I’m a mama’s boy” kinda looks, for me he’s the material cut out for saas bahu saga’s, ready to obey, to agree, you know, the mellow types, besides, I think it’s important for movies to give the right message without preaching it, what the protagonist ended up with in BAH is so not fair, I mean, the damage he did to the two girls was permanent, at least in Bipasha’s case, she didn’t even get a consolation prize {like Minishha got Kunal, lol} what I mean to say is that Raj doesn’t pay for his sins, all he gets is a black eye {the punch from Kunal} he comes back home after saying unrealistic sorries and finds hoards of letters from Gayatri, that was all too stupid!
One more thing, Deepika was not bad in OSO yar, I mean come on, I didn’t quite digest the story, but that doesn’t mean the actors weren’t good
And Sawariya, Sanjay Leela Bhansali should be taken to the Agra Mental Hospital for making that movie, kahan se start hui kahan khatam, samjh hee nai aaya! Responds:
You write above: I think Bipasha and Minissha were good in their respective roles
Both of them are alien to the notion of acting.
Even on the Box office front, BAH did not do well…came in worse than that crappy piece of shit Bhoothnath.
yes i dont agree with you as this movie is not as bad as you reviewed. its all the way entertaining also had good message ‘what goes around comes around’
hollywood has so much sex but bollywood is balanced and can be enjoy with whole family. Responds:
1. You write above: i dont agree with you as this movie is not as bad as you reviewed
You are so right. It was much worse.
2. You write: also had good message ‘what goes around comes around’
Sadly, real life doesn’t work that way.
3. You write: hollywood has so much sex but bollywood is balanced and can be enjoy with whole family
You must be the only South Asian to have missed Minissha Lambha’s boobalacious show in Kidnap.
I had to register JUST to comment about this review. First, I don’t agree with the review at all. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie! I hate paying to go see movies, and I always wait till they come out on DVD, but this is one movie that I am glad to have payed $10 to go see.
Second, maybe it’s because I’m white and live in america, (actually, I suppose, to most people, that would make it seem even MORE unlikely that I would enjoy this movie) but in any case I had lots of fun seeing this movie and I would suggest it to all my friends… except most of my friends don’t like foreign movies. haha! My brother and his wife both learned Punjabi and have lots of Indian friends, and we all enjoyed seeing this movie.
Third, I am very disappointed with peoples conduct here. I have met a lot of Indian people, and made many new Indian friends over the past few years, and none of them act as horribly as the people on this site. Shame on many of you! You make me boht disappointed! Maybe the OP didn’t like how Raj said, “dumb Hindi movie!” But just the sort of language the OP used makes me cringe and feel that they have a serious lack of self-control and probably other personality problems, automatically making me ignore their review.
Stop stating your opinion as fact. e.g. “This is a bad movie,” when you should have said, “I don’t like this movie!”
p.s. I felt “Waris Shah” was boht chunga! Responds:
1. You’ve not provided even one reason as to why you liked the movie or what you found interesting in Bachna Ae Haseeno.
Crap like Bachna Ae Haseeno is fairly common in Bollywood, which is perhaps one reason why this movie didn’t do that well at the box office.
2. You write: I am very disappointed with peoples conduct here
Consider yourself lucky…the people you encounter on this site are the more civilized Indians. Wonder, what you’d say if you met the Indian clowns who are busy attacking other young Indians for daring to have a good time on Valentine’s Day or beating girls for daring to drink at a pub.
Indians constitute the most unique species on the planet. God broke the mould after creating Indians.
1. I’ve never had to explain myself to someone when I told them I enjoyed a movie; they simply agreed with me or they didn’t. I’m totally baffled in regards to what sort of answer you’re looking for. Whatever reasons you found for disliking the movie, I obviously did not see them because I enjoyed it. o_o?
2. Again, you seem to have this problem with stating your opinion as fact. I have never seen the Indian people in my area act like that at all; they are all very kind and humble, Pakistani people as well. But your statements appear to make it sound as if most Indian people are not very nice because you label these users as the “more civilized,” which they might not want you to do, anyway.
Oh, well I hope you’re more happy, soon.
You sound like you’re having a terrible time, lately. Responds:
1. You write above: I have never seen the Indian people in my area act like that at all
Well, they can’t be our kinda Indians then. We mean the Incredible ‘Asian’ Indians.
Your Indian friends must be the American Indians, the no-tax on cigarettes on our reservations, we love our casinos, we love our alcohol Indians.
2. You write: your statements appear to make it sound as if most Indian people are not very nice because you label these users as the “more civilized,”
Of course, we Indians are not nice. No, sir. Not at all. Did you nod off during your high school history lessons?
Stealing kidneys, throwing acids on those who reject our overtures, killing a few thousand Muslims, attacking girls for daring to drink in a pub….these are just some of our less evil pastimes. No kidding.
We invented the term barbaric. Attila the Hun and Ivan the Terrible merely borrowed the term from us.